2. Favor

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"Oh my gosh! What happened to you?" Jimin gasps as soon as he saw me. I am an hour early before the restaurant opens.

I prop my bike against the wall and look at the wheel. The rim is now deformed and the chain falls off.

"Someone bumped my bike." I stared at my bike again. I was just thinking about it before I left home. I said I can't afford to lose it. I know the driver gave me $300 to have it repaired but I am also in need of our monthly rent.

"Oh gosh! Did he leave you in that condition? Did you get the plate number? You should file a complaint." Jimin takes my hand and guides me inside his restaurant. He's inspecting the bruises and scratches I got from the accident.

"His driver gave me $300," I said so he won't need to worry.

"What?! He should have brought you to the hospital and given you a new bike!" He exclaimed.

"Jimin I'm okay. These are just scratches. Far from the intestines." I laughed to divert his annoyance. And Jimin smiled at me.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to you. Don't worry, keep the money and I will buy you a new bike on the weekend. Is that okay?"

I don't know what to say. Jimin is my best friend since high school. We were together all the time. We took separate paths when I needed to stop my studies to work.

Jimin, coming from a well-off family, was able to finish college and was able to establish his restobar. Knowing that I stopped studying and didn't have a stable job, he hired me to work for him.

"I hope you'll be more careful next time." Jimin dabs some medicine on my scratches and I just learned that I also have a scratch on my cheek.

"I will and thank you." I appreciate every little thing he's doing for me and to return for his goodness, I am working hard for him.

"Guess what?" His face brightens while he puts a bandage on the biggest scratch I have on my arm.

I looked at him and waited for his news.

"My long-time crush is back here in Seoul for good!" He exclaimed and he looked really excited.

"Really? Kim Taehyung?" I smiled. He's been telling me about that man ever since we met after college. And I know how much he likes that man.

Jimin nods in excitement. "I heard from a college friend that he's back to overtake his father's company. I didn't know that he's back in Seoul four months ago. And guess what? He's not yet married!"

I can see the happiness in Jimin's eyes and I know how much he waited for this moment. He told me that he will not marry anyone unless it is Kim Taehyung.

"Wow! So you must be preparing now to get married to him?" I chuckled and he slapped me on my arm.

"Shut up!" He rests his chin on his hand and looks at me. I know that eyes and he wants something.

"What's that?"

"Uhmmm... I'm thinking to send him food every day." Jimin looks shy while saying that and it makes me laugh.

"So you'll be the one to pursue him?"

He giggled, maybe realizing how crazy his idea was. "Well, sort of. Can you cook for him? You really cook well and I know he will love your cooking."

"Oh! Sure! No problem." I am working as a waiter but from time to time, I'm also cooking for the restaurant.

"And one more?" Jimin gives me his squinty eyes and smiles. "Can you make a letter for him?"


He nods, probably liking his idea so much. "Yes. A sweet letter that will come together with the food."

I am genuinely taken aback. "Would it be better if you'll be the one to write it so it comes from your heart?"

He shakes his head. "You know I'm not good with words. You were the best writer back in high school. If I only have your talents, I will not ask for a favor. So please?"

"I will cook and then I will write a sweet letter. You want me to deliver them as well?" I joked and I am even more surprised when he nods.


My eyes widened and he clung to my arm. Rubbing his cheek on my shoulder.

"Jinnie, please? I'm sorry. But I think it will be sweet if I will send it in surprise." He said in a pout. "The letter doesn't have to be a whole letter. A sentence to three is good enough."

I stared at him and he looks funny rather than pitiful.

"I know I will look pathetic but I'd rather look like that. I want him. I've waited for him too long and I will not let this chance pass. So please Jinnie, help me?"

I don't know if it's a good idea but I just cannot say no to Jimin. Besides, it won't harm anyone. It's just food and a letter. What's wrong with that?

"Okay. So when are we going to start?"

His eyes spark when he heard that I just agreed with his crazy idea. "Tonight! Oh gosh, thank you so much!" Jimin hugged me before sitting beside me.

"You know that I can't say no to you. So, what do you want me to cook for him tonight? How about snacks?" I suggested.

"He's in the office until five so the food must be on his doorsteps around 6. Just in time for his dinner. Can you make tacos with salsa for him?"

"Seems like everything is already planned?" I laughed.

"No. Not yet. You know that I know nothing about cooking. I just love to eat. That's why I hired a chef but I don't like him to eat what my chef has been cooking. I want it to be as homey and personal as possible that's why I want you to cook for him. So in that case, can you make a list of the recipes that you will cook every day? I trust that they will all turn out delicious!"

I smirked at my best friend. "Cook, write a letter, deliver then plan for everyday dinner meal. It feels like I'm the one wooing your crush!"

He laughed. "I'm sorry. I'll give you his home address. I'm sorry but in the meantime, you have to take a bus. I promise to buy you a bike tomorrow!"

"I thought you said on the weekends?"

"Well, I realized you need it." He said cutely.

"I need it or you need it?"


We just laugh about it. I guess I'll have to work extra for my best friend tonight.


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