21. Sorry

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Taehyung's gesture startles Jin. He did not expect that all of a sudden, Taehyung will be nice to him. He stares at Taehyung's tight hold and Taehyung immediately removes his grip.

"Sorry. I'm just worried you will run again." Taehyung smiles.

Jin purses his lips. He doesn't want to speak. He doesn't know what Taehyung wants and he's sure that he will ask for a favor. How could an arrogant man be so nice just like that? Instead of pondering if Taehyung is sick, he removes his shoes and follows Taehyung to the dining room.

"Hi, Jin. Did you wear the shoes already? Is it nice?" Sam asked as he prepares the dining table.

"Yes. It's very comfortable. Thank you." Jin smiles widely. Aside from Jungkook, the shoes are one of the best gifts he received.

"Did you know that I'm craving for Soft Tofu Stew? Chim must have read my mind. Don't you think?" Taehyung excitedly spoons the stew, stuffing it inside his mouth.

Jin just watches in surprise. The stew is the easiest recipe to cook that's why he decided to cook it. He's not expecting that Taehyung is actually craving for it.

Taehyung puts the spoon on his plate as he realized that Jin is not eating. "Did I disturb you? I mean, do you need to go back to work?"

"No, sir. It's actually my day off. My boss just asked me to deliver your food."

"Then you can stay, can't you? Come on, eat. Sam can cook delicious food too." Taehyung pushes the dish near Jin's plate.

Jin hesitates at first but he spoons a small amount so Taehyung will not insist.

"Jin, I know you're not comfortable sitting here with me. I know I've been rude, arrogant, and insensitive towards you. I know there's no excuse for an ill attitude but please know that I am not like that." Taehyung said that made Jin stared at him confused.

Jin has been trying hard to avoid Taehyung. Even running away without shoes on just to getaway. For obvious reason, Taehyung has been treating him hard. Insulting him and even asking him to wash his shirt. Taehyung being nice to him is a bit weird. He doesn't know if he will believe what Taehyung had just said.

"I'm sorry." Those two words made Jin's eyes widen in shock. He cannot believe it if he heard it right. "Look, I know I've been unfair. I'm sorry. Work has been stressful the past few weeks. I have family issues too. I know it should not be a reason for me to treat you that way. I know I'm wrong throwing my anger to an innocent man. I'm sorry. I hope you will accept my apologies."

Jin lowers his eyes. Though he's surprised, Taehyung seemed sincere with his apologies. "Uh... I'm... It's okay, sir. I understand. And I'm sorry too for referring you as a thief."

"I really did get your money, didn't I?" Taehyung gave Jin a boxy smile.

Jin let out a small laugh. "It's my fault. I was clumsy."

Taehyung stretches out his arms, offering Jin his hand. "I hope we're okay now?"

Jin stares at Taehyung's hand for a while. It looks so soft and smooth. He then looks at his hands; scarred, rough, and dry. He doesn't know how to give his hand but he shakes it so as not to appear rude. He quickly pulls away his hand. He puts in on his lap and starts to touch it, feeling it so he'll have an idea what Taehyung felt while holding his hand. And it makes him feel more embarrassed.

"Chim is a chef, am I right?" Taehyung asked without looking at Jin. Or perhaps, trying to shift Jin's thoughts after seeing Jin getting red on the ears.

"I don't know sir." Jin is consistent in denying that he knows Chim. He will be in trouble if he will admit it now. His job is important more than those lies. "I don't know Chim. He's my boss's friend."

Taehyung nods but Jin can feel that Taehyung does not believe him. "Sir, I hope you will understand that--"

"Yes, I know. Of course, you're not allowed to divulge the truth." Taehyung pulls out something from his pocket and places it in front of Jin. "Can you give this to him? I mean, can you ask your boss to give that to Chim? To tell you the truth, I'm dying to meet him."

So that's the reason why you're nice. You have a favor. You and Jimin are fit for each other. Jin thought. He picks up the letter from the table and puts it inside his bag. "I hope you'll meet him soon." So this whole drama will stop and I can get my normal life back.

"Thank you." Taehyung continues to eat. Jin eats just a little. He's not used to eating in someone else's home especially when that someone is not close to him.

Sam removes all the dirty plates and the leftovers from the table, leaving Jin and Taehyung in the dining room.

Taehyung stands up. "Can you wait for me in the living area? I'll get something upstairs. I'll be quick. I promise."

And before Jin can argue, Taehyung walks out of the room. He just makes his way towards the living area and sits on the couch. The last time he was here, Taehyung was scolding him about the money.

Today, though he still cannot believe that Taehyung knows how to be nice, it feels great that someone like Taehyung can say the word sorry. He can feel the sincerity even though he's also having second thoughts because he felt it's only because of the favor.

Taehyung appears from behind and sits on the couch on Jin's left. Taehyung is giving a bottle to Jin that looks like a lotion.

"Please don't get me wrong. I know your work requires you to wash your hands often because you're working in a food business. It's a hand cream. Put it well after washing your hands. It's very effective."

Jin suddenly rubs his hands once more. He knows Taehyung means well but he cannot help not to feel ashamed. Especially when he touched Taehyung's hands. It feels soft and smooth like how it looks.

"Jin, I hope you won't feel insulted."

Jin waves his hands. "No..no... It's okay. It's just that, I'm ashamed to have my hands touched. It's true, my work requires me to wash my hands often, lifts heavy things, clean and all. I do appreciate this. I promise I will pay you once I receive my salary."

Taehyung chuckled after hearing Jin. "I'm not selling that. I'm giving that to you. Just use it. I am a hoarder so I always buy in packs. I still have stocks in my room so you don't need to worry."

Jin smiles and bows. "Thank you, sir. Uhmm... I'm sorry but I need to go home now. My brother is waiting for me at home."

Taehyung stands up to accompany Jin outside. "Please don't forget to give the letter." Taehyung reminded Jin once more. Jin nods before walking away.

Jin stops and pulls out the hand cream from his bag. With a big smile on his face, he puts a small amount on his palm and rubs it on his hands. It does feels good after application. He can feel the difference in his skin. But a car startled him. The driver lowers the window and the familiar gummy smile greets him.

"Hop in!"

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