41. Situations

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Jin carried the grocery bags with Yoongi's help and placed them in the trunk.

"I can't believe Jimin will ask you to buy all these and you will commute on your way back to his resto. He is insane, honestly." Yoongi said while shaking his head.

Jin chuckled at Yoongi's reaction. "It's okay. I really wanted to experience buying loads of groceries."

Yoongi sighed at Jin's response. He noticed that Jin's dreams are unusually small but the happiness it brings to him is enormous.

"Aren't you tired?" Yoongi's face turned serious while Jin's smile slowly fades away.

"I'll never get tired of working. I am always motivated because Jungkook is about to graduate soon. I can finally feel the product of my hard work."

Yoongi snorted. It's not that he's mocking Jin but it's more of Jin not understanding or more of intentionally not understanding his question. "I admire your hard work but what I meant by my question is, aren't you tired of doing shits for Jimin?"

Jin's eyes linger at Yoongi's for a while. Then he looks down, not having the guts to lie more. He flashes a shy smile still looking at his shoes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Yoongi walks and stands beside Jin. Leaning his back against the car door. "I know you know exactly what I am talking about and it's not right that he's taking all the credits when in fact, it's all your hard work."

Jin's eyes widen in surprise. He did not expect that Yoongi will say something like that. He did not expect as well that Yoongi knows something about what's really happening. He thought that Yoongi only knew about Jimin being the real sender.

"Did Hoseok told you that too?" I asked as my heart beating painfully against my ribs.

"You know, it doesn't matter who told me or how did I find out. What Jimin is doing is clear deceit. And I don't know how Taehyung will react to that once he learned the truth." Yoongi answered with his voice full of concern.

Jin becomes silent. He doesn't want to defend himself and Jimin anymore. He doesn't want lies to be covered up with another lie. That's too much and he knows that he's not that type of person.

"Can... Can you promise that you will not say anything to Mr. Kim?" Jin asked shyly. It's more of pleading rather than asking.

Yoongi clicked his tongue as he puts his hands in his pocket. Clearly, he's disappointed. "I hate to do this but okay. I'll keep my mouth shut for now but I cannot promise how long."

Jin looks at Yoongi who refused to look back. He's worried that Yoongi will say something unnecessary. "I-i'm sorry. Did I disappoint you?"

Yoongi just let out a bark of a laugh. "So you're more worried about how I feel rather than what you're feeling?"

Jin starts to play with his fingers while staring at them.

"Your feelings are important too. Your feelings are valid and you should think about yourself once in a while. You remember the first time I saw you?"

Jin pouts. He looks at Yoongi and nods.

"To be honest, I admire your beauty. It's not every day that I'll get to see a handsome waiter in a restaurant, you know."

A small smile appears on Jin's face.

"Until now, that admiration is still there. But it's not only because of your looks but more of what you are."

Jin's heart skipped a beat hearing a compliment from Yoongi. He's been getting a lot of compliments about his looks. Only his friend and Jungkook tell him that he is a nice person. Hearing it from others other than his loved ones feels unreal for him.

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