45. Safety

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I just came home from work. Today is a very tiring day. The job at the recycling yard is too heavy plus my cough and cold and the very cold weather are giving me a hard time. I guess one more week and my body will be fully adjusted.

I found Jungkook sitting at the stairs beside our apartment door. I put my backpack down and sat beside him. Leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Are you tired?" Jungkook asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

I've been hearing this question a lot. It's been a week since I lost my job as a waiter at Chim's. Honestly, I am tired but I don't have the guts to stop. Not now.

I ditched the job offer at the Grind. I'm having second thoughts about it. I have a bad feeling about the job. Though the man told me that he will wait for me until I make a final decision. It's tempting but I chose to try working at the recycling yard first.

I sniffed and let out a short cough. "I think I am more motivated to work now."

Jungkook sighed and held my hand. "You have a cough and cold. The weather is crazy lately. Can you go on leave and have a rest?"

I shook my head and leaned my head back on his shoulder. "I'm okay. Please don't worry. Once I feel really bad, I will take a rest."

"Seokjin!" Our landlady's voice boomed I guess at the whole five-floor building. Her curlers still attached to her thinning hair, she's wearing a big sack dress and her hands on her waist. "So? What excuses are you going to say today? It's been a week. Where's your rent? This is a business. The apartment is not for free."

I stood up with Jungkook and my heart started to beat fast. We are late in paying our rent and I have nothing to give as of now. "Please give me two more days ma'am. I am being paid weekly."

Our landlady's face is obviously not pleased with my answer. "I need your rent tomorrow. If you cannot pay tomorrow, you need to go."

"But we have nowhere else to go." My voice breaks. I'm not sure if because of my clogged nose or because of the lump in my throat.

The landlady laughed sarcastically while pointing her finger on my face. "I don't care if you sleep on the streets. Pay your rent and you can sleep peacefully with a roof above your head." She turned her back away while mumbling words I cannot comprehend.

It feels like my world is slowly crashing. My shoulder never felt this heavy. Jungkook gave me a hug and a kiss on the head. "I'm sorry. I will see what I can do."

This is the first time I did not ask Jungkook not to do something. Perhaps, due to my sickness. I am feeling feverish since this morning and I have no strength to even speak after our landlady ranted to me.

I stared at my phone while sitting down on Jungkook's bed. Jungkook went out as someone commissioned him to make a website. With the calling card in my other hand, I texted Mr. Oh's number to tell him that I am now ready to work.

His immediate reply has me thinking twice but there's no more turning back. I need money to pay for our rent otherwise, we will be homeless by tomorrow. And I don't like that to happen.


I found myself in front of Grind Night. The rain is about to fall. Maybe the weather doesn't want this job for me too? The wind blows and it immediately gives me chills. Causing me to climb the stairs. I take a deep breath before pushing the door open.

The place is not that crowded but the customers are mostly middle-aged men. There's a big stage in the middle of the bar with poles. The mood lights keep on flashing different colors and music is a bit slow.

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