11. Apologies

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Jimin is a bitch today. My heart feels heavy as I prepare the food that I'm going to deliver for his crush who did not even remember his name. I cannot smile when Hoseok told me what happened. I pity Jimin. He must be really hurt.

I was informed that Mr. Kim's assistant was looking for me. Hoseok gave a false answer and I hope that the assistant will not take Hoseok's answer seriously.

Speaking of Mr. Kim's assistant, I never thought that the guy with the gummy smile who ate here yesterday is his assistant. And Hoseok told me that he came back because of my excellent service and the food I recommended. And he came along with his boss. He must be really proud. Honestly, I don't know if I should believe Hoseok. He can be exaggerated at times.

"Jin?" The door of the kitchen opens as Jimin enters. His voice sounds calm compared to earlier. I didn't know that he also has that side.

I showed him the food inside the container. "This is the food I prepared for Mr. Kim's dinner. Also, here's the letter." I handed him the envelope.

Jimin did not open but instead, he stared at me with worried eyes. "Jin, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I know I should not react that way. That was unreasonable of me."

I put the containers on the counter. I shake my head and smile. I was hurt but I guess it's best to just brush it all off. An apology is okay. He looks sincere anyway. "That's fine. It's my fault too. I promise that I will be careful next time."

Jimin holds my hands and squeezes them. His face is gloomy. He must be really guilty. "I'm sorry, I was insensitive. By the way, Yoongi was so thankful for the food you recommended for Taehyung yesterday."

"It's my job."

Jimin nods before he opens the letter I prepared. He reads it he looks satisfied. "I wish I can really cook well. I don't even know how I thought of having a restaurant when all I can cook are fried eggs and instant noodles."

I chuckled. I wonder too. But he loves to eat. Maybe that's why.

"Anyway, the sky is fine today. I guess it's not going to rain. You better be ready now so you can go home early."

Jimin. When we're at our middle school until 8th grade, he was very nice and generous. We shared the same thoughts and ideas. We cried and laughed together. We were and still best friends.

There were times when appa don't have money. I don't have snacks or drinks to bring in school or to buy something from the school canteen. Jimin was the one helping me to get through the day. I never asked for it. Jimin was naturally helpful and caring.

But time came when appa died from an accident, I need to stop studying and work so I can send Jungkook to school. It was the toughest stage of my life but we were able to get through.

After so many years, we got to meet again and helped me have the job I have right now. This job gave me a better salary compared to my job at a warehouse.

Looking at my hands, I can tell that I've been through a lot. They are rough and dry. With scars here and there. The latest was the scratch I got from washing Mr. Kim's expensive shirt. Life has been unfair. I got a lot of indecent proposals from rich perverts but none appeal to me. If I am after money, I should be rich by now and have a better life.

My feet feel heavy as I walk towards the house where Mr. Kim lives. Honestly, I want to press the doorbell, leave the food in front of the gate and run. Like, run for my life. But after what happened yesterday, I am confident that he will not let me in. Why would he let someone as clumsy as me inside his beautiful home? And I don't want to go inside. I don't want Jimin to get angry again.

I pressed the doorbell and waited for the voice from the speaker. Praying that it will be Sam. Not the deep voice of his arrogant boss. But the door swung open and I almost jumped in surprise.

"Hi! I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Sam smiled at me looking at me from head to toe. I think I overreact. I am a scaredy-cat anyway. But I noticed his eyes linger on my shoes.

"I'm fine," I said to distract him from staring at my worn-out shoes.

"I'm sorry again. I saw you at the camera that's why I hurried out." Of course, their hi-tech doorbell has a camera and speaker.

I showed Sam the bag in my hand and gave it to him. I am rushing so I can go home. "Just give this to your boss and please extend my apologies again for what happened yesterday. I was so clumsy."

"No, it's fine. Mr. Kim was not on the mood yesterday. Company problem." Sam said as he gets the bag from my hand. "I've been seeing you for three days now I haven't asked for your name. What's your name?"


"Nice meeting you Jin. I haven't told you this but you are very handsome." The middle-aged man said and I think he made me flustered. Sam is a very nice man. The exact opposite of his boss.

"By the way, I have to go now. Looks like it's going to rain again." I looked at the sky. Looks like the winter season is about to come. Days have been gloomy lately.

Sam picked up something from his pocket and handed me cash. I am in utter shock. "No Sir, the food is free." I pushed the money back.

Sam chuckled while giving the money again. "No, this was the money Taehyung got from you yesterday. He will return it but he forgot. He added some more to compensate for the trouble he caused you."

I counted the cash and it's five hundred. I return the two hundred. It's not that I have pride but the emotional damage he caused me cannot be paid with cash.

"I don't need the extra. I only need this because this is mine. Please tell your boss that I appreciate the gesture but I am fine with only the three hundred." I smiled and bowed at him.

"I'm really sorry about what happened. I know your brother needs books. And by the way, come inside. I will give you something."

Come inside? I remember Jimin's wrath early this morning. "I'm sorry but I will stay here. My boss will get mad at me."

Sam nods and asks me to wait again. I wait under the canopy and while waiting, the car carrying Mr. Kim arrives. I immediately turn my back away so he won't see me. But I guess he already did.

Instead of waiting for Sam, I removed my shoes and run away. I will just apologize to Sam tomorrow for leaving. I just cannot fathom the thought of seeing Mr. Kim again. Maybe not now. Or soon.

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