61. Good Times

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Define happiness.

I guess it's how I am feeling right now. I am more relaxed, less stressed, and thankful.

I just took an entrance exam for a University some weeks ago and I heard that the results will come out in a month or two. I am so excited to go back to school and finally take a Culinary Arts course. Cooking is my passion and I wanted to fulfill my dreams of becoming a chef. I am thankful that Taehyung gave so many opportunities.

I am now working in his company as a Clerk. Of course, with Hoseok. The salary is enough to pay our bills and my worries aren't as much as before. I am also proud that Taehyung is very professional. We rarely talk in front of the other employees and he's treating me like one. Like what he promised, he will not give special treatment.

Jungkook will graduate anytime soon and I am so excited. A job is waiting for him in Taehyung's company and I love how my brother is so willing to prove to everyone that he deserves the position.

"Coffee," Hoseok placed a cup of coffee on my table and a slice of cake inside a plastic container. "The boyfriend gave it to you. Yoongi said."

I smiled. Taehyung and I rarely talk in the office but he never fails to send food or drinks to me every day. "Do you think he already ate his snack?"

"Why don't you text him?"

I shook my head. I promised that I will not disturb Taehyung during office hours. I hardly see him in the office. I sometimes feel that we don't know each other when we're at the office.

"So how do you feel now? Still worried?" Hoseok inquired as he took a big bite of a sandwich.

I rest my chin in my hand and stared at my computer. "I'm not worried. It's just so annoying that they are so obvious and Taehyung is not doing anything about it."

Hoseok giggled as he swallowed the food in his mouth. "You should be thankful that your boyfriend is not doing anything. It means that he doesn't care."

Well, I agree. I noticed a bunch of employees wants to catch Taehyung's attention. I cannot blame them as Taehyung is a young handsome businessman. But there's this one particular girl who is so obvious and actually, she looks so persistent and desperate. Well, in my perspective.

"Why don't you ask him?" Hoseok suggested. Maybe noticing my silence.

"I don't want to appear as a jealous boyfriend. The truth, this is exactly my worry when I accepted the job. And I believe this is part of the negatives when I accepted it. Sometimes, it's best to know nothing than to have an idea of what's going on when I'm not around."

Hoseok and that woman had some quarrel weeks ago. Because that woman keeps on bullying me. Hoseok, being a war freak slash best friend, always defends me to them. I know I am still weak when it comes to defending myself and I'm still working on that. Well, I realized that there's always one Jimin everywhere.

"Don't worry. She's just one insecure bitch. Because no matter how hard she tries to show her cleavage, her legs, or maybe even her ass,  Mr. Kim doesn't care. I can see and feel her frustration. And you, even not doing anything, is still attractive. I can't imagine how Mr. Kim's resisting your presence here."

I chuckled. Hoseok's mouth can be dirty at times. Hoseok and I both jerked when we hear someone angry yelling outside. Standing from our swivel chairs, we poke our heads from our room and take a peek on where's the voice is coming from.

My heart already racing because the voice yelling outside is very familiar. Deep and dominant. And I am right, Taehyung is standing in front of the accounting department holding a paper and Yoongi standing just a few inches away looking relaxed.

"What's this garbage?!"

Everyone is silent. I can see the terror in their faces. This is the first time I saw Taehyung this angry. He did get angry at me before but not to the extent that he looks like he is ready to punch someone in the face.

"We had a meeting about this two weeks ago, correct?!"

We heard a low yes.

"Answer me!"

Then the yes becomes louder.

"I discussed in detail what I wanted to appear in this report and you will give me this trash?! What kind of report is this? Disorganized, uninformative, and complete garbage!" Taehyung throws the papers on the floor and I am a bit scared of what I just saw.

"We're sorry Chairman Kim. We will revise and will give you a detailed report before the deadline." A man keeps on bowing while the others are picking the papers up.

"I want a complete report tomorrow morning. It should be on my desk when I arrive in the office tomorrow. I gave that two weeks ago and it should be done by now."

Taehyung turned his back and walked back to his office. I saw how the employees cram. But I'm glad they do not make faces. Instead, they continue working.

"Woah! I can't believe that Mr. Kim can yell like that," Hoseok looked surprised as he settled down in his chair.

"Well, he got angry at me before when we had a misunderstanding," that memory was a funny one. I can still remember the annoyance in his face and how he glared at me. "But I can't imagine him to be that angry."


"You've been so quiet," Taehyung nuzzled on my neck as he hugged me from the back. "What's wrong?"

I smiled and shook my head, squeezing the lemon on the salmon I am going to bake for our dinner. "Nothing."

After I put the baking pan inside the oven, I gasped when Taehyung picked me up and made me sit on the kitchen counter. Pressing his forehead against mine, I know he could sense my worries. "I know something happened. What did I do?"

"I heard you screaming at your employees earlier."

Taehyung pulled away and looked at me, gently pinching my nose. "Jin, that's normal. Did I scare you? Or did I turn you off? I'm sorry."

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smiled and shook my head. "Jimin always screamed at me. I know how the employees felt. I've never been a boss so I don't have any idea how you feel but I guess you will not do that without any reason. But I think you should have not thrown the papers down."

Taehyung gave me a reassuring smile. "It rarely happens. I only get angry when I am so frustrated or when my expectations are so high then my employees didn't do their jobs well. I only yell because of work and not to bully, or abuse them. It's once in a blue moon. My employees know me well. And I can assure you that I am 90% nice and 10% terror boss.

I'm sorry. Really. I'm sorry if I scare you or disappoint you."

"No. No need to apologize. I know you did that because you are frustrated. And I know how nice and generous you are. Perhaps, you're just a perfectionist."

Taehyung gave me a quick kiss. "Yes, I am. That's why I fell for you."

I could only laugh. I have no problem with him. For the past months, he's very loving, caring, and thoughtful. I love every moment I shared with him. He loved me and accepted me for who and what I am. He and Jungkook are now very close like real brothers and I love their bonding.

I can say that my life had been perfect recently. I am looking forward to what the future holds for us. What lies ahead of us. Taehyung is an amazing man. And I am loving him more as days go by. Whether in good times, bad times or maybe, even frustration time.


Just fluffs in the meantime. Don't worry, Jimin will make a comeback. I know you all miss him. 😊💜

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