68. Love Wall

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They were on their way to the airport for their honeymoon but Taehyung decided to give him his wedding gift for Jin. Jin already complained about leaving earlier than planned. In the middle of their travel, Sam started to put on the blindfold surprising Jin.

"I swear Taehyung if this is a joke, I will cancel our trip," Jin whined making Sam and Jungkook laughed. Aera then tried to remove Jin's blindfold but Sam quickly removed her hand.

"Why are appa's eyes covered? What's wrong?" Aera curiously asked as she leaned her head against Jin's chest.

"Daddy has a gift for appa and daddy wants to surprise him," Taehyung answered who was on the passenger seat.

Aera pouted and looked as if she's going to cry. "But appa can't see. I want him to see."

Jin embraced Aera who was on his lap and kissed her forehead. "It's okay baby. Appa is okay. Daddy loves surprising appa that's why."

"Are you sure you're okay, appa?"

"Yes, my princess. Appa is okay."

Jungkook smiled hearing Jin said those words. He now has his car and offered to drive Jin and Taehyung to the airport. "You're not yet changed, hyung. That's how you talk to me when I'm still younger. I am lucky you took care of me."

Jin smiled. "I can't believe you've grown to be a good man. Your little hands holding mine now look at you, holding a steering wheel driving your car," indeed, Jungkook used to be his baby. Jungkook was the reason why he sacrificed a lot but he never once regret it. He felt that sense of fulfillment when Jungkook finally graduated and soon found a job. And the best reward he got was Jungkook turned out to be the fine, kind-hearted man that he wanted him to be. And now, he's being a great uncle to his little princess.

"We're here!" Taehyung quickly went out of the car and opened the car door for Jin. Sam carried Aera up as Jin was still on a blindfold.

Taehyung held Jin's hand, guiding him towards a door. Jin could already hear Aera running around and asking Sam about somethings. Once they were in the middle of the room, Taehyung removed the blindfold.

Jin tried to adjust his eyes. Everything around him was blurred for a while. As things got clearer, he started to walk around the room. There were tables and chairs, soft lighting, the big glass facing the street, a bright and airy space. Jin faced Taehyung with a confused look though he already had a hint. "W-what's this?"

Taehyung held Jin's hands and smiled. "I remembered when you brought me to your favorite restaurant and told me you wanted to have something like that. I know your passion for making delicious meals and how much you wanted to own a simple restaurant where everyone can enter and won't get intimidated so they can enjoy the delicious foods I enjoyed eating. Here it is babe, your very own."

Jin stared at his husband in awe. He sure didn't expect that Taehyung whipped something big for him. He was overwhelmed. With how big the gift was and the emotions he was feeling inside. He gave Taehyung a tight hug. "Thank you so much. I honestly don't know what to feel or say. You did surprise me. I mean, I did not expect you will give something like this to me. Oh gosh! I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. Gosh!"

Taehyung chuckled seeing Jin seemed to be in a daze. He returned the tight hug and kissed his husband on the forehead. "Go, take a look around."

Taehyung released Jin and Jin's eyes wandered around. The wall was the one that caught his attention. And as he walked more, tears began to form in his eyes.

He stared at the frames hanging around the room. He thought the restaurant was already a big surprise, as he observed the frames hanging, it surprised him even more. He covered his mouth as he tried to suppress his cries. "Oh my gosh! Tae..."

Taehyung felt that happiness just looking at his husband. He knew Jin would like it and he was right. Jin was now staring at the letters he wrote for him for the last five years.

"I can't believe you kept all of that," Jin said, his voice breaking because he cannot contain his happiness.

Taehyung nodded and wrapped Jin in his arms. "I did keep all of it. I organized everything by date. That frame there were the first letters you gave me when you're still delivering the food. It started from there so I separate it.

The rest were arranged per year, every two months so there were around 30 frames around the room."

Jin was astonished just thinking of how Taehyung had managed to keep all the letters but more of how he organized everything. The frames had months and years. Indeed, all the letters he wrote for Taehyung were neatly arranged and beautifully framed.

What made him cry some more were even the smallest notes he wrote for him, those that were written on tissue paper, or a paper he tore, on a box or candy wrapper, even the paper bag he used for Taehyung's snacks where he wrote a simple "eat well babe. I love you" was all framed.

"Y-you kept all of that?" Jin said as he touched the frame that encased the letters.

"It came from you that I am old-fashioned. I love handwritten letters. I am a sucker for romantic things. The smallest things, if given with love and thoughts, are the most romantic for me.

You wrote all of that thinking about me. Even with a smiley face, I know you want to see me smile often. Those simple thoughts mean a lot to me. Even a simple heart drawing tells a big word. That's how I cherish all the letters you gave me. They are a treasure. It makes me smile. It makes me happy. It makes me feel important and special just knowing that you spent your precious time writing it while thinking about me.

I love you Jin. I love you dearly. It's the things you think are so little that makes a big impact on me. There is nothing so little or so small when you do it with love. And I feel so loved whenever I'm with you, whenever you cook for me, whenever you text or call me, or whenever you write letters for me. Thank you, Jin. Thank you so much for loving me. This restaurant is not enough to show my gratitude but I will surely show you how much I love you every day."

Jin nuzzled his face on the crook of Taehyung's neck as he cried, feeling Taehyung's arms tightly wrapped around him. He felt safe and loved. He was crying overwhelmed with so much joy. Sure, he sacrificed and suffered a lot before but now, it seemed as if Taehyung wanted him to feel that he was deserving of all the happiness and love in the world. And that made him cry in happiness.

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