35. Preparation

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Some people spend their weekends in a club or somewhere else with their friends. I can say that I am a loner. Perhaps, because I grew up always alone. I only have a couple of friends. Friends lesser than the fingers of your two hands. I am not choosy. But I love simple people more.

I went to the restobar earlier but Jin wasn't there. I tried to talk to the waiter whom Yoongi said is Jin's best friend. He just said Jin is on leave but did not go into detail. I wonder why but I hope he's fine.

Jimin brought a bowl of Soft Tofu Stew for my dinner tonight. I guess this will be my everyday set-up from now on. I'm not complaining. I like it. But I'm not really happy. The excitement of waiting isn't there anymore.

"I'm glad you finished it," Jimin said with his cutest smile. His chin resting on his hand. "I can't sleep last night thinking about it. I'm sorry about what happened last night. But don't worry, I can cook it now for you. Anytime you want."

"Really? Wow! That's great. This is my comfort food."

I can see how Jimin's face lights up after hearing that. Honestly the soup is good.

"So what do you plan for Christmas?" Jimin looks excited after asking me. It's two weeks before the holidays. I don't have concrete plans yet. I am too busy with work that I only scheduled to go Christmas shopping tomorrow.

"I'm not really planning anything for Christmas. I'm only here at home. Probably having some movie marathon. But I do give gifts to special people."

Jimin just nods. Perhaps, he wanted to hear something good to his ears. I don't want to assume but maybe, he wants to spend Christmas with me.

"I don't have plans as well. But I usually spend it at my parent's home." Jimin looks disappointed. I'm not really into going out or spending my holidays outside. If ever I will be out, I will spend it alone.

I don't know how to make Jimin feel better. But I guess it's better not to say anything at all instead of forcing myself to do something against my will.

"Your hands look amazing. Are you using a hand cream?" Jimin asked while staring at my hands. I've been being complimented a lot on how soft and smooth looking my hands are.

"Yes. I'm a sucker for sweet-smelling creams. I tend to hoard when the product is good." I look at my hands and Jimin holding it surprises me. He rubs his hand to my hand before entangling his fingers to my own.

"It feels amazing too." He looked up to me while staring at my lips.

I look away, sitting straight to avoid what he wants to happen. "I gifted one to Jin."

Jimin removes his hand from being entangled and sits straight back up. "Why? Well, yeah. Just by looking at it, you can tell that his hands are so rough and dry. He must be really happy when you gave him one."

What I like about Jimin is his sweet voice. It's soothing to hear. "He must have worked really hard to have those hands."

Jimin just shrugged. "I gifted him scarf on his birthday too. He seemed to did not like it. He can be choosy at times. He likes money more."

My brows furrowed immediately. "Why are you saying that? I gave him a scarf because the weather was cold at that time and I thought he did not bring one. He was so proud when he showed me the scarf you gave to him. Telling me that it's an expensive one."

"The scarf? You saw the scarf I gave him?" Jimin looked alarmed. Perhaps, he knows that he gave Jin a fake scarf and I recognized it.

"Yes, I did," I answered. I took Jimin's hand from his lap and placed it in between my hands. "I'm sorry. I know I should not talk about anyone but us when we're together. Forgive me, please?"

Jimin pouts but smiles eventually. "Can we stop talking about Jin? I mean, you're making me feel that you did not appreciate my efforts. I'm cooking for you every day. Writing notes for you."

I pull him for a hug. "I appreciate everything. I'm sorry if you're feeling that way."

I asked Yoongi what to do about Jimin. He told me that I should think about it if I want to continue knowing Jimin more. I know he's not in favor of Jimin. Perhaps, the reason why he doesn't want to give me a concrete answer.

Sam, on the other hand, is neutral. He knows that I like Jin but at the same time, he knows that I'm more into the writer, who is Jimin. I think it's because I saw Jin first. I think I'm just overwhelmed by his kindness. Aside from that, he is very good looking.

Spending time with Jimin, like what I should be doing, will help me like Jimin too. I guess I just need more time. More time to think things over. In the meantime, I need to take one step at a time to avoid having conflicts with my feelings.


"Do you really have to do things like that for Jimin?" Jungkook asked while eating the Soft tofu stew I cooked for Taehyung. "I mean, you took a leave today because you need to rest your wrist then he will come here to ask you to cook? Why can't his chefs do that?"

I ruffle Jungkook's hair. "Stop overthinking Kookie, okay? Jimin wanted to learn how to cook for his boyfriend so he went here. Besides, my wrist is feeling a lot better now and you should be happy because we got a free meal for dinner."

Jungkook frowns. He doesn't want any of it. Before he was so happy that Jimin hired me. But because of what's happening lately, he's beginning to doubt if I am still okay. Then last night, I lied about what happened to my wrist. I told him that I slipped on the restaurant's kitchen. I sprained my wrist when I tried breaking my fall. He believed it and I guess it's better that way.

"I will buy some Christmas gifts tomorrow. Do you want to come with me? I'll buy new shirts for you." I intentionally shift his focus from me. He's been really worried about me and I want him to relax and feel better.

"I can't. I will meet my group mates tomorrow. We need to finish a report. And hyung, better if you will buy something new for yourself. Maybe shoes?"

"I just received a pair of shoes and it's good as new. Don't worry about me. Maybe I'll just save the money for our food at Christmas?"

Jungkook nods. His eyes round and excited. He has a big appetite. Something normal for a guy his age.

"Are you sure you don't want me to buy anything for you?" I asked again. I know Jungkook can be shy at times especially when asking for material things.

Jungkook hugs me on the waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "No. Just enjoy your day out tomorrow. Turn your phone off and remove all your worries. You've worked hard so we'll have something for Christmas. Just enjoy every piece of your hard work. Okay?"

I'm so proud of how Jungkook has matured. But in the meantime, I will listen to him. I will enjoy my day out tomorrow.



Sorry for the delay.
I'm not really feeling well.
I hope you're all okay.
Have a nice day everyone.

Stream Daechwita by AgustD 💜💜💜

And the much-awaited TaeJin on the next chapter 😁 But please don't expect too much uwus. Alright?

I love you all.

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