18. Secret

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The sound of my alarm keeps me startled every morning. It may sound like music to my ears but still, I don't want it to be just a familiar sound that one day, it won't wake me up anymore. But it also gives me hope. The hope that one day, time will come that I can wake up late in the morning and enjoy the sunlight with nothing to worry about but if I'm going to get out of bed or continue sleeping.

I smiled. It's too early to dream of something impossible. I have newspapers to be delivered waiting for me at the publication office.

After I finished preparing Jungkook's meals for the day, I put mine inside my bag with two extra containers for the slices of cake I prepared for two of the kindest people I know. After packing the meals, I went to the shower to clean so I can go to work. My slippers will be my best friend today and it's okay. My next goal is to save money so I can buy a pair of shoes.

As I leaned down to get my slippers, I noticed a piece of paper on top of my damaged shoes. A letter from Jungkook.


I glued them for you. It will get you through the day. I love you.


I looked back and saw my younger brother still in deep sleep. I wonder how long it took him before he finally glued it. But I appreciate it. Jungkook is the sweetest man I know. And I am always motivated because of him. If someday I will get married, I want someone like my younger brother. Sweet, loving, responsible and willing to fight for me.

I walk back to get a pair of socks, all my socks have holes on the toe part. Well, it's okay. I think it's cute. I happily wear the shoes he repaired for me. And now, I am ready to face the day.

My morning work went out smoothly. The sky is a bit cloudy but the rays of the sun keep on peeking from the clouds. The wind is cold, indeed, winter is here. December is my favorite month. December is my birth month, and Christmas is fast approaching. I cannot wait.

"You should wear a padded jacket. It's already cold." Hoseok scolded me as soon as I entered the restaurant.

I smiled at Hoseok quickly gave me a death stare.

"I knew it! You will reason out again that you don't have a padded jacket. Once you get sick, I will visit you and pour a bucket of cold water at you. I will bring one tomorrow."

I cling to his arm and rub my cheek on his shoulder. "Hoseokie, don't get mad at Jinnie. You know that Jungkook needs the padded jacket more. Stop being whiny because I brought a delicious cake for you."

Hoseok's eyes brightened. He loves sweets. I know his weakness and it's definitely sweets. "Okay. We're good. Just promise to wear the jacket that I will bring tomorrow, okay?"

I nod and show my promise hand.

"Jinnie!" Jimin squealed. He just arrived with a paper bag in his hand. Hoseok frowned and turned his back. He doesn't like Jimin. At all.

Jimin gave me a hug and handed me a paper bag. "I'm sorry. I forgot that it's your birthday yesterday. Belated Happy Birthday and here's my gift. It's a Burberry. I bought it last night. It's authentic so take care of it. Here."

I took a peek and I smiled. It's my first time having a signature brand. I cannot afford to buy one. Hearing that it's authentic somehow made my heart skipped a bit. I am excited to wear this.

"Thank you." I smiled widely at Jimin. He went straight to his office after giving me the gift. Though I prefer a new pair of shoes, having a signature brand scarf is a big deal for me. I guess it's not bad to think of wants instead of needs sometimes, right?

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