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"I like you."

Jin was taken aback. He's not sure what to say or if he needed to admit his feelings too. He's having second thoughts about it. He's sure about his feelings for Taehyung but he's not sure if it's right to fall for him.

"I like you Jin," Taehyung said again, his heart beating frantically under his chest. He's been in a situation where he's trying to force himself to like someone. That time when he doubted his feelings. That time when he's telling himself that he likes the writer and the cook and that's Jimin. But now that the truth has been revealed, he just proved that he fell for the right person. And he will not let that right person go.

Jin opened his mouth several times before finally finding the right words to say. "I-is it wrong if I like you too?"

Taehyung holds Jin's cheek, his eyes wander on Jin's flawless skin, studying the shape of Jin's eyes, nose, and the outline of his lips. "I honestly don't know how to answer that but I am certain that what I feel for you is not wrong."

Jin lowered his head, he cannot stand Taehyung's intense stares. His face is now red and he can feel the warmth on the tips of his ears. "To be honest, I'm sure about my feelings for you but... I'm worried about Jimin..."

Taehyung pressed his finger on Jin's lips, shushing him. "I don't want to hear that name when we're together. Whatever you're worrying about, I will handle that."

Jin's eyes started to water once more. "Can you promise me something?"

Taehyung smiled and nodded. "Sure. What's that?"

"Can you promise that you'll not get angry at Jimin?"

Taehyung sighs. He cannot believe that Jin still cares for Jimin after everything he had done.

"I'm not mad but I am disappointed." Taehyung holds Jin's hands and put them on his chest. "He tried to deceive me and I don't like that. He used you then he wants to get all the credits of your hard work just for me to like him. Do you think it's fair if I fell for the wrong person? Do you think it's okay that I am believing in lies?"

Taehyung leans his forehead against Jin's own, their nose almost brushing each other. "Truth will come out eventually and it's kind of disappointing that I needed to hear the truth from someone else. That kind of lies isn't forever. And I'm glad that it's finally over.

But you know, what's important is now. And I want to tell you these, I love receiving love letters. Those words were simple but honest. Maybe that's the reason why I fell for the writer.

I love to eat. I love it when someone takes their time to cook for me. It's sweet and thoughtful. Maybe that's the reason why I fell for the one cooking the food for me.

I am expecting that it's him but I'm hoping that it's you. I may be rude to say this but I am so disappointed that Chim is not you because I am wishing that it's you. But in the end, Chim is just a name. I did not fell for the name. I fell for the thoughts, the time, the effort, the sweetness, and maybe, the love that comes with those letters and food. And I am happy that my feelings did not lie to me."

Jin's tears fall after hearing Taehyung's words. He never felt so secure up until now. He never felt so important. Taehyung's eyes are now soft and comforting.

"I don't know why you said that and I don't know how to feel. I am conflicted right now. I am worried but I want to be happy." Jin said, finally letting out his real feelings.

Taehyung gave Jin a small smile. He cannot help not to admire the beauty in front of him. "I said that because that's what I really feel and I want you to be happy. Please stop worrying about other people. You've worried a lot from them already. You're important too, Jin. Your feelings and happiness are important too. You're important to me."

Jin finally smiles. "I am?"

Taehyung nods. He glides his thumb on the outline of Jin's face, stopping on Jin's chin and stares in Jin's glassy eyes. "Yes, Jin. You are."

Jin just stares back. He's been dreaming for this day to happen. He has lots of inhibitions and insecurities. Never he imagined that someone as good looking and rich as Kim Taehyung will like someone like him.

Taehyung leaned closer, lifting Jin's up as he closes the gap between their faces. He's never been this sure bout his feelings and he will not let anything or anyone steal this moment.

Leaning down, their lips touched but Jin gasped causing Taehyung to pull away and worry.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you? I'm sorry I did not ask for permission. I'm-"

Jin shakes his head causing Taehyung to stop talking. "It's not that. It's just..." A deep shade of pink painted Jin's cheeks. He is too shy to admit something but he knows that he needs to so as not to offend Taehyung. "It's just... I haven't been kissed before."

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. For him, Jin's gorgeousness is too hard not to notice or to ignore. How is it even possible that Jin hasn't been kissed yet?

"Are you serious?" Taehyung asked. He cannot help not to smile and be happy. If Jin is serious, then he considers himself the luckiest man in the world for being Jin's first kiss.

Jin nods shyly.

"Your exes did not even dare kiss you?" Taehyung is still in awe.

Jin smiled. His face is redder now. "I've never had a boyfriend."

Taehyung's mouth fell open. How can he be so lucky? He's lost of words to say. But what he just learned made him admire Jin even more.

Taehyung takes Jin's face in his hands. "Then I am your first kiss?"

Jin nods with his modest smile.

Taehyung pulled Jin's face closer. "Can I kiss you now?"

Jin stares in Taehyung's eyes before nodding. Taehyung leaned in, slightly tilting his head. He noticed that Jin's eyes are closed, making him more eager to kiss Jin. As Taehyung goes in, he also closed his eyes and their lips touched once again.

Taehyung felt Jin's body tensed. Knowing that this is Jin's first, Jin being nervous is understandable. But since Jin did not pull back and Jin even rests his hands on Taehyung's waist, Taehyung knows that Jin is allowing the kiss.

Taehyung slightly parts his lips. Taking Jin's lips to his own, softly pressing his lips to Jin's full soft lips. Taehyung's kiss is gentle, slow, and soft. Making sure not to scare Jin as Jin has been in a scary experience just last night and that's what he wanted to erase from Jin's mind. Even just for a while.

Taehyung puts his hand behind Jin's head, carefully caressing Jin's hair as his other hand finds its way on Jin's lower back. He then slowly lay Jin down on the bed, still, their lips together and gently moving against each other.

Taehyung pulled away to let Jin breathe for a second, putting a little space between their lips. He stares at Jin for a while, watching him as he slowly opens his eyes. When Jin's eyes met Taehyung's own, they smile at each other. Just by Jin's stares and smile, he knows that he did the right thing. He just made Jin happy.

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