47. Confession

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After brushing his teeth, Jin goes back to bed. We had a small discussion earlier on where he will be sleeping. He wanted to sleep on the couch in my living area but I said no. He said he can sleep in one of the other bedrooms but once again, I said no. My bedroom has a couch where I can sleep while looking after him at the same time. He even insisted to sleep on the couch and me on my bed. All his suggestions turned into nothing. My house, my rules and I'm glad he finally gave in and now peacefully sleeping in my bed.

A slight whimper woke me up. I even tried to identify what noise I am hearing. Then a muffled cry followed making me sit on the couch and look at Jin's direction.

His head moving on either side. His hands grasping on the bedsheets as he sniffs. He's crying. I hurried to his side and touched his forehead. His fever already subsides and he is sweating.

"No..." Jin cried. His voice almost a whisper as he breathes heavily.

I tapped his cheeks to wake him up calling out his name. But he just keeps on moving.

"Jin? Jin it's me, Taehyung." I called.

I thought my heart fell on the bed when he shoves my hand as he screams. He screamed as if someone assaulting him.

"No! Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" He cried as he moves back to the headboard. His body shaking and his arms covering his body.

"Jin? It's me." I said again, trying to move away as I can see the fear in his eyes.

I slowly move closer to him. His body crammed at the headboard of the bed. I keep on uttering that it's me. I hold his wrist and pull him to me. My heart breaks once more when he started to cry. I hate the fact that he's been crying since last night. It makes me angry.

"He touched me..." He cried again on my shoulder. He's been mentioning that someone touched him and it's making me anxious. I know that the calling card had something to do with it.

"Who touched you? Tell me, who the fuck touched you?" I closed my eyes in anger. Hearing cries of anguish from the man I truly like makes my hands form into a fist. I wanted to punch that someone in the face. Or perhaps, I can kill him.

I hold Jin in his arms. Lifting his head and cupping his cheeks to face me. I want him to feel that he's safe with me and that he can trust me. I want him to feel secured whenever I'm around. I want him to feel my presence. I want him to feel that he's important to me. I want him to feel that he is valuable, that he is special, that he is loved.

"Jin, you can trust me. Tell me, what happened? What happened to you?"

Jin holds on to my forearm. He looks down and takes a moment probably to gather his thoughts.

"Was that man from the Grind?" I asked. His eyes tear up some more. A sign or maybe a confirmation that something bad happened in that damn club. "Jin, please, calm down. You're safe now, he cannot touch you. Now tell me, what happened?"

In between sobs, he takes a deep breath. "I... I lost my job at Chim's last week. And... I saw the signboard in front of that club..."

Jin paused for a while to cough. Right at this moment, I am certain that I can never forgive whoever did something perverted to Jin.

"...someone approached me. A man, he promised that I can earn a hundred per night. But I told him I don't know how to dance. He said it's okay. But something inside me was doubting the real intention so I ignored it and did not attend the interview...

...yesterday, my landlady made a scene and she told me she will kick us out. I remembered the job offer... And I went but..."

Jin's eyes went on mines. I don't know how to stop his tears from falling or for him to believe that he's now safe. All I can do is hug him and let him feel that I'm here for him.

"...he invited me to a room. He tried to kiss me... He touched me... He touched..."

His words are now muffled by his cries. I can feel his back throbbing as he sobs. I knew it, that man harassed Jin.

"Jin look at me."

Jin looked up to meet my eyes.

"I know it's not right for me to say this but what's important is you were able to escape. What's important right now is nothing much worst happened. I know what happened is unacceptable, unforgivable and I know it caused you pain and trauma, but what's important now is you are now safe, he cannot touch you and you, we can do something to make him pay for what he did to you.

I promise you, I will not let this pass. I will not let that pervert to get away with what he did. For now, please know that you are safe here.

Regarding your landlady, I know what happened. Yoongi already talked to Jungkook about it and your rent will be settled by tomorrow. I'll make sure to kick that woman out before she can even kick you out of that building.

For now, relax. Calm down. Nothing will happen. Nothing bad will happen. Remember that many people love you, many of us care for you and many of us worry about you. So please, I know its hard, but please be okay. Please be okay. You need it. Okay?"

Jin's eyes stayed at mines. He calmed down. Tears are still there but he's not crying hard anymore. I wish, I really do wish, he found comfort from my words. And I hope that somehow, I earned his trust.

"I'm sorry."

"Jin, I don't know why you need to say sorry. You did nothing wrong." I assured him.

He bites his lower lip and lowered his head. "I don't know why you're doing this. But thank you. After saying what happened to me, it felt like something has been taken out of my chest. I'm sorry if I am causing you stress and worry."

I smiled and rub my thumb on his jaw, wiping the tears that fell there. "It's normal to worry about someone you care about. No need to apologize."

"And regarding what happened in that club, I don't have plans to file a case-"

"We will file a case. He harassed you and that's not right. If you're scared of your privacy, I promise you, I will protect you." I cut him out. I want him to have peace of mind.

"But, what happened to me was so embarrassing. I am so stupid to believe that they have good intentions. I think it will stress me more if we will file a case." Jin frowned. He cannot look straight in my eyes.

I shake my head. "So you will just let that one pass? That's not right. Don't worry, I have the best lawyer. In no time, that club will be closed. And that man will spend some time behind bars. For now, don't worry about anything. Okay?"

Jin did not answer. I hold his hands and rub them with my thumbs.

"Tae... Regarding my landlady..."

"If you will tell me not to pay or that you will repay me, I will tell you now that I will not accept it. Jin, you don't need to worry about everything. Please take care of yourself too. You need it now more than ever."


"No more buts. Now, go back to sleep, take away all your worries, Taehyung will be here to take care of you." I gave him a reassuring smile but his face signaled that he's confused. Am I not yet obvious? Or he's just naturally gullible?

"Why?" His question came out as a whisper.

I chew the insides of my cheek. I let out a sigh and stare at his tired eyes.

"I like you Jin."


I'm too lazy to edit and reread so pardon my errors.


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