16. Birthday

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Being in a car with someone you just met is a bit uncomfortable. But I can tell that Mr. Min is a nice guy. I don't want to give meaning to his kindness. I know he only wants to be friends with me. Like what he mentioned, he likes my service. He likes my food recommendations and by hearing that, he likes me because of my work. Nothing else. Who will like someone like me? My hands are dry and rough, my clothes are old and faded and my shoes, my shoes. I can't stomach what happened to my shoes.

I cannot deny that Mr. Min wanting to buy shoes for me somehow offended me. I don't know if he's being sarcastic or anything. I guess I am only feeling sensitive because that scumbag Taehyung insulted me. How dare he call me a thief. If I am a thief, money will never be my problem.

"What were you doing in that area?" Mr. Min finally broke my thoughts about Mr. Kim Scumbag Taehyung.

"I need to bring something to my boss's friend." I think I did not lie. I was there because Taehyung is Jimin's friend. "Do you live there?"

He smiled and shook his head. "My boss lives there. That street is only for wealthy people. I cannot afford to buy land from there. Overpriced."

I laughed at the way he described the place. Indeed, that street is full of beautiful houses. I actually love walking in that street. If not only because of Taehyung, I think I will enjoy going back there again and again.

My phone rings. Jungkook. I look at Mr. Min first to excuse myself before answering my brother's call. "Hey."

Jungkook asked where I am. I know I promised to be home for dinner. Like what he wanted, I did not bring food from the restaurant's kitchen. I am actually excited about what food Jungkook cooked for my birthday. I kept on asking but he did not answer any of my questions.

"Is that your brother?" Mr. Min asked right after I dropped the call.

I just nod. I am very careful about speaking. I don't want to spill something unnecessary. If that will happen, I might lose my job.

I can already see Jungkook as soon as we made a right turn. I am a bit apprehensive about Mr. Min driving me home. I don't want him to be in our environment. Dirty, noisy and a bit dark.

"Oh my gosh," I mumbled when I finally see Jungkook holding a balloon with a handwritten happy birthday message and a flower.

"Is it your birthday today?" Mr. Min looks surprised. He gives me a gummy smile which I find cute. He looks at Jungkook and the gimmick my brother pulls. It is embarrassing but I am touched.

"Yes." I smile shyly.

"Happy birthday!" Mr. Min greeted. "If I only knew, I should have bought something."

I wave my hands at him. "It's okay. Really. Mr. Min, I have to go. Thank you for driving me home."

I open the door and hop out. Jungkook looks shocked when I went out of the car. I can't blame him because what happened is totally unexpected. I wait until Mr. Min drives away.

The first thing Jungkook noticed is my shoes and he looks alarmed. "What happened?" He asked looking at me inch by inch. As if looking for an injury.

"I'm fine and stop that!" I slap his arm when he starts to overreact.

"Who's that guy?" He asked while giving me the balloon and the flower.

"That's Mr. Min. He's a regular at Chim's."

Jungkook squats, his back on me. I hop on to his back, wraps my arms around his neck and he hooks his arms on the back of my knees, giving me a back ride.

"Is he courting you?" He asked as he climbs the stairs with me on his back.

I rest my chin on his shoulder. "No. He's a friend. He saw me on the road when the sole separated from my shoes. Just in time. At least I did not walk without shoes on." I laughed but Jungkook shush me.

"That's not funny. You gave me all your money and now you don't have a pair of shoes. I sometimes hate you being so stubborn." Jungkook scolded me. I am the older one but there are times when Jungkook can't help to scold me.

"You need the money more and please stop worrying about me. I have a shoe glue at home. I can always glue them together again." I tightened my arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

He puts me down as soon as we reached the front door of our apartment. As soon as we entered, I can already smell the foods that he cooked for me.

Seaweed soup, tangsuyuk, and rice. I can't believe my once cry baby brother can now cook. I looked at him so fondly and gave him a tight hug. When I felt his arms around me, I gave in. I cried. I have so many emotions buried deep within me. Emotions that I don't want to show to anyone. I am weak, pretending to be strong. Not because I want to but because I have to.

"Hey! Why are you crying? You don't like the meal I prepared? I worked hard for it." Jungkook whines.

I hugged him even tighter. I guess Jungkook will always be the best gift I will receive every year on my birthday. He is my home, my happiness, my strength, and my everything. I am doing everything for him and seeing him continuing his studies and him being so loving and caring makes all my hardships worth it.

I wiped my tears and smiled at him. I know if I will continue to cry, it will worry him. And I don't want him to worry. "I'm just happy. My once baby can now cook well. Let's eat! I'm hungry."

We sit down on the mattress he unfolded. I gave him a bowl of rice and we started to eat. Indeed, Jungkook can cook well. Just like me.

"This tastes amazing!"

Jungkook smiled shyly. He likes compliments. "Don't say that. I'm sorry if that's all I--"

"Sshhhh! I love this okay? It doesn't matter. I don't need a lot of food." I smiled so he will feel better. But he frowned even more.

"I just don't want you to eat only bread at night. Do you think I did not notice that? You're giving me the meats and the sides and you will only eat bread. I don't even know if you're eating properly at work. Hyung, I hope you will take care of yourself too." Jungkook looks teary-eyed when he said that. And it's making me feel guilty.

"I am eating properly at work. I only eat bread at night so my face won't look puffy in the morning." I reached out to hold his hand. Seeing Jungkook sad is the last thing that I want to happen. "Don't feel bad, okay? I love you. It's my birthday. We should be happy."

A knock on the door disrupted our talk. I stand up to get the door and I am surprised to see Mr. Min with a box of cake in his hand.

"Happy Birthday, Jin. I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I just bring this." He said giving me the cake.

"Thank you, Mr. Min. Why don't you join us for dinner?" I hope he will reject the offer.

"As much as I want to but I need to meet my boss." I'm glad he refused. "I have to go. Happy birthday again!"

Well, I guess, somehow, my birthday ended happily.

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