58. Sky

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"What's this? This is not the one we bought." Jin complained while pushing Hoseok's hand.

"Stop being so conservative!" Hoseok pushed Jin's hand in return as he buttons Jin's shirt.

"But this is see-through." Jin looked disgusted as he scans what he's wearing. "Hoseok it's winter. You want me to die?"

Hoseok smiled as he looks so fondly at Jin. "I know! And the coat will cover you so his eyes will surely widen when he sees you in those. Surprise! See-through! Besides, he will remove everything later so it doesn't matter."

Jin looked at Jungkook who just looked back at him. "What are you talking about?! Can you stop talking about it?"

Hoseok made face as he puts the coat on Jin. "You're too old, Jin! A twenty-six-year-old virgin."

Jin widened his eyes. He's so ashamed because Jungkook can hear Hoseok.

Hoseok held his index finger up and moved it sideways to hush Jin. "Uh-uh! Who knows, maybe Kookie has more experience than you."

Jin's eyes widened more as he glared at Jungkook who just shook his head.

"Don't frighten him! Come on! Kookie is a college handsome man. I am sure a lot are willing to spread their legs for him." Hoseok continued to annoy Jin as he makes Jin sit in front of the mirror.

"Why are you saying that? Jungkook will never do that! Right Jungkook?" Jin looked at his brother with high hopes in his eyes. He's praying that Jungkook is still the innocent boy that he raised.

"Come on Jinnie! Jungkook has his own life. He's old enough for that. Don't make him like you. Boring and inexperienced."

"I'm beginning to hate you, Hoseok."

Hoseok laughed. "Don't be. You will thank me soon, I am sure of that. And you should be grateful that Taehyung came into your life. At least, you will experience something sexual before you reach your 30's." Hoseok giggled causing Jin's skin to get as red as he can be.

"The way you talk, it seemed as if you're sexually active," Jin looked at Hoseok through the mirror. Hoseok bent down and rest his hand on his knees and stared back at Jin's reflection. "Well, at least I am being doused from time to time."

Jin covered his mouth in shock. "You have a boyfriend?!"

"You're too old fashioned. You don't need a boyfriend to have sex. Oh! I'm sorry. Please ignore that. I am dating so yeah. We do that." Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows as he finishes off Jin's hair. Making sure that Jin's forehead is exposed prettily. "Very handsome. Just by looking at you, I'm sure Taehyung will have a precum."

Jin slapped Hoseok on the arm who is still giggling. "I honestly don't know why your mouth suddenly became so dirty. Who are you dating now?"

A knock on the door prevented Hoseok from answering Jin's question and Hoseok seemed happy about it. Jin started fanning himself as Hoseok makes final fixes on Jin's outfit. "I'm nervous."

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy for you. Please don't forget to use condoms." Hoseok whispered as he stared at Jin for the last time.

Jungkook opened the door and as expected, it's Taehyung standing by the door. "Good morning."

Jungkook greeted Taehyung a happy birthday and then looked at Jin who is still contemplating if his clothes are proper. But Hoseok, being so bold, pushed Jin to the front door.

"You are handsome." Jungkook smiled at his brother to calm him down. He knows that this is Jin's first date. He then handed Jin's bag to Taehyung.

A bright shade of pink tainted Jin's cheeks as Taehyung stares at him. Those intense stares from Taehyung that made him more nervous than he already is. Indeed, Taehyung can make him weak on the knees and can make his heart thump so painfully.

"Let's go? We have a long drive." Taehyung smiled at his date who held on to his hand.

"Enjoy guys! Happy Birthday Mr. Kim and Jin, remember what I told you." Hoseok made a letter 'C' from his hand causing Jin's eyes to widen in shame.

"What's that?" Taehyung asked Jin who pulled him away towards the stairs. "Don't mind him. He's just excited for me."


"Are we really going to Nami Island?" Jin still can't believe it as they ride the ferry going to the famous island. He really wanted to go there because of the beautiful sceneries but the budget did not allow him to.

"Jungkook told me you haven't been there so I decided to bring you to Nami. It's a bit away from the busy roads of Seoul so I guess it's good for you." Taehyung puts his arm around Jin's waist, gently rubbing his hand on Jin's side.

"Why for me? Today is your birthday so it should be for you."

"I think I said last time that I want to celebrate both of our birthdays, right?  And tonight is about us." A small smile appeared on Taehyung's lips as he whispered on Jin's ear.

Jin felt the hair behind his neck rose hearing Taehyung said those words. Even though Hoseok tried to annoy him earlier, what Hoseok said was right. At 26, he doesn't have any sexual experience yet. He doesn't even know how an orgasm feels like. He cannot touch himself because he is scared that Jungkook might see him. Even when he's alone, he's afraid that someone is watching him.

It's Taehyung who gave him his first kiss. He's the first one who touched him in the body parts that he never thought was pleasurable. Remembering what happened inside the car the other night, he enjoyed it a lot and it may be embarrassing to admit, but he is looking forward to more.


Warning: too cheesy 🤣🤣

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked as they stood at the porch of the bungalow Taehyung rented. The house is strategically placed in front of the lake.

Jin nodded and flashed a soft smile. He cannot believe the scenery in front of him. The cool breeze perfect for cuddling, the calm waters perfect for skinny dipping, and the orange purple sky great for kissing. "I saw this place in a drama and I can't imagine that it's more beautiful in person."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jin and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "That's why I want to bring you here. I know you'll enjoy the view. There are fireworks after sunset, by the way."

Jin looked at the horizon. He's imagining how romantic the night will be. Sunset, fireworks, the quietness, and only the sound of the leaves rustling on a cold breezy night while cuddling with the man of your dreams. For Jin, this night is so perfect.

And the sound of an explosion from afar followed. Different colors and shapes of light appear in the dark sky. Jin's mouth fell open as he watches the vibrant hues that look like thousands of twinkling stars. He has seen a lot in Seoul but the view from Nami is just more romantic.

Jin's eyes shot wide when the next bursts of lights show up. Awestruck is an understatement. He held on to his chest as he watches the lights that form words. His eyes glistened with tears as he covers his mouth in shock. The fireworks that burst formed the words I LOVE YOU JIN.

"I want to tell the world how much I love you, Jin so I chose to have it written in the sky so many people will know," Taehyung whispered and Jin, still in awe, throw his arms around Taehyung's neck to hug him tight as he cries on Taehyung's chest. "I love you too."

Taehyung smiled hearing the words that he wanted so much to hear. And for him, Jin just gave him one of the best gifts ever.



Smut? You'll have it soon. 😏😏

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