20. Missing

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I blinked once twice thrice as I sit down on my foldable mattress. I just woke up. It's Saturday. I don't have work today but why does my phone ringing at this hour?

I grab and take a look. Jimin is calling. I think it's my day off today? Or did I lose track of time?

"Jimin?" I finally answered the call. I should have ignored it but I can't do that. Jimin is a friend. My best friend. Or is he still?

"Hey, Jinnie. I'm sorry to bother you on your day off but can you come today?" Jimin sounded as if he's pleading.

I look at Jungkook, I'm glad that he's still asleep. He will scold me for sure. "Is there someone who takes their leave today?"

"It's not that but, no one will cook for Taehyung today. Please, Jinnie? You can go home after you deliver. Then just go back at 4 pm for dinner. Is that okay? I'll pay for your one day salary."

I found myself walking to Jimin's restobar. Why is it everything has something to do with money? Am I being greedy? Is Jungkook right when he told me that I'm not looking after myself? But we need to survive. And working is my only means to survive. I don't have a bank account, I don't have stocks, if I will not work, it will be the end of me and Jungkook.

I already saw Jimin waiting for me in front of his resto. He's waving like a kid while I cross the street. He used to be one of my favorite persons but I don't know why I'm not feeling his sincerity anymore. Or I'm just being too sensitive?

"I'm really sorry Jinnie. I just can't let this week past without sending him food and only you can cook the food that he loves. Please forgive me?" He grinned with his eyes.

"Of course. Let's get in?" I smiled as we enter his restaurant arm in arm.

I went straight to the backroom to put my bag in the locker and wear my apron. I'm glad that it's Hoseok's day off as well. Otherwise, I can hear a lot of ranting from him.

I put on my apron before opening my bag to get the notebook. I don't know what I am going to write today and to cook as I'm not expecting that I will be delivering something even on a Saturday.

But my stomach starts to flutter. My heart starts to beat faster. My notebook is missing. My damn notebook is not in my bag. I stop looking and think of where I possibly keep it.

"Shit! Did I drop it last night?" I grabbed my phone and dialed Hoseok's number. It took a while before he answers and it seems like he's still asleep.

"Hobi, I'm sorry to disturb you but have you seen my notebook?" I hesitate to ask him but he's the last person I am with last night.

"You mean Mr. Park's stupid notebook?" He said lazily.

I sigh. I knew it. He won't like my question. "Yes. Whatever you want to call it."

"No, and I don't really care. I'm actually praying for it to go missing. And if ever I get my hand on it, I will set it on fire." Hoseok's voice is in monotone. I know he's not interested in anything connected to Jimin. I can tell by the sound of his voice.

"It's actually missing."

"For real?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Sadly. Did you see it on the table? Or on the floor, perhaps?"

Silence followed. Maybe he's trying to remember. "You put it back in your bag. That's what I can remember."

"That's what I can remember too." I closed my eyes in frustration. "Maybe it fell on the bus stop. I opened my bag there to get my wallet. Anyway, I'm sorry for bothering you. Thank you for answering my call."

"I'm glad you've lost it." Hoseok teased and I can visualize him sighing in relief.

I have nothing else to do but to accept the fact that I lost it. It's just disappointing because I really spent a lot of time planning for the meals and messages. But I have to move on now so I can go home early and cook for Jungkook.

This time, I need to do everything without planning or copying. I have to rely on my knowledge of cooking and my feelings so I can write the letter in the most sincere way.



"What are you cooking for lunch?" I look at the pan and it looks like he's cooking sweet and sour pork.

"Tangsuyuk. Your favorite." Sam said with a nudge on my side.

"It's good with Soft Tofu Stew."

Sam frowned. "I know. But I don't have silk tofu. I forgot to buy it."

I hugged Sam. Ever since I arrived back here in Korea, he's the one cooking food for me. And he never fails to cook delicious food that I always look forward to eating. I'm glad he's not jealous that I also love Chim's cooking.

"I wrote Chim a letter," I said, showing him the envelope.

"Really? That's great. I hope you'll meet him soon."

"I included that one." I smiled but then an unexpected doorbell rang. I and Sam looked at each other. I'm not expecting anyone today.

I walk towards the receiving area to take a look at the camera and to my surprise, it's the delivery boy. I guess I  am smirking on my way to the gate. I love seeing him getting startled. How his eyes widened, how his mouth formed an 'o', and how he jumped in place. Fascinating creature.

And as soon as I opened the door, the delivery boy stiffened. The way I imagined and expected him to react.

"Good morning Mr. Kim. I hope I arrived just in time for lunch." He stretched both his arms with the bag in his hands. It's as if he's insisting for me to take the bag immediately and I did.

"Please eat it while still hot. Have a nice day Mr. Kim." He smiled and quickly turned his back from me.

But my reflexes lift my hand and I grabbed his wrist. He stared at my hand before looking at my face. I know he's a bit surprised by my action but I guess, this will be the best time to make it up to him.

"Have you taken your lunch?"

He looked to sides as if trying to absorb what I just asked.

"Join me?"

If before, his eyes widened in fear, right now, his eyes shot open in curiosity. His eyes went to my hand still gripping on his wrist.

But I know that he's a shy person and will not agree if I will not insist. Besides, I know that he's scared of me. I've been rude and cold to him. I cannot blame him. So before he even refuse my invitation, I pull him inside the mansion.

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