52. Surprise

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Christmas came and went. Now I'm waiting for Taehyung's birthday and our first 'official' date. A lot had happened, good and bad but the bad was overpowered by the good. Who would have thought that Taehyung will confess that he likes me? I'm still on cloud nine. It used to be a secret that I like him and I still can't believe that he likes me too.

Over the holidays, right after Christmas, I am surprised that Taehyung invited his lawyer to give me advice so I can finally file a case against the owner and the manager of the bar. I already told Taehyung that I don't want to file a case. I am already happy that I am okay and safe but Taehyung and Jungkook said that the perpetrators should be punished before they can do the same to others. And I think they were right.

The lawyer guided me well. I did not have a hard time telling him every detail of what transpired that evening. He mentioned all the cases that we can file against the men who did me dirty and he assured me that everything will be fine. Taehyung held my hand while I face the lawyer and it helped. I felt so secured when he's near.

Jungkook took my morning job. He's now the one delivering the papers so I can concentrate only on one job. I agreed as Jungkook still has time to eat and fix everything before going to school while I have more time to rest to face the rest of the day.

Today, I spent it in the recycling yard. I usually ended up feeling smelly after working. Work in here can be dirty at times unless the boss will assign me inside the office. I can feel that Taehyung wanted me to stop but at the same time, he wanted to respect my decision to work. Lately, I noticed that he's a bit uneasy while talking to me. As if he wanted to tell me something and it's making me nervous.

"See you tomorrow, Jin!" My boss waved at me. Though working here can be dirty and tiring, and I always smell after, I have a nice boss which I think made everything easier.

I waved back and smiled as I walked out of the yard, closing the aluminum door behind me. I came into a halt when I saw Taehyung smiling while sitting on the hood of his car.

I wanted to run. I am stinking today. He cannot get near me no matter what. "W-what are you doing here?" I stood in the same place and was hesitant to move.

"Picking you up from work?" There's something about his smile that can make anyone weak on their knees. He walked to where I was standing and my feet felt like glued on the ground.

"B-but I'm smelly..." I felt the tip of my ears getting warm. This will be the most embarrassing moment of my life if he will smell me.

"Uhmm. Really? Can I smell you?" I gasped when he pulled me by the wrist and wrapped his arm around my waist, my chest collided to his and he buried his nose on the crook of my neck and I can feel his warm breath against my neck. "You smell good."

The tip of his nose glided on my skin. His hand on my waist slowly moving up to the back of my neck. He lifted his head so he can look in my eyes. Leaning down closer to my face, he gently pulled my head and our lips touched.

Ever since we became this intimate, Taehyung's touch alone had been giving me a different kind of feeling. Giving me tingling sensations all over my body. I noticed that he loved skinship. He loved touching me, kissing me. He loved being close and when I said close, we barely have no space at all. His eyes were always intense. And I love him doing that.

"I have a surprise for you." Taehyung pulled my hand and guided me to the passenger seat. He then took the driver seat and started the engine.

"What's that? You're making me nervous. You've been like that for a couple of days now. Is there anything that I needed to know?" I asked. My stomach lurching in nervousness.

Taehyung smiled as he drove his car. "I wasn't able to buy a Christmas gift for you so please consider this one as a gift. I also have something for Jungkook."

Somehow, my nervousness turned into excitement until I noticed where the car was heading. The way was familiar and my heart started to falter. This road was the road that I never wanted to go to and take. But it looked like Taehyung had a different plan.

I noticed a police car and some big vans. Taehyung stopped the car just meters away from the vehicles. I noticed the police cordoned the area. The bar where I applied and where nasty things that happened to me was being closed by the authorities. I read the poster attached to the wall and it said that the establishment violated some laws.

I can feel the tears in my eyes and before I knew it, they started streaming down my cheeks. I felt a squeeze on my hand and it's Taehyung looking at me with so much reassurance in his eyes.

"I told you that I will not let anyone hurt you again and I promise you that they are going to pay for what they did to you. I don't want you hurting or in pain and this is the only that I can do to lessen them." Taehyung did fulfill his promise. I was not sure before on what his promises meant and he just showed me. I cannot explain what I was feeling but I was sure that it was joy and peace of mind. Truth to be told, it did lessen my burdens. Taehyung knew exactly how to make me feel safe.

"Thank you." My words came out as a whisper but in my heart, I was screaming with so much gratitude. "I can't believe you will do this for me."

Taehyung removed his seat belt so he can hug me. He kissed my cheek before wiping the tears that fell on them. "I will not let anyone hurt you Jin. And I will stay true to my word that I will take care of you. You are special to me and it will stay that way for as long as you want me to and even if you refuse."

I cannot help not to smile. I have never felt so loved and valuable. Brotherly love was different from the feelings that I was feeling right at the very moment. And perhaps, even if it was too fast to admit, I knew that it's love.



I will not go into detail as to what happened in Jin's case, what is NJ's character, or what happened to Tae's father. I want to focus more on TaeJin here. Also, in the next chapters, I know you miss Jimin so he will make an appearance. Lol.

What to expect? Secret. 😂😂😂


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