50. Question

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I can taste Jin's tears from our kiss. I don't know why he's crying but him kissing me back is a sign that he likes it too. His arms wrapping around my neck tell me that he wants more.

I lay him down to bed. Our lips moving gently against each other, just the way he wanted to be kissed. I can feel the warmth of his skin. Me above him, I can feel his heart beating against my chest.

Our kiss is long, gentle but passionate. I cannot help not to suck on Jin's soft plump lips. Savoring every moment and smiling in my head knowing that my lips are the first to touch Jin's own. And I can't get enough.

But everything is getting so intimate and I can feel my member reacting to Jin's kisses and touches. I moved my hips far as I don't want him to feel my hard-on. I don't want to mess up this moment. Jin is so pure, so delicate, I don't want to scare him away.

Doing my best to avoid my member to poke him, I shift in my position and my thigh accidentally brushed on his member. A soft moan escaped his lips. But what surprised me the most, he's also hard causing me to deepen the kiss more.

But my mind told me no. We only just started. I don't want Jin to think that I am a needy prick. I pulled away. And looking at Jin, his lips are so red and swollen, his cheeks competing with his lip color and beads of sweat are formed on his forehead.

I think we are both out of breath because Jin's breathing is heavy. I don't mind my own. Perhaps, he doesn't mind either because a soft smile formed from his mouth. I stared at him in the eye as I brush my thumb on his swollen lips.

"I hope I'm not scaring you," I whispered to him.

He shook his head and smiled shyly. "I just realized, I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

I chuckled. He's more worried than that than my thigh that brushed against his member. "I honestly do not mind. I can kiss you any time of the day."

He blushed more. I'm glad that even for a moment, he forgot what he had gone through. I hope I made him forget all his fears, worries, and bad memories. Even just for a while.



I bit my lower lip. I don't know how to say it to him. "It's...my...birthday next week."

Jin's eyes shot open. I'm not sure if I am feeling it right, but it looked delighted. "Really? When?"

"The 30th."

Jin smiled. "I will receive my salary that day. What gift do you want? But cheap gifts only, sorry."

I can't help to laugh. Jin is so adorable. "I don't want any material things Jin."

I sit down on the bed and stared at Jin's morning face. He is unbelievably handsome.

"What do you want then? You want me to cook for you?" Jin asked again, slowly getting up to sit and lean his back on the headboard.

I shake my head and take his hand. "I just want to have a date with you."

I'm not sure if Jin is surprised, happy, excited, or whatever. But his eyes linger to mine. And his mouth curves upward and slowly nods his head.

I gave him a quick peck on his lips and pulled him in my arms. "Thank you. That would be the best gift, ever!"

I can hear Jin giggling on my shoulder. Making him smile, and the more if I made him laugh or giggle, is the best thing in the world.

I can still remember how his wet hair sticks on his forehead and how his cheeks, nose, and ears were so red because he's cold from the rain. I will not deny it, the first time I saw him, I am instantly smitten by his beautiful face.

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