40. Meant to Be

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After delivering the newspapers this morning, I went home to shower and change my clothes. Today feels like any other ordinary day. Although it feels a bit incomplete. But I reminded myself again that everything will be okay. Perhaps, we just met at the wrong time.

I arrived at the restaurant and went straight to the locker room. And while I'm wearing my apron, Hoseok came with a big smile on his face.

"How's my in love best friend doing?" Hoseok tickled me making me jump in place.

"In love? What are you talking about?" I tap his hands to stop him from poking my sides.

Hoseok crossed his arms in front of his chest and raised his brow at me. "Don't fool me! The glow in your face is telling me that you are in love."

I felt my cheeks and ears getting warm. I am stressed out and sad, how can I even glow? "That's not true. I'm always like this."

Hoseok walked towards me and fixed my hair. Removing them from my forehead. He narrowed his eyes and stared at my hair then at my face. He then turned his back to rummage his bag. Pulling out a comb and hair wax.

I held his wrist before he can even touch my hair. "What are you going to do?"

He shoved my hand. "Trust me. I have something in mind."

I pout and let him do what he wanted. After several minutes of waiting, he smiled and sighed. He even shakes his head as if he's contented. He then pulled out a mirror.

"My gosh Jin, you're exquisitely handsome!" Hoseok gushed while staring at me

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"My gosh Jin, you're exquisitely handsome!" Hoseok gushed while staring at me. I know it sounds a bit embarrassing but I am amazed at how I looked after Hoseok fixed my hair.

I cannot speak after seeing myself in the mirror. I realized how I forgot to take care of myself. I always let my hair fall in front of my forehead. Anyway, I am not interested in styling. Or perhaps, I don't really have time for that.

Hoseok pulled something from his pocket and my eyes popped out when he suddenly dab a bit of lip balm on my lips.

"Do this baby." Hoseok rubbed his lips together and I did the same. "Perfect! I'm sure Jimin will worry even more."

I slapped his arm with my hand. "That is so mean! I don't have the plan to compete with him. I am okay being friends with Mr. Kim."

Hoseok opened his hand and put it near my face. "Talk to my hand Jinnie. And please stop being a hypocrite because you're calling him by his first name already." Hoseok pursed his lips and patted my cheek. "Just let everything flow naturally. Do not attempt or force yourself to do things that are against your will. It will hurt you even more."

How can I do that? How can I even snatch Taehyung from Jimin? I think that's unfair. I think I cannot steal someone's boyfriend. I cannot do that. I don't want my first boyfriend to come from that kind of situation.

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