34. Can You?

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I looked at the clock. It registers at 7 p.m. It feels incomplete. Jin should be here by now and sometimes, earlier. Why does it feel as if today is something new? It feels weird. I can feel that there's something lacking. Or perhaps, missing.

"No more dinner delivery." Sam teased as he places my dinner on the table. It's not that I don't like the food, Sam always prepares delicious foods for me, it's just that, I lost my appetite.

"Sam, is it possible to like somebody in a matter of days?" I asked while playing with my food.

Sam sits in front of me with his usual dinner, banana, and milk. "I know you like him."

I look at Sam curiously. Sam knows me well. He knows me more than my own father. Sam is not just my best friend, he's not just a hyung, he's more of a father.

"Jin is a genuine person. Honest, caring, and polite. The way he smiles, you cannot see any glimpse of sadness in his eyes. I really do think he is the strongest person I've ever met in my life. He can still manage to smile even if deep inside, he's dying." Sam said making me more confused. I'm just asking if it's normal to like someone in a matter of days and Sam's answer is too far from my question.

"Taehyung, I am saying the things I think that makes you like Jin. You like him. That's the point of your question, right?" Sam smiled at me. I don't know why it's hard for me to admit that one. "You said you fell in love with the writer. The writer whom you haven't even met yet. So it's not impossible to like someone, someone you've already met and talked to, in a span of weeks. I guess that is more reasonable than liking someone without a face. But the writer has a face now. It's just that, he's not the one you're hoping to be the writer."

I let out a short laugh. Sam is right. He and Yoongi are both right. They have the same thoughts. It's just, Yoongi was not direct in telling me that I am talking about Jin. Sam, on the other hand, is very straight forward in mentioning the name.

"To tell you the truth, since the secret is out now, Jin already mentioned that the sender is his boss. I just don't want to ruin all of Jin's hard work. And besides, he entrusted the secret to me. I think I took good care of it." Sam admitted and it made me chuckle.

"I can't believe that I am the only one who was left in the shadows. You and Yoongi already know and I'm the only one clueless about it." I shrugged. I can't do anything about it now.


I and Sam stare at each other. The doorbell rang. I'm not expecting anyone tonight. "Could it be?"

I stand up immediately, almost toppling the chair down the floor. I rush towards the main door, then to the front gate without even confirming from the camera on who is currently at the front gate.

A wide smile is painted on my face. My heart began to thump faster under my chest. And when I open the gate, the smile is still there, but the sincerity of the smile fades. In a matter of seconds.

"Hello! Am I late for your dinner?" Jimin showed me the bag while smiling broadly. His smile turned into a pout. Perhaps, he noticed the change of expression in my face. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

His question puts me back to my senses. I think I froze when I saw him standing at the front gate. My mind stops working. I am feeling guilty. Jimin worked extremely hard for everything. And what he did returns the happiness back in my life. I should be glad. I should be happy.

"No, no. I'm actually very much surprised." I scratch the back of my head while smiling sheepishly at him. "I'm not expecting anything tonight that's why I'm shocked that you still have a surprise for me."

Jimin blushed by my appreciation. He looked down and stroked his hair with his fingers. I can sense that he wants to flirt with me. "I guess you're starting to get to know me more. I love surprising the people who are dear to me."

I open the door wider and step on the side. "Come in. The weather is cold. We might catch the flu."

We walk inside the house, straight to the dining area. Jimin opens the food container. He spoons the food and puts some on my plate. "Try it. It's super delicious."

Jimin sits beside me and watches me eat the food he brought. He watches and waits for my reaction. There's no need to fake my response. The food is, as always, delicious.

"I love it! I admire you for being a great cook. I can't wait for you to cook for me here." I blurted out. "I think it's sweet if you can cook some stew for me?"

Jimin did not react at first then slowly, a smile forms in his face. "W-what do you mean?"

I try to search in his eyes the reason for the weird reaction on his face. I don't know if I did not make myself clear. "I'm craving for soft tofu stew. That's my favorite."

Jimin chuckles. A forced one if you will ask me. He actually looks more bothered that relaxed. "Uh, really? I love that too. Don't worry, tomorrow, I will make sure to bring a soft tofu stew."

I made up a frown. Trying to act cute so he will cook for me tonight. The sudden craving will not put me to sleep. "Tomorrow? But I want it now.

"N-now?" Jimin's eyes fleets. He opens his mouth several times before finally able to speak. "Tae, I'm sorry but to be honest, I can't cook in a kitchen that is not mine. I need to familiarize myself first before I can cook well. You know." Jimin grinned at me. He looked shy and nervous.

I nodded and smiled so he will calm down. "It's okay. I understand."

"Don't worry, tomorrow, you will taste for the first time, my expertise, soft tofu stew." He said excitedly. Perhaps, to pacify me.

I shake my head. "You already sent one for me last week."

He stares at me before bursting into a laugh. "Oh! Yes! Of course! Oh gosh, I'm so forgetful. I'm sorry, I've been cooking a lot of foods that's why I forgot that I already cooked a stew for you."

It's not impossible if he forgot the foods he cooked for me. Owning a restaurant, managing it and perhaps, cooking a dozen different meals a day can make him forget all the foods he prepared in a day.

"I hope you can also show me your cooking skills one day. But for now, why don't you join me for dinner?" I changed the topic as Jimin is starting to look uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry if I am demanding at times. Don't worry, it's okay." I reassured him. And my assurance made him smile.

"Sorry. I promise to you, one day, I will cook soft tofu stew, right there in your kitchen. Okay?" Jimin smiled while rubbing my knuckles with his thumb.

I nod. The truth, I'm excited to taste more of his cooking. And I want to witness in person how he makes that delicious food. He's really amazing. And I am excited to try more of his excellent and delicious recipes.



Errors I will fix later. Taejin coming very very very very soon. If not in the next chapter, then on the next next one. Borahae!

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