10. Hide

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After Hoseok said that, I wanted to flee. I don't want to explain anything to Jimin. Actually, right now, I'm not even sure if he will believe me.

"He asked you to wash his shirt?" I'm not sure of Jimin's tone. If he's worried, concerned or disappointed. All I can do is nod to answer his question.

"Oh gosh! What happened? Why did he do that to you?" Jimin asked.

Images of what went that day came flashing through my head. But the clearer part was when he grabbed the money from my hand.

"It rained yesterday. The umbrella flipped inside out. I was soaking wet. Mr. Kim invited me in--"

"You saw him?! He talked to you?!"

I nod. "He invited me to his home."

"So you went in and made his floor wet? That's so embarrassing, Jin! You should have not gone in in the first place. Aren't you thinking?"

I stared at his eyes for a while. I don't know what he meant by that or my brain just stopped working.

"What happened next?"

"I... Uhh. The paper bag was torn so the containers were in my arms--"

"The letter? What happened to the letter?"

I'm starting to feel offended. I can't comprehend his emotions. And it's beginning to feel like it was my fault. "The letter was okay. A little ink blot but it was okay."

Jimin sighs as if a big problem is taken out of his chest. "Thank god. Okay, and then?"

"I gave the containers one by one. Then the... the cake slipped--"

"The cake?! That's expensive Jin! And I bet he's also wearing an expensive shirt!" His voice trembling in anger. I'm not expecting that this will be his reaction to the point that I'm starting to question our friendship.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. It was unfortunate. It was unintentional. The containers were slippery--"

"I don't care about your reasons! You should have not accepted his offer to come in. Oh my gosh, Jin. I can't believe you!" This is the first time Jimin scolded me. And it's not work-related. It's about his personal business.


"You see, I told you. He's showing his real self now. He's not a real friend." Hoseok whispered while we're wiping the plates dry. "Was it your fault to rain and your umbrella to flipped?"

Hoseok was right. I did not want any of that to happen. I can't believe Jimin will scold me because of that. He doesn't even know what happened. He doesn't even know the real attitude of Kim Taehyung. Truly, love can make someone blind. All you know is your love for that person. But you failed to see what's inside that person.

Jimin went inside the backroom. Hoseok and I were surprised as Jimin began squealing. I tried my best not to react negatively. But Hoseok's face was straight and unreadable. It's obvious that he doesn't like Jimin's presence.

"Taehyung is outside!" Jimin squealed again, even thumping his feet.

"Let's go Jin." We both put down the plates carefully and are about to go out but Jimin blocks my way.

"No Jin. You stay here. Taehyung should not see you. If he sees you here, he'll find out that you're working for me. He'll find out that I'm the one sending him food. And it should not happen now." Jimin reasoned out making Hoseok's eyes roll.

"Why? It's really you who is sending him food. What's the difference if he'll know it now instead of later?" Hoseok whines that almost makes me want to grab him and cover his mouth.

"I have my own plans and you're not part of it." Jimin raises his voice at Hoseok. Hoseok just raised an eyebrow and went out of the room. Jimin faced me again. "You should not come out, understood? Prepare Taehyung's dinner for later. I'll go back to check on you."

Things are getting complicated for me. It's as if I don't have a choice. I don't really have a choice. I need this job more than ever and I'm not backing out.

3rd Person's POV

Jimin takes a deep breath before walking to Yoongi and Taehyung's table. He's all smiles as he approached the corner table.

"Hi." Jimin smiled, specifically at Taehyung.

Taehyung stopped from reading the menu to pay attention at Jimin, slowly building a smile. "Wait, I think I know you."

"Yes, it's me. Jimin. From University?" Jimin smile together with his eyes. The thought of Taehyung recognizing him makes him giddy.

"Oh! Yeah! Of course, I remember you." Taehyung smiles at Jimin. "Is this restaurant yours? I mean, sorry but, what's your name again?"

Jimin suddenly felt humiliated. He really thought Taehyung remembered his name. But it's okay, it's only the pale blonde guy who is listening to them. "Jimin. And yes, the restaurant is mine."

Taehyung nods but smile still not leaving his face. "Chim's Restobar. Who is Chim?"

Jimin's smile fades. He just remembers that Chim is his secret nickname on the letters that Jin writes for him.

"Oh! Chim. My... my little brother's nickname. I named it after him. I know Chim is a very common nickname but you know, it's cute." Jimin said while rubbing his hand on his leg. He's nervous.

"I see. I thought you know that some- well, nevermind." Taehyung shrugged and looked at Yoongi as if signaling him to say something. "Yoongi went here yesterday and he brought me a steak with salsa. It's very delicious. He said a waiter recommended it."

"I guess it's our best seller. Garlic Butter Steak." Jimin said what he thinks is best but Yoongi shakes his head.

"No, it has mango salsa on the side."

Jimin's mouth formed an 'o'. "Beef Short Ribs with Mango BBq sauce."

Yoongi clapped his hand as if he heard the good news. "Yes. That's it! Can we order for that again? One of your waiters recommended it and he's really good! He really knows what's best."

"And please add two soda in can and lots of ice," Taehyung added.

"Right. I'll have it prepared." Jimin said. Quite disappointed that Taehyung did not even look at him again. It seems as if he's not interested.

Jimin asked Hoseok to serve the food and take care of Taehyung's needs. He's very much happy that Taehyung came to his restaurant and he came because he likes the food. For him, that's the start of Taehyung's frequent visit.

Yoongi, on the other hand, keeps his eyes wandering around the place that caught Hoseok's attention. After Hoseok placed their orders on the table, he looks at the direction where Yoongi is looking. "Are you looking for something or for someone, sir?"

"Yeah. I wonder where is Jin? I saw him here yesterday."

Hoseok looks at Jimin first before facing Taehyung and Yoongi. "He's in the kitchen. Mr. Park doesn't want him to come out."

"And why?"

Hoseok whispered. "Mr. Park is insecure because Jin is handsome."

Hoseok turned his back away laughing in his head.

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