12. Third Letter

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Dad came into my office again this afternoon. After the board ousted him as the chairman, he keeps on insisting that I give him some shares.

Dad has always been greedy for fame and fortune. Something that I am not fond of. I hated this position even before. I'm just taking care of what my mom left. Mom built this business and I will not let anyone, especially a family member to destroy what my mom worked hard for.

"Sir, remember the guy I hit with the car?" Yeonjun disrupted my ugly thoughts. I looked at him through the rearview mirror.

"Why? Is he asking for additional money?"

Yeonjun shakes his head fast. "No sir no. I saw him on the street where I live. He's delivering newspaper."

I'm not sure why Yeonjun needed to inform me about a person I don't even care about. My head is occupied by company problems. Well actually, more or my problems with my dad.

"Did he buy a new bike?" I asked just not to disappoint my favorite driver.

"He said someone stole the money from him."

I snorted. People. They will create lies just to pity them and get money. "It's not my problem anymore. If he has plans of asking for more, I will never give him cash."

Yeonjun's eyes are fixed on the road. Since I went back to Korea, I got to know Yeonjun better. He usually stays quiet whenever I say something he doesn't agree with.

"Sir, please don't get me wrong but that man is a very humble man. And delivering newspapers is just his parttime job. He has another job too. If he wants money from you, I guess he already called Mr. Min."

Well, he's right. But what if he lost the calling card Yeonjun gave him?

"That's him!" Yeonjun exclaimed as he stopped in front of the gate to wait for Sam to open the door for us. I looked at the direction to where Yeonjun is looking. The man standing under the canopy is the delivery guy who stained my Gucci shirt.

"Yes, he's the guy who stained my expensive shirt." I ignored Yeonjun who is still looking at the man.

"No, sir. He's the guy I am talking about. He's the owner of the bike."

I lowered the car window and saw his eyes widened as if he saw a monster. What he did next is much more amusing. He removed his shoes and ran away.

The door finally opened and Yeonjun parked the car at the basement parking. I saw Sam walking back to the porch with a pair of shoes in his arms.

"Good afternoon Taehyung. Your dinner is already at the dining table." Sam gets the coat and necktie from my hand before we enter my home.

"Why are you carrying your shoes?" I stared at the shoes in his arms. He placed it back on the shoe rack as we make our way to the dining room.

"Sir, remember the delivery boy yesterday?" Why do I keep receiving that kind of question? As if I have a poor memory. Well, honestly, I don't know the man Yeonjun was talking about. I can remember the accident but I cannot remember how he looks like.

"What about him?"

"I saw that his shoes are so worn-out. So I wanted to give him my old shoes but when I went out, he's already gone."

I remember how scared he was when he saw me lowered my car window. I saw how he panicked and run. Perhaps, that's the reason why he removed his shoes before he ran away. It's already worn out and will surely get damaged more.

"Fuck!" I didn't notice that I said that and Sam looked at me confused. I closed my eyes and remembered what Yeonjun just said.

The man he hit last time is the same guy delivering the dinner to me. Yeonjun said the man told him that someone stole his money from him. I am that someone. But I did not steal his money that damn liar!

"Sir?" Sam snapped his finger in front of my face.

"Did you give back the money to him?" I asked. I hate the fact that he considered me as a thief. I swear once I saw him again, I will make sure that he will regret what he said about me.

Sam picked up something from his pocket and gave to me two hundred dollars. "He doesn't want to accept it since according to him, it's not his money."

What Sam said annoys me more. Technically, the money really came from me so that's mine. Anyway, I just brushed it off. I don't want Sam to think that I am being petty. Besides, what's three hundred dollars? A businessman should not behave like that.

"What did he deliver today?"

Sam prepared the food containers in front of me. I touched it and the food is still warm inside. It looks incredibly appetizing as well. But I am more excited to open the letter.

I love handwritten letters. Call me an old soul but I love things like that. I think handwritten letters have more dedication and love. It is more heartfelt and well-thought of. It is more personalized that made it more special. Plus, it can be stored for a longer period of time that I can go back and read when I feel like it.

"You're smiling." Sam smiled at me after I finished reading the letter. "Are you interested to know who is the letter sender?"

I shrugged my shoulder. I'm not really sure if I am interested but I have to admit that these little things made me so happy. I am always looking forward to dinner ever since I started receiving a meal from a certain Chim whom I am positive related to Chim's Restobar where we ate earlier at lunch.

"I have to say yes. I love letters." That's all I can say. I am shy to admit it to Sam.

"Honestly sir, I really do feel Chim must have put his heart and soul to this stuff. I mean it's hard to think of a delicious menu with a sweet note inside. He must be smiling while writing those letters."

Sam was right. It sounds so mushy but it feels good thinking that someone is thinking about me. His mind must be thinking only of me while writing the letter. I wonder how he does all this.

"Sam, you know that it's easy to please me. I love this kind of thing. No doubt, he's a great cook. From day one up until now, all the foods he sent were exceptionally delicious. And he's also really good with words. It's not poetic or something. It's actually just a simple note but I love it more. It's too personal like as if he's talking to me."

Sam chuckled and it's shameful. "I've seen you grow and now I think I will see you fall in love with the sender."

I smiled. I know it's too early to tell but I am looking forward to meeting the cook and the writer. I am certain that he's good looking too.

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