8. Second Letter

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To be honest, I am frustrated to know who this Chim is

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To be honest, I am frustrated to know who this Chim is. That man who delivered this delicious food was so good at keeping a secret. He was so firm to deny that he doesn't know the sender.

And yeah, I forgot to ask the name of the delivery boy but one thing I noticed, he looks good. The more reason why I don't believe that he doesn't know this Chim. I doubt that he's a real delivery boy or a waiter. His looks doesn't fit his job. There's even a possibility that he is Chim.

"Sir, your shirt is already clean," Sam said but his eyes are wandering around. "Where is he?"

I continue eating the food Chim gave while staring at the letter. "I told him to go home. Sit, eat with me. The food is great."

"It seems like you're enjoying the food and letters, Mr. Kim." Sam has that curious look, maybe he's trying to read my mind.

"Well, the food is delicious, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"The letters were okay. I mean, I'm not really into poetic words but yeah, it's sweet. I love handwritten letters."

I pushed the letter to Sam and he smiled after reading it. "It's funny. This is the first time you have a secret admirer. And he's putting lots of time and effort. I mean for him to plan a menu probably for a week or month then thinking about what to write. Maybe he's really in love."

I chuckled. I thought about that too. It's true, Chim is really putting a lot of time and effort into this.

"Do you think that delivery guy doesn't know this Chim?" I asked for Sam's opinion. Leaving alone with only a butler with me, I always ask for Sam's viewpoint about anything including my personal problems.

Sam, I can say, forgot to date and get married because of his loyalty to our family. He's spending his life serving our family. I am pushing him before to go outside and meet people but he said he's already contented with what he has. I can say, he devoted his time for us, for me specifically since I grew up with him taking care of me.

"You couldn't blame him if he's not saying the truth. He will protect his friend, of course."

"What did he say about washing my shirt?" I can't help not to smile. He looked extremely shocked when I asked him to wash my shirt. "And did you ask his name?"

"I'm sorry but I forgot to ask his name.  He's not whining about washing the shirt, he's whining about the price of your shirt. He said your shirt is more expensive than his monthly salary."

The last sentence got my attention. So, he might be saying the truth, he really is a delivery guy. "What did you say?"

"I told him you're not really like that. I told him you're really nice and perhaps, you just had a bad day at work. And, I told him you will return his three hundred dollars because he was so worried about it."

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