14. Interrogation

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Don't stop being you.

Aisshhh! Why did I even write that? It's as if I asked him to stay selfish and self-centered. Are wealthy people really like that? Are they all the same? Acting as if they are above us, poor people?

I used to know Jimin as someone kind, patient and soft-spoken. But I just learned that people can change because of love. I never imagined that it can turn a dog into a wolf. Like a big bad wolf. Whatever comparison was that. I wonder what's with that Kim Taehyung that changed Jimin so drastically that he treated me like a slave yesterday.

I remembered the way he glared at me when he rolled down his car window. I want to poke his eyes for giving me that deadly stare. Those stares that made me took my shoes off and ran as if I am running for my dear life.

I put the letter back inside the envelope then in my pocket and continue preparing the ingredients for Mr. Kim's dinner. If I can only put a spell on this, I will surely wish he will have an upset stomach.

Oh, wait! I cannot do that. I'm sure his narrow mind will immediately think that I put poison in his food to get back to him for washing his Gushit shirt.

And speaking of that shirt. I still cannot understand why is that shirt cost more than my rent, my salary, and almost my dignity all together? What's with the type of cloth? That shirt feels like my five-dollar shirt right now. Was it the drawing? Even a child can draw that tiger. And he's wearing it as house clothes. Gosh! Rich people! They are so hard to understand.

"What's for tonight?" Jimin is all smiles when he entered the kitchen. He clung to my arm as he watches me prepare the ingredients for Mr. Kim's dinner.

"I will cook Shrimp Alfredo Pasta. I will add some broccoli and peas so he will have his daily dose of vegetables." I showed him the ingredients and he seemed satisfied. "Tomorrow I will use quinoa and brown rice for his daily dose of carbs. And I heard I can substitute cauliflowers too."

"Great!" Jimin rests his hear on my shoulder. "Oh, Jinnie. What am I gonna do without you?"

I smiled at his pettiness. He really knows how to make me smile. "Of course you can do well even without me."

The door opens again, this time its Hoseok. "Jin, Mr. Min Yoongi is looking for you. His boss is not with him so I guess it's okay, Mr. Park?" Hoseok's tone is a bit insulting I have to widen my eyes so he will stop.

"Of course it's okay." I can tell that Jimin is forcing himself to smile.

I get the envelope from my pocket and try to give it to Jimin. But he pushes my hand back and smiles at me. "Jin, I know how you write letters. I know it's always personal, simple but very sweet. I trust you. I don't need to read it to approve it. So now, go and looks like Yoongi has an eye for you."

I just mouthed the word thanks before heading out to the dining area.

As expected, Mr. Min is already flashing his gummy smile. "Hi!"

I bowed before giving him the menu. "Hello, Mr. Min. Nice to have you back."

"I was here yesterday. I brought my boss with me so he can meet you but one of the servers said you were in the kitchen." His eyes focused on my eyes while he speaks.

"Oh, yes. I heard. I was assigned to the kitchen yesterday." I reasoned out. Thinking of the real reason why I was kept in the kitchen yesterday.

"Hmmm... But the server said-"

"Mr. Min, please don't mind Hoseok. He tends to exaggerate things at times. I am a kitchen helper as well so you won't see me here often." I whispered. I don't want him to think negatively about my boss. "So, may I take your order, sir?"

"What can you recommend? My boss loves the last that's why I brought him here."

"How about seafood? Is he okay with seafood?" I asked, thinking of the food our chef had me taste the last time.

"My boss is a bit picky with foods but if it's really good then what can you recommend?" Mr. Min closed the menu book and looked at me, making me conscious.

"Uh... Bourbon Glazed Salmon is good. The herbed couscous as side dish complements the salmon well. Do you want to give it a try?" I smiled but not look at his eyes.

"Okay, then. Two orders of that for take out. By the way, do you know who is Chim?" He asked and I am caught completely off guard. I don't know how to answer the question. Perhaps, his boss asked him to investigate or something.

"Uh... You mean where my boss got the name Chim's restobar?" I asked. I need to think quick.

"Yes. Exactly!"

"Actually, I'm not sure. You know, I'm just an ordinary employee here, I don't know he came up with the name." I grabbed the menu book and smiled. "I'll have your orders prepared now. Thank you."

I avoided Mr. Min for the rest of his stay. I already asked my co-server to give the food to him to avoid further questions. I stayed inside the kitchen so as not to see Mr. Min.

I am feeling guilty that I needed to lie to protect Jimin. But I think I am only doing what is right. It's been only days but it feels like so many things already happened. Looks like Mr. Kim is having suspicions already. I wish I thought of another nickname other than Chim. This whole play is so bothersome. And it's so damn stressful!


I ended up thinking if I should press the doorbell of Mr. Kim's house. I am praying that Sam will be the one to open the door for me.

"It's my birthday today, I should not stress myself," I muttered to myself but before I can even press the doorbell, the door automatically swings open.

I stopped breathing for a while. I gently peek through the gap to see who will come out. No one. I stared at the door, thinking about what to do next. Shall I wait? How long? Shall I leave the food here at the gate? What if someone else gets it? A stray dog perhaps?

"GET IN!!"

"Shitt!!!" I shrieked and jumped in place after hearing the deep voice screamed from the speaker. I hold on to my chest. I thought I'm going to die of cardiac arrest right at this very spot.

I take a deep breath and push the door open. My feet feel heavy while I walk towards the front door. Why did he ask me to come in again? Is this interrogation part 2? Did Mr. Min already find out that the delivery boy and the waiter from Chim's restobar are one and the same? Am I busted already?

Shit shit shit shit! I muttered continuously to myself.

I startled and gasped once more when the front door swung wide open. With the cold-looking Mr. Kim glaring at me.

"Do you really walk in slow-mo?" He inquired making me confused I wasn't able to answer right away.


"The last time I let you in, you can talk. What happened? Did someone cut your tongue?" He crossed his arms on his chest.


"Uh?!" Mr. Kim rolled his eyes and turned his back away. I think my ribs and chest will burst open from too much nervousness. "GET IN!" He screamed from the inside and I almost tripped as I run inside his mansion.

Praying I'll make it out alive.

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