23. Plans

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"Are you sure you don't want me to deliver the food? I'll gladly do it. I'm on my way there, anyway." Yoongi offered. He just dropped Jin to Jimin's restobar.

"No need. Besides, I need to discuss something with Jimin today and it will take longer than expected. You can go to Mr. Kim now. Maybe he's already waiting for you." Jin opens the door and goes out of the car. "Thank you for today, Mr. Min."

Yoongi gave Jin a gummy smile. He waited for him to get inside the restobar before driving his way to Taehyung's house.

For Jin, it's better than Yoongi only knew a thing and that is Jimin is Taehyung's secret admirer. It's already obvious as Yoongi knew that he's working at Chim's Restobar, Yoongi already met Jimin when he was kept inside the kitchen, and today, he was seen coming out of Taehyung's home. If he will let Yoongi wait for him today, he will get curious as to why he stayed longer if he will only deliver. He cannot let Yoongi knows that he's the one doing everything.

"You're a little late?" Jimin asked Jin as soon as he entered the resto. His eyes looking at Jin from head to foot.

Jin took a deep breath. "I'm sorry but Jungkook doesn't want me to go to work today. I can't blame him, it's my day off."

Jimin lets out a sarcastic laugh. "You need an extra income, right Jin?"

Jin looked at Jimin with a confused face. He doesn't know what Jimin meant by that question but he nodded in response.

"So why don't you say that to your brother? I mean, you're working so he can study. Then why Jungkook questioning your decision to work today? This is what you want, isn't it? Extra money?" Jimin's tone is higher than his usual making the customers look at them.

Jin cannot speak. He's feeling ashamed as he can feel some curious faces looking at him. He swallowed his fears before talking to Jimin again. "It's not that. That's what I wanted to say. I wanted to go on a complete day-off tomorrow. It should be my day-off today but you asked me to cook and deliver for Taehyung. I have plans too."

Jimin grabbed Jin by the elbow and pulled him inside the kitchen. Placing his hands on his hips and breathing in and out, he looked at Jin. "How dare you talk to me like that in front of my customers! We're friends but here I'm still your boss!"

Jin lowered his head, not knowing what to say. "I-i'm sorry. I know I should have not done that."

"I'm glad you know." Jimin raised his brows, sneering at Jin. "You can cook now."


Jimin looked back at Jin, his face still irked. "What?"

Jin pulls out the letter Taehyung asked him to give to Jimin. Taehyung takes it from his hand and his face brightens up.

"He told me to give it to you," Jin said while putting on the apron.

Jimin is all smiles while reading the letter. He cannot believe that Taehyung will be so interested to meet him. "Can you write back to him and tell him I want to see him too?"

Jun nods. "Okay, I will write that. I will include that in this batch."

Jimin stares at Jin, watched Jin as Jin cuts the ingredients. "You're supposed to give me this after you deliver the food earlier, right?"

Jin looked at Jimin, worried. Jimin waving the envelope in front of his face. He doesn't know what's wrong with his friend. He's happy and now he's grumpy.

"You brought this letter with you and you just gave it to me now when it was with you the whole time. Did you know that this is so important to me?!" Jimin screamed at the top of his lungs while poking on Jin's temple.

What Jimin did make Jin to cover his face with his hand. His tears fell uncontrollably.

"What's wrong with you?!" Jin finally yells back at Jimin. "It's supposed to be my day-off. I am only doing this because you asked for a favor. You told me I can go home after the delivery and just go back at 4 pm. I am only 5 minutes late and you scolded me the moment I stepped inside your bar.

You shamed me in front of your customers. Making it appear that I am only after the money. So what if I am? I am working hard for it. You're not like that before. You're not the Jimin I used to know. You don't need to poke my head as if I am stupid. I know I did not finish my studies but I am not like what you're implying. I'm supposed to give the letter but you just keep on nagging. We're friends Jimin. We are best friends. What's wrong?"

Jin bursts into tears. He doesn't know what's wrong or how heavy his sin was. He's doing what Jimin asked him to do but it seemed as if all his hard works are unappreciated.

"There's nothing wrong Jin." Jimin cleared his throat. Maintaining his poker face. "But always remember that you're working for me. You're inside my premises. We are friends outside but here, I am still your boss. Remember that. Now go back to work."

Jin closes his eyes to breathe. One of the chefs pats his back. Telling him it's all okay. He just smiles and continues his work. All he wants right now is to go home and rest. He swears he will turn off his phone once he gets home.


Jin stands up in front of Taehyung's gate. He doesn't know why he needs to do all these. He sometimes regrets why he did not try being a working student. Perhaps, he's already a graduate by now and Jimin will not look down on him.

He pulls out the hand cream Taehyung gave him. He puts a small amount and he rubs it on his hand. When he realized it, he laughed at himself. "Silly Jin! Taehyung will not like you even if you have soft hands."

He presses the doorbell and after waiting for a while, Taehyung appears at the front gate.

"Twice a day?" He asked looking at the bag Jin is holding.

"I guess it will be every Saturday. You need to cook tomorrow." Jin answered while Taehyung took the bag from his hand.

"Chim is busy tomorrow?"

Jin shakes his head. "No, sir. It's my day off tomorrow. No one will deliver."

"I see. Tell Chim I'm going to miss his cooking."

Jin smiles. "I will tell my boss about it."

Taehyung peeks inside the bag but he looks as if he smells something odd. He looks at Jin making Jin confused. Without notice, he grabs Jin's hand, lifts it up to his nose, and smells it making Jin's eyes shot wide open.

"You used it!" Taehyung smiled widely. "It's great, isn't it?"

Jin pulls his hand and looks at his shoes. He's afraid he blushed as he can feel his cheeks getting warm. He's also shy at Taehyung because he obviously used the cream right away.

But before he can even respond, someone cleared his throat.


Jin's face looks thunderstruck than ever. Yoongi is there smiling at him.

"Oh... H-hi Mr. M--"

"Is he the one you're telling me delivering the food?" Yoongi cuts Jin off by asking Taehyung a question.

"Jin please meet my friend Yoongi. Yoongi this is Jin." Taehyung introduced Yoongi and it made Jin more perplexed especially when Yoongi reached out and took his hand for a handshake.

"Nice meeting you, Jin," Yoongi said with a smile as he squeezed Jin's hand hard.

Jin is clueless about what's happening. Instead of asking, he just trusts Yoongi's plans.

He smiled back at Yoongi. "Nice meeting you, sir."

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