59. Good Night

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Jin was busy cooking their dinner for that night. He couldn't believe that Taehyung planned the day weeks before. Or maybe more. Taehyung had someone prepared the bungalow, and bought what they needed for two days. As promised, he wanted to cook for his man. The first time he would do the reason why Taehyung fell for him and he was excited about it.

Taehyung made his way to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around Jin's waist, "It should be delicious."

Jin smiled and took his eyes away from the cooking pan, "Hungry?"

Taehyung stepped to the side and leaned the back of his thighs against the counter, getting a view of Jin's face. "I always wanted to see you cooking for me. I'm sorry if you need to do that."

"I love to do this for you."

"Why are you wearing a parka while cooking? I already opened the heater." Taehyung wiped the sweat that formed on Jin's forehead.

"I-i'm fine," Jin looked a bit hesitant to remove his padded jacket. He knew what was under it. Even though he was wearing a coat over the shirt, he could not fathom what would be Taehyung's reaction once he saw what he was wearing.

But there were things that he couldn't control. Taehyung turned him so they were face to face and unzipped his parka. Jin's face reddened when a smile formed on Taehyung's face after seeing what was under the jacket.

"So this is what you bought?" Taehyung's voice began to go deeper as he pulled Jin closer to his body.

Jin couldn't look at Taehyung's eyes. He was ashamed and he couldn't forgive Hoseok for doing it to him. "No no! This is not what I bought. Hoseok brought it and insisted that I should wear this instead."

Jin's body stiffened when Taehyung started to plant soft kisses on his neck. "I should give him an increase in doing that."

Jin pushed Taehyung but Taehyung's grip was stronger. "Stop it Tae. Unless you want to eat a burnt steak."

Taehyung loosened his hands and chuckled as he looked at the very flustered Jin. Jin turned his back on Taehyung. His eyes widened when he noticed that three of his shirt's buttons were already unbuttoned.


Their dinner went fast. It seemed as if both of them were anticipating something. They ate without saying much aside from the occasional eye contact and small smiles.

Jin could not remove the smile from his face as he applied perfumed lotion all over his body after a long shower. He thought it was foolish of him to look forward to what  Hoseok told him. He found their dinner awkward, feeling the sexual tension between them. He stared at himself in the mirror as he straightened his pajamas. He was nervous. He breathed in and breathed out as he wondered what Taehyung was doing in their shared bedroom.

He took a deep breath before turning the knob and going out of the bathroom. He found Taehyung standing at the foot of the bed holding two cups.

"I prepared hot chocolate so we can sip while watching Netflix," Taehyung tilted his head and Jin got the memo. Jin crawled to the bed before Taehyung handed him the cup and settled beside him.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Taehyung looked at Jin, more of a stare. He was holding the remote control with one of his hands while the cup on the other.

Jin half shrugged. He didn't know what to watch. All the movies he had in mind were gone in a split second. Taehyung's arms brushing against his own were enough to distract him. He could feel the butterflies flapping wildly in his stomach. "I don't know any."

Taehyung turned the TV off making Jin looked up to him. "Good. I love it more if we can talk. So tell me, are you enjoying the place?"

Jin smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "So much! It's more beautiful in person. I've seen this in the dramas and I always wanted to come here."

Taehyung smiled not because of Jin's response but on how cute Jin speaks. "How about the fireworks? Did you like it?"

Jin smiled shyly. Remembering how he cried seeing the words he wanted so badly to hear. It was more than hearing it. It was like Taehyung screamed to the whole of Seoul that he loves him. "I still can't believe you did that."

Taehyung slipped his hand between the pillow and Jin's back. Then his eyes went on Jin's toes, Taehyung barked a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Jin's lips protruded wondering why Taehyung suddenly laugh.

"I remember seeing your toes through the holes of your socks then you're curling it in so I wouldn't see it," Taehyung said with a wide smile on his face.

Jin went red and frowned, "Are you mocking me?"

Taehyung wrapped Jin in his arms and kissed him on his nose. "That was the moment I realized that I like you."

Jin looked at his boyfriend, confused.

"I wanted to make myself believe that I only pity you but I realized that I didn't. I found it really cute. I found it adorable. That night, I cannot sleep thinking about you. I was smiling the whole time thinking about your toes."

Jin slapped Taehyung's thighs and whined. "You're making fun of me!"

Taehyung laughed some more, "No! I love it! I know it may sound weird or perhaps I've told you a different reason but looking back, I realized that it all started from there. I felt guilty for treating you unfairly but at the same time, I am smiling every time I think about you."

Jin stared on his toes as he remembered that moment. "Love sometimes comes in the weirdest times and situations."

Taehyung removed the cup from Jin's hands and placed it on the night table. His intense stare met with Jin, he leaned forward to press his forehead against Jin's own. "You came to me right in time. I believe fate brought us together and I am extremely glad that fate chose me for you."

Jin closed his eyes, his breath started to hitch when he felt Taehyung's hand slipped inside his shirt, and now touching his back. "W-was it you for me?"

"I am only certain that I love you." With that, Taehyung pulled Jin's head and started kissing Jin.

Their kiss was far more intense from their make-out session inside Taehyung's car.  The movement of their lips was faster. Taehyung pushed his tongue between Jin's parted lips and their tongue touched giving Taehyung a chance to suck on Jin's tongue. Jin purred by Taehyung's move and his breathing quickened.

Taehyung pulled away and removed his shirt. He then yanked Jin's shirt next and threw it on the floor. He captured Jin's lips once more picking up the intensity that they left earlier. Taehyung's hands explored Jin's curves and felt the smoothness of his flushed skin. Taehyung sucked and nibbled Jin's lower lip and Jin's moans were muffled by Taehyung's intense kiss.

Taehyung pulled away from the kiss, sliding down the bed to remove his shorts and boxers. Jin took his eyes off from Taehyung's full erection making Taehyung smirked. He then pulled Jin up and made him stand on the floor in front of him.

Jin's eyes fluttered as Taehyung took the waistband of his pajamas and pulled them off in a single movement along with Jin's underwear. Jin's whole body went pink. Nobody had seen him fully naked nor he had seen a man naked.

"You look so amazing, Seokjin," Taehyung whispered as he nuzzled Jin's neck. Giving him soft feathery kisses and scenting him. Feeling the softness of Jin's skin with his lips.

Taehyung sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling and making Jin straddled him. Wrapping his arms around Jin's body and Jin's hands resting on his shoulders, Taehyung kissed Jin's lips once more, slowly moving down to Jin's neck, shoulders, all the way down to Jin's chest. He licked and sucked Jin's nipple while he rubbed the other with his fingers.

Jin moaned from the sensations he was feeling. His flesh tingled as warmth spread all throughout his body. He took a fistful of Taehyung's hair as he felt Taehyung sucking and biting on his skin, leaving him with purple bruises.

Jin's body tensed when he realized where his ass was sitting on.



Remember, good things come to those who wait..

Love, Authornim 💜💜💜

Again, I did not proofread.

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