55. Witnessed

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Days, weeks, months. I used to count them before and I always ended up losing count. I guess I overworked myself and time and day weren't important anymore. Or shall I say, I've been doing the same things every day that every day felt like the same? But what saddened me was, during that course of my life, I failed to realize my self-worth.

I am not a selfish person. I guess I always think about others before myself. I always think about what's good for them rather than thinking if it will be good for both of us. I just realized that I loved and cared for everyone around me but myself.

Choosing Taehyung was a hard decision. But I guess that decision was enough for me to understand that my feelings were important too.

Hard. Because he was Jimin's greatest love. I often think that if ever I will love Taehyung, that would be the greatest betrayal of all. But thinking about it, I also question myself, did Jimin ever treated me as a real friend? Because I did treat him like one. I wasn't sure if he did.

Second, Jungkook. I was afraid that he won't approve of me getting in a relationship. I was afraid that I will lose my time for him. But again, thinking about it, I gave my everything for my brother. I sacrificed a lot of things for him for so many years. No regrets whatsoever. I did that because I love him. And I guess I did well.

With all that happened, I began to know the people who truly care for me. Jungkook, he was very supportive of me. He wanted my happiness more than anything. And he proved to me how mature he had gotten. He grew up to be so loving, so understanding and so kind. I've never been so proud of myself for raising him so well.

Hoseok. I cannot imagine that I will meet someone as brave as him. We just met not so long ago. But he was a real friend to me. He fought Jimin to protect me. He even sacrificed his job just to prove that Jimin's acts were unreasonable and shall I say, bitchy? Jimin, I knew him since high school but it was Hoseok, whom I just knew for less than a year was the first person who defended me. Against all odds. I love him.

Lastly, Taehyung. It was fate. I believe it was fate that brought us together. It was so sudden and unexpected. His good looks caught my attention first. His intense eyes, the way he looks that can easily make you weak on your knees. His smirk. It was annoying at first but in the end, I found it extra sexy. His cold blank face. When he raised an eyebrow. He was very intimidating. But what surprised me was the goodness inside that intimidating looks. Kind, generous. I cannot enumerate all the good things I found in him. I guess I can summarize it to Taehyung being an amazing person.

Truly, it didn't matter if we knew a person that long. It's not a guarantee. Person change. Their personality and attitude change for whatever reason. Perhaps, it's better to say to just treasure the present and hope for the future.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked. I'm sure he felt uncomfortable with my silence. I came from a school and inquired about the requirements needed so I can go straight to the University instead of finishing my last year in high school. And it turned out, I needed to take several exams.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I just can't believe that I'm going back to school. Oh! Sorry. I need to pass the exams first."

Taehyung glanced at me and he went back to focus on the road. "I am so proud of you, baby. I know those exams are easy-peasy for you. And sooner, you will go to college."

"Thank you." I do appreciate all the things he did and still doing for me. When I'm with him, that's the only moment when I'm very conscious about time. Time flies so fast when we're together and I always wish that the moments we are together not to stop.

"Welcome. And next year, I cannot wait to welcome you to my company."

I accepted his offer. I and Hoseok will be working together doing clerical works. The salary is good and indeed, Taehyung matches the salaries of my two jobs. Not big but enough for me and Jungkook to get by.

I hopped off his car as soon as we arrived outside my apartment. Taehyung told me to look for a better one but none fits my budget. I made it clear to him that I will not let him for my rent. Honestly, I don't want to appear as if I am abusing his kindness.

He walked to where I am standing and pulled me by the waist. I rest my arms on his chest and look up so I can look in his eyes. He is always like this. Very touchy and he's never shy to show his affection to me even in public. At first, I am not comfortable but lately, I am starting to love the feeling.

"Don't forget to eat your dinner on time and sleep early. I wish you can eat dinner with me." He said while rubbing the tip of his nose to my own. Making me close my eyes.

"Next time. And your birthday is coming. We can spend more time together." I whispered to him. I can already feel and smell his sweet breath.

"Overnight?" He asked.

I smiled. "24 hours?"

"Two days?"

I slap his chest softly. I know he's teasing as I notice how his lips start to form a smile.

"You're too much." I countered but deep in me, I wanted to spend every minute of my days with him.

He gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Soft, slow but very passionate. I love the feeling of his lips against mine especially when he's giving me gentle kisses.

"I will see you again tomorrow, okay?" He said as he pulls away. Giving me another quick kiss and a tight hug before he finally walks back to his car.

I wave my hand to say goodbye. "Call me once you're home."

He winked at me before he rode his car and drive away. My eyes watched his car until it's out of sight. But I thought my heart stopped beating for a while when my eyes went to the person across the street.

Recognition dawned on me. His face hardened. His eyes piercing through me. His eyes burning with anger and here I am, frozen in terror.

"Jimin?" I whispered as I realized what he just witnessed. He just saw me and Taehyung getting so affectionate towards each other and I am certain that the pain he is feeling right now is just unexplainable.

He crossed the street and stopped a foot away from me. My hands began to sweat and my throat became dry. And the next thing I felt, his hand landed right across my face.

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