43. Lucky Day

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I forgot how I slept last night. I did not realize that I fell asleep in Jungkook's bed. My head felt heavy due to too much crying. And my cut, bruises, and scratches felt painful today more than yesterday.

I don't have the strength to deliver newspapers today. All I want is to stay home and hibernate. I lost my will to work. But waking up and looking at my brother who will soon graduate, I know that I should continue with my life. I need to move to double-time now to find a job. Hopefully, a more stable job.

After preparing Jungkook's breakfast then went in for a shower, I am now ready to go to work. I know the salary is not much but what's important is I will earn an amount today so I can buy food and Jungkook will have pocket money to go to school.

The wind is so cold today. I wrapped the scarf Mr. Kim gave me tightly around my neck as I head to work. It snowed last night. Christmas is just around the corner and I hope, I really hope that even though I am unlucky lately, I can still celebrate it decently with Jungkook.

"Good morning madam!" I greeted Mrs. Lee who is always warm to me.

"Good morning Seokjinnie. Hey! What happened to your face?" Mrs. Lee stood up to get a closer look at my wounds.

"Accident." I did not elaborate.

"Oh gosh, you should be careful, okay? And the weather is so cold, you take care so you won't catch the flu."

I smiled as I pick up the papers that I am going to deliver this morning. "I will. You too Mrs. Lee."

Mrs. Lee smiled back before going back to work. I am about to leave when I remember something. I walk back to her table.

"Uhmmm, Mrs. Lee?"

Mrs. Lee looked up at me and smiled. "Yes? What can I do for you?"

I bit my lips. My cheeks felt warm even the weather felt like biting me. "I wonder if you know an extra job? I mean, I can clean, I can collect and throw the garbage, anything. I'm not picky."

Mrs. Lee furrowed her brows as she looks at me. "Why? You're working as a waiter, right?"

I nodded. I can't look straight in her eyes. "I lost my job yesterday. The management needed to cost-cut so I am one of those who lost their jobs."

Mrs. Lee frowned after hearing my reasoning. "That's sad. Anyway, I will call a friend and ask if they have extra space for you, okay? But, it's a small recycling yard. Is that okay with you?"

My heart beats happily and I nodded frantically. "Yes, of course, it's okay! Very much okay!"

Mrs. Lee held my hand and rubbed it. "I admire you Seokjin. You are very hard working. Go now and I hope I'll have good news for you when you come back."

I bowed at Mrs. Lee. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Lee."

That alone made my day. It's not yet final but at least, I saw a little bit of hope. Reminding me that everything's going to be okay.

"Hi, Jin!" Yeonjun, Mr. Kim's driver called. I forgot the wounds on my face and he immediately noticed. "What happened to you?"

"Accident." I tried avoiding his eyes. This is the second time I lied today and I now I am thinking that I am always unlucky because I keep on lying.

"You're an accident-prone guy," Yeonjun said. His eyes are worried as he looked at me. "You should always be careful."

I nodded and gave the newspaper to him so I can go. "I will. Thank you, sir. I have to go."

"You're not delivering foods for Mr. Kim anymore?" He asked making me turned back to face him.

"Not anymore." I forced a smile. It will be another lie if I will deny that I miss doing that. "Did his boyfriend deliver food last night?"

Yeonjun shook his head. "Yes. Jimin was there last night but he's not Mr. Kim's boyfriend. Mr. Kim told me their just friends."

There's something inside me that made my heart happy but at the same time, I reminded myself that I am not fit for Mr. Kim.

"I'll go now, sir. See you again soon." I turned my back after waving goodbye.

I wonder now, who cooked for Mr. Kim last night? Maybe the chef of Chim's restobar? No matter who cooked for him, I hope he enjoyed the food. I hope he's eating well. And I hope, he'll miss me too.


On my way back to the publishing company, an advertisement placed on board stood in front of a bar.

Grind Night Bar is Hiring!
Are you a Dancer?
Earn as much as $100.00 a night or more!
Apply Inside!

I stared at the job offer. The salary is too good to be true. But it's quite tempting. The only problem, I'm not a dancer. This job is not for me.

"Do you want to apply?" A middle-aged man approached me. He looked decent.

I shook my head. "I'm not a dancer."

He chuckled. "It's okay. You don't need to be a dancer."

"But it says there that the bar needs a dancer."

He smiled. More of a smirk. A dirty smirk in my opinion. "Your handsome face is enough for the job. I am the manager of Grind, by the way."

I am confused. The job said dancer but he's telling me otherwise. Though I am happy with his compliment, no matter how tempted I am to apply, it started to give me doubts too.

"Your lips look good when it wrapped around... Well, nevermind." He pulled something out from his pocket and gave me his calling card. "Call me if you decide to apply. I will guarantee you a quick hiring process and I will assure you of a guaranteed spot. $100 dollars a night and probably more. Think about it."

He went inside the bar. I am left alone outside staring at the card that he just gave me. One thing is for sure, if dancing is not a requirement, I will surely think about it.

"Hey, Jin!" Mrs. Lee is all smiling when I arrived at her office. "I found you a job!"

My eyes widened. "Really? Oh my gosh! Thank you thank you!" I shamelessly hugged her because of happiness.

"But this is not an easy job and the salary is not that high but it can help you. And he can only give you every other day job schedule. You need to collect cartons and plastics. That's his business. If that's okay with you?" Mrs. Lee looked embarrassed. Probably because of the type of job.

I held her hand and squeezed them. "It's okay. I told you, ma'am, I'm not picky. I can do that job!"

Mrs. Lee smiled at me. Perhaps, I am not really unlucky, right?

On the other hand, I texted the man who gave me a card. He replied immediately as if his company is desperately looking for an employee. He's asking me to report tonight in a nice casual outfit.

I'm not yet sure but today may be my lucky day?



Taehyung's POV next chapter.
Then TAEJIN moment on the next next.


Me too.


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