32. Confused

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Yoongi goes inside Taehyung's office with documents in his hand. Placing it on top of Taehyung's table before sitting down on one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"That's for your review and signature once approved," Yoongi said while trying to read Taehyung's blank expression. "What's up?"

Taehyung opens the documents and starts to read. "Nothing new. I met with Chim last night."

Yoongi nods. "How was it? Why your face is gloomy? Are you surprised that it's Jimin?"

Taehyung smiled. Maybe he cannot speak what he truly feels but he's sure that Yoongi can read him. "I'm not surprised. I am expecting him to appear. And my face is not gloomy. And guess what, Jin is working for him."

Yoongi laughed as if Taehyung said something funny.

"What's funny?" Taehyung asked, annoyed.

Yoongi waves his hands while shaking his head. "I know."

Taehyung's forehead creased. "What do you mean you know?"

Yoongi stands up and positions the chair to face Taehyung directly before sitting back. "Chim and Chim's restaurant. I know the first time you heard it, you already have an idea that Chim might be the owner of that restobar. Because I already have.

Remember the first time I brought you to Chim's? I told you that there's a handsome server there who recommended the delicious food that I bought for you?"

Taehyung's eyebrows met at the center. Memories slowly creeping in. He did remember Yoongi saying that.

"But then, when we got there, I looked for Jin but one of the waiters said that he's in the kitchen. After a couple of days, I saw Jin coming out of your home. So I figured everything out. That Chim is indeed Jimin and Jin is working for him. I thought you figured it out yourself but then I remember, you're not that good in remembering names. Because if you are, you have remembered the name I mentioned when we ate at Chim's."

Taehyung is dumbfounded. How can't he figure it out? Why is he not that good at remembering names? Perhaps, if he remembered it, he will not have high hopes that Jin is Chim.

"Yeah, I remember now." Taehyung sighs.

"So, what's your plan for lunch? You want me to order for you?" Yoongi said as he puts back the chair to its original position.

Taehyung stares on the bouquet of flowers on the center table of his receiving area. "I want to surprise Jimin. I will eat at his restaurant for lunch. Maybe you want to come with me?"

Yoongi scoffs at Taehyung. "You want me to be the third wheel then? Sorry, I'm not interested."

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "It's not a date. I will not date him in his own restaurant."

Yoongi laughed. "Right, right. So what's with the flowers? Looks like you're in love."

Taehyung stared at the flowers. He bought it this morning because Jimin told him last night that he loves receiving flowers. Something he did not bring last night. Feeling guilty about it, he bought one earlier to make up for it.

"You can give a flower to a friend." Taehyung puts his eyeglass on and checks back on the document on his table.

The room becomes quiet. Yoongi just stares at his friend. He knows that there's something wrong. But he can also feel that Taehyung is ashamed to open up. Or maybe, not yet ready to open up.

"You don't like him," Yoongi said suddenly. "You don't look happy. Even if you tell me now that you're fine and you're happy, I will tell you now, I won't believe you."

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