36. Unexpected

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Today, I went to a mall to shop for Christmas. I'm not someone who will look at every store. I know exactly the brand I want and what I will buy. Though I can be an impulsive buyer, I only buy from two to three stores.

"Can I look at this one?" I pointed to a watch inside the glass case. The salesperson takes out the watch and lets me take a good look. Watch is one of my collections aside from neckties and scarves. "I'll get this one and I want it adjusted to my size. I want a new stock as well."

The salesperson bows at me. "Right away, Mr. Kim. You can sit in that area first while waiting for your watch."

"Thank you."

I take a look around the store first. Looking at the new designs of watches. I guess watch really is my weakness. It's very useful as it tells me the time; time which is of utmost importance.

I know how valuable time is. Time never comes back. People usually regret something in their lives and most of the reason is, "because it's already too late".

I regret a lot of things in life. Things that I cannot bring back or change. But it gave me a lesson. A lesson that next time, I should take the chance instead of regretting the opportunity.

I look at the watch display near the entrance. The ones facing the walkway where the mall-goers are passing by. I heard a very familiar voice. He sounded in complete awe. And I'm right, Jin is on the other side of the watch display cabinet. His mouth open, his eyes wide open, and his hand against the glass as he looks closely at the watches on display. But what is more captivating is his amazed smile. The smile that I used to look forward to seeing.

"Mr. Kim, here's your watch. Kindly check." The salesperson made me look away at Jin. And when I look back, in just a matter of seconds, he's not there anymore.

I give my card to the salesperson. "I think this is okay. Please swipe my card now. I need to rush."

I keep on looking outside, tapping my fingers on the display table as I wait for my purchase. And after waiting for I feel like forever, the transaction is done. I say thank you to the salesperson before running out of the store.

I didn't know that choosing to go left or right has been this hard. I saw the nearest exit on the right side, I chose to go there.

There's a flea market just outside the mall. Christmas is near and most of the malls open an area for entrepreneurs to sell goods. There are around a hundred stalls in the open area. How can I find Jin here?

I walk around. Looking at each of the stalls. I even saw the keychain Jin gave me. I smiled as I learned that you can request for it to be handpainted with your name. In my case, Jin chose to have Gucci handpainted. Our first meeting is indeed memorable. And I guess, the keychain did its purpose. Making me think of happy thoughts whenever I look at it.

At last, I saw Jin looking at the slippers in one of the stalls. I stand a bit far. Behind a mannequin, so he won't see me.

"How much is this?" He asked with a smile.

"That's $30, sir."

Jin puts the slippers back to the display stand. "Thanks."

My heart hurts. I remember that time when I took the money from him. I didn't know back then how important it was for him. I remember when Sam gave him a pair of shoes, it's because his shoes were already worn out. I remember when I saw his sock with a hole, exposing his toes.

I followed him and the same thing goes on. He did not buy all the things that caught his eyes. But then, he stopped on one of the stalls. I cannot hear clearly what they are talking about but Jin seems excited. It took him around 10 minutes before his transaction is finally over.

He immediately puts a small paper bag inside his backpack. He walks happily. At last, he bought something after so many inquiries.

I think I looked like a dog now. Secretly following Jin as he walks towards the bus stop. He stops to look at the food stall. He pulls something from his pocket, from my vantage point, he checks on his money. He then puts it back in his pocket and walks away. I checked what he's looking at and the food stall sells churros.

Jin is already sitting down at the bus stop. I look at the time and the bus will arrive in 10 minutes. He takes out a pack of cookies from his bag and starts munching on it.

I take a deep breath, pulling all the courage I have before sitting down beside him. Giving him a box of churros.

His eyes went wide when he saw the food but it went wider when he saw me sitting beside him.

"Mr. Kim?"

I smiled at him, the box of churros still in my hand. "I saw you walking in the flea market so I followed you. I bought some churros for you."

He stared at the box. He looked hesitant to get it but he did eventually. "Thank you, sir. This is actually my brother's favorite."

So he wanted to buy it earlier for his brother. "Did you go shopping?"

He laughed shyly. I noticed how his ears turned red. "Yes, sir. Window shopping."

We both chuckled by his answer. I noticed the bandage around his wrist. He really seriously got hurt from the fall. "How's your wrist? Did you have it checked?"

He nodded and rubbed his wrist. "It's fine. Jimin paid for the expenses. I have it checked and the results were good. By the way, I bought some small gifts for Christmas. Do you want to see?" His eyes look so pure and innocent. I wonder if he ever did something wrong in his life.

I nod. "Sure."

He opened his bag and pulled out the paper bag I saw earlier. He peeked on it and took something out. A ballpen.

"It's cute, isn't it? It's only a dollar but I added another dollar and have the names painted on them. It's not much but it's personalized." He smiled once more. That very cute smile where his cheeks puffing out and his gleaming too.

I read the name. Jungkook. Probably, his boyfriend. The guy holding his hand a few days ago.

"It's cute. You really love personalized things." I said while handing back the pen.

He took it and placed it back inside the paper bag. "Yes. The keychain I gave you is also personalized. At least, it's special. I mean, like this pen, you cannot give it to others because the name is painted on it. When I buy something, I always think of the person whom I buying it for. I want it to be appreciated for the meaning rather than the price."

I stared at his face. He's the most precious human I've ever met. "You're so sweet, Jin."

He shook his head while waving his hands. "Jimin is sweet too. I think both of you are lucky to have each other."

My heart breaks. I can't believe I will hear something like that from him. "Your boyfriend is luckier because he has you."

He seemed surprised. Perhaps, wondering why I knew. But before he can even acknowledge, the bus arrived. He stood up immediately.

"My bus is here. Thank you again for the churros, Mr. Kim. So nice to see you again."

Jin went inside the bus. He settled himself on the window side. He looked at me, smiled, and waved goodbye before the bus moves away.

I wish I have the guts before to tell him that I like him. Or maybe, it's good that I did not tell him. Because he's already taken by that one lucky guy.

I envy him.

Time indeed is precious. I wish we met earlier. I wish he come around earlier.

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