56. Confrontation

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Jin felt his cheek getting warm. Jin closed his eyes and bowed his head. He was trying to suppress the different kinds of emotions he felt inside. His hand balled into a fist. Rage was nearing to consume him. He breathed out and opened his eyes and saw Jimin with a smirk plastered on his face.

"You're the most fuck whore I've ever met in my life," Jimin said in a monotone voice looking at Jin from head to foot. "How dare you steal Taehyung from me? You're denying it but look at what I just saw. You looked like some goody innocent guy when flirting and stealing him from me are all you have in your dumb head!"

"Don't make me say things that I know you hate to hear." Jin stared in Jimin's eyes. He was calm but his hands still balled into a fist.

Jimin chuckled with sarcasm. "Look who's talking. Since when did you speak against me? None! Because you're a whore hiding in a mask! What kind of friend are you? Is there a friend stealing his friend's man?"

"Did you even treat me as a friend, Jimin?" Jin asked narrowing his eyes.

Jimin scoffed. "What kind of question is that? I gave you meals when we're in high school. I gave you a job in my cafe. Now you're asking me if I treated you as a friend? How dumb can you get?"

"Stop calling me dumb!" Jin yelled. He tried to swallow his anger but it overpowered him.

"Oh! Are you yelling at me?"

"Yes! Listen to me! Stop making me feel guilty for the things you did to me because as far as I know, you only did that because you needed me!

Yes, you gave me meals when we were in high school. Why? Because I'm the one who was doing all your fucking homework and projects! Never you fed me in your own free will. Whenever you offer a free meal, you always have favors!

Yes, you gave me a job. Thank you! But I worked hard in your cafe. I worked hard to earn money. I did not ask you to give me a job. And what? I ended up being used again! You took all the credits of my hard work and you did not hear anything from me.

You taught me how to deceive and to lie and I am so fucking stupid to obey you. You hid me in the kitchen, you pushed me and I ended up with sprained wrist. You made me work even if my wrist was heavily bandaged. You almost wanted to kick me out of your cafe so Taehyung will not see me. You beat me up and accused me of something I did not do. You called me names but what did I do? I apologized for the things I did not even do!

But hey! Thank you because I met the man who is making me happy now. I did not steal Taehyung from you because he's never yours. When did he become yours, Jimin?"

"He's mine if you did not interfere!" Jimin's voice started to break and Jin gripped on the hemline of his shirt. Seeing Jimin getting emotional tugged in his heart but he also wanted to release his anger.

"Then why did you send me to deliver in the first place? If you did what you're supposed to do, it will not come to this! You're a coward, Jimin! You are. From then until now, you are a coward!

You never believed in your self. You always wanted to be the best but you're not trying to be better. You always made others do things for you while you sit there, taking all the credits and made it appear that you are good. People will love and accept you for who you are Jimin and they will hate and avoid you for trying so hard to be the person you're not!

Do you want Taehyung to love you for being a liar? Do you want him to love the person that you're not? Would it be better if the person you love will love you even in your imperfections? Would it be better if the person you love will accept you no matter how flawed you are? Because that's real love. Loving and accepting the imperfect you.

I can't see any reason why you need to do that. You're wealthy, you're good looking, you're nice--"

"But I don't have any talent! My parents always tell me that I am lucky because I was born wealthy and handsome because if not, I am nothing. Why? Because I am dumb and talentless!

I hated it because you almost have everything! You're not rich but you are handsome, you are talented, you don't have parents but you are loved, so loved by your brother. And me? I have parents who always see only the fault in me.

They are pushing me to do things that I don't want. They never support me for what I want in life. They always mock me for my poor grades. They always make me feel useless. And you? You can do whatever you want. You are smart, you are good at almost everything! And I hated it! I hate that I don't have what you have and I hated that I cannot have them!!"

Jimin ran away after saying all those words to Jin. Jin was left standing at the sidewalk, dumbfounded and a bit confused.

Jin cannot believe that Jimin had a lot of insecurities. He only knew Jimin as a very fortunate person. He thought that Jimin was a happy person but he was wrong. Jimin envied him and he cannot grasp the reason why.

Slowly, Jin went up their apartment feeling sad and guilty. He assumed that Jimin grew up in a nice environment but he was emotionally frail because he was emotionally abused.

Truly, money cannot buy happiness. They can buy the material things that can make you happy but only for a moment. He realized that he was lucky because even if he did not have much money, even if they only live in a cramped apartment, at least, his brother was very loving and supportive of him. He was well-loved by Jungkook and Hoseok. And for that, he was thankful.

Before he reached the last stairs towards the door of his apartment, his phone vibrated. Jungkook let him use his old phone as his phone broke that night he ran under the rain.

"Tae?" Jin's voice was lifeless. He wanted to cry.

"Hey baby, I'm home. What's with the voice? Did I wake you up?"

Jin smiled lazily. Hearing Taehyung's voice eased the stress he was feeling. "No. Jimin came."

"Oh shit! Did he hurt you? What did he do?"

Jin sat down on the stairs and leaned his head against the wall. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "No, I'm okay. But we did fight."

The next thing Taehyung heard were sobs from the other line. Taehyung knew that Jin was crying hard. And he cannot fathom the thought of Jin crying because of him.

"I will go there. Wait for me."



I did not proofread. Sorry for the errors.

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