25. Scarf

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I made sure to take my day-off yesterday. Turning my phone off so no one can contact me. I stayed at home the whole day making Jungkook extra happy. I watched him do his projects and even though I cannot understand what he's doing, he's really good at web development. And I am beyond proud.

The weather is getting really cold lately. I can feel the winter breeze. Going to work, I made sure to wear a thick jacket, gloves and the scarf Jimin gave me for my birthday.

I know he's still annoyed at me. Perhaps, wearing the scarf he gave me can at least lessen his annoyance towards me. But like what I am expecting, he ignored it. He didn't even look at me when he greeted good morning. I don't mind. If he will stay that way, then maybe my days will not be as stressful as last week.

"What's that?" Hoseok asked, seeing me putting hand cream on my hands. "And since when did you learn how to use hand creams?" Hoseok teased me getting the tube from my hand and looking at it.

"Mr. Kim gave it to me," I whispered.

Hoseok giggled, nudging me with his shoulder. "He likes you?"

"Of course not!" I almost yell my answer. "He gave it to me because my hands are rough. Insulting but I'm happy because I can't but that."

Hoseok laughed. Handing the tube back to be. "Of course. I can't buy that either. That's around $50.00."

I almost dropped the tube when I heard the price. "Seriously?! Why on earth will I buy a small tube of cream with that money? That's already our meal for 5 days!"

"Don't worry about the price, he gave it anyway. Next time, tell him to give one to me too." Hoseok said while laughing in tiny. "Wait! I heard from the chefs that Jimin scolded you last Saturday. Why on earth were you here last Saturday? That's your day off you stupid!"

I pout. Of course, the chefs will tell him what happened. "Jimin asked for a favor. I just can't say no. I just cooked and delivered. That's all. I just forgot to give him the letter from Mr. Kim. It's my fault."

Hoseok hissed, slapping my arm while glaring at me. "You should not take the blame when it's not your fault. That bitch is really something else! I hope he'll get his karma soon."

"Can you stop saying that? You should not wish bad things for others. Even if he's your enemy."

"That's why he's abusing you! That's not kindness anymore Jinnie, that's stupidity." Hoseok exclaimed with both of his hands on his hips.

The whole day was calm and quiet. The restaurant was full and it kept me busy until it's time for me to cook again for Mr. Kim. Jimin was quiet the whole day. Perhaps, he's already satisfied that he gave his mobile number to Mr. Kim. Maybe, they already set their meeting. I hope as soon as possible.

"Jimin, I will go now. I cooked Pork Chops and Broccoli with Mushrooms. I already prepared the letter. Do you want to check?" I asked before leaving. I know we have some misunderstandings but I don't want, no matter who the person is, to hold grudges to anyone. At least, he knows that for me, we are okay.

"It's okay. No need." He said without looking at me. "Jin, I'm sorry about last Saturday. I'm just so stressed out lately. There's a lot going inside my head. Can I borrow some of your time tonight? Let's have some drinks?"

When I finally met Jimin's eyes, it's unusually sad and lifeless. I'd rather see him angry. "Okay. Just message me the place and time and I will come."

Jimin smiled weakly, his eyes already glistening with tears. "Thank you."

I hold his hand and squeeze it. "Everything will be fine. I'll go now."

Jimin nods before sending me off. From the bus, and while I walk towards Mr. Kim's home, I am wondering what's going on with Jimin. I want to know what's bothering him that he's acting weird lately. He's really different from the Jimin whom I knew - sweet, kind, and caring. Last week, everything about him was strange. He was always to the extreme. Extremely kind then extremely angry. Whatever his problems are, I hope he'll get over it. I just miss the old Jimin.

I removed the scarf from my neck and put it inside my backpack. Pulling out the hand cream, rubbing it on my hands, and wearing back my gloves. Before I am always worried about pressing the doorbell but today, since last Saturday, I am excited.

"Good afternoon Jin." Sam greeted while rubbing his palms together. "Please get in. It's cold here."

I shake my head frantically. Stretching my arms as if pleading for Sam to take the bag of food. "I'll just deliver this then I will go."

Instead of taking the bag, Sam pulls me inside, closing the gate behind us. "Taehyung said you accompany us for dinner. I told you, Taehyung is a nice guy."

I cannot refuse anymore as I was forced to get inside the house.

"Hello!" Mr. Kim greeted with his boxy smile. He opened the curtain of the living area, looking outside, his eyes particularly looking at the sky. "Can you feel the winter? It's already cold outside. I hope it will snow soon."

I stand beside him and look up the sky. The sky is a bit dark. The sun did not peek the whole day. "I hope so. I love the snow."

He looks at me with an astounded look. "I love snow too. I actually love winter."

I smiled shyly. At least, even just on the weather, we have a similarity. Our dinner turned out fine. Not much talking aside from the information that Jimin and Mr. Kim will finally meet on Wednesday. He still knew Jimin as Chim. Perhaps, Jimin is not yet telling him his real name.

Mr. Kim said he invited me for dinner to thank me for my efforts in delivering the food and the letter. "Call me a shallow person but I truly love handwritten letters. They are more meaningful than emails and text messages."

I could not agree more. Handwritten letters are very personal and I believe it has more emotions into it. I just can't say it to Mr. Kim because I don't want to cross the line. My opinion doesn't matter anyway. I need to remind myself that I am a delivery boy.

"I'll go home now Mr. Kim. Thank you for the dinner. Sam can cook very well." I bowed. The food was very satisfying. I wish I can take some for Jungkook but that would be very embarrassing.

"Welcome. I appreciate all your hard work. I'll finally meet Chim this week." He mentioned again. I noticed that his eyes looking at me as if finding something. "You did not bring a scarf? It's cold. You might catch a cold."

I remember the scarf in my bag. But before I can pull it out, Mr. Kim turned away and ran upstairs. After a minute or two, he has a familiar scarf in his hand. My jaw almost dropped, it's similar to what Jimin gave me.

"Here, take it." He pulled my hand and gave the scarf.

"I... actually have a scarf here in my bag. My boss gave it to me on my birthday." I pulled it out. Excitedly showing it to him. But I regret it the moment I saw the difference in them. The color, the texture. They are different.

I looked at Mr. Kim. I'm not sure if he thinks I am pathetic or something. "Tell your boss to give you an authentic one next time." He chuckled. "Kidding! But seriously, take it."

My heart almost dropped when he walks closer, drapes the scarf over my neck, forming a knot, tightening it around my neck. I watched him intently while my hand gripped on the scarf Jimin gave me.

"It looks good on you." He smiled so fondly while making final fixes on the scarf. Or shall I say, I am hoping that a smile is a fond smile? "The color fits your clear skin. It will warm your neck."

I don't know if I should smile or blush or run. But it's just lately that I get to experience the sweet side of Mr. Kim. I realized how lucky Jimin is to have someone like Mr. Kim.

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