27. Friendly

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My dad has been trying to mess up with me and with the boards. I'm not sure if he's being stupid for filing an appeal and have it emailed to the directors, including me when he knows that no one likes him to be in this company.

Sometimes, people tend to be so greedy over money and power. When my mom died, our company suffered a great financial loss when my dad handled it. Maybe because it's not his own, it was easy for him to do all the manipulations and betrayals. I'm glad that I discovered it before it's too late. He was thrown out of his position and now, he wanted to be in again.

"Your dad has been stressing you," Yoongi said while handing me some files for review. "Don't worry much about it. I'm sure the boards are just laughing it off."

It's actually my problem. Even though my dad has been giving me pressure and stress, he is still my dad. His embarrassment is my embarrassment.

"I know. I just hope he will stop. I already denied the request and emailed it to the boards." I closed my eyes and leaned my head on my chair. That's the reason why I love going home. I can sit down and relax without worrying much.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Yoongi asked. The question somehow takes my worries away and it makes me smile.

"I am. I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm trying to call so I can hear his voice but he's not picking up. He loves surprises." The topic lifted my mood.

"I guess you know him that's why he doesn't want you to hear his voice." Before, Yoongi is so excited for me about finding someone. But lately, it seems like he's not in favor. "Are you sure about meeting him?"

"What's wrong if I will meet him? He seems nice and sweet." I defended Chim. "Much better if I know him already."

Yoongi raised his eyebrow at me. "Looks like you're expecting someone to show up tomorrow?"

"It's not that. I know it's not right to expect a certain person to show up tomorrow but I am hoping that he's the one I am thinking." From the first time I received the food, I usually spent my time thinking of who is the probable sender. As days go by, I'm not sure why a certain person keeps on popping inside my head. It may sound weird but I know that it can cause me disappointment in the end.

"You have an idea who this Chim is?" Yoongi's face turned curious.

I shake my head. "No, but I have someone in my head."

Yoongi just nods, not bothering to ask who I have in mind. I don't have plans telling him anyway. Besides, I'm not quite sure if I'm right. Yoongi is not really interested to know who Chim really is. Actually, he's more curious about the food I am receiving every day and the contents of the letter. I don't mind telling him. He and Sam are the only ones whom I can share these crazy but sweet happenings. And the thought of finally meeting Chim tomorrow makes me smile.


Yeonjun needed to go home earlier than usual. His wife is about to give birth so I sent him home to be with his wife. I hope one day, I'll have my own child too. Seeing the excitement and joy in Yeonjun's eyes, I realized that perhaps, being a father is an achievement.

I asked Yoongi if he wanted to come and share dinner with me. But he said he has plans for tonight so I guess I'll be having dinner alone again as Sam asked for a week-long vacation.

Sometimes, being alone isn't fun. Though it's nice to have my own personal space where I'm not worrying too much about other people at home, I'm also dreaming to have someone to share my meals with and to cuddle with at night.

On my way home, I saw a familiar face on the crowd. He just crossed the street and walked towards the bus stop. I looked at the traffic light and it's still 5 seconds before the green light. This is the first time I counted the seconds. I don't usually mind waiting but this time, I cannot wait.

As soon as the light turns green, I made my way to the right side, stopping right in front of the bus stop. I lowered the window.

"Get in!" I called, smiling.

I love his startled reactions every time he gets surprised. His eyes always turn round and his full lips turn into a pout. He looks to his sides making sure I'm not talking to anyone but him.

"Jin! Get in!" I called again and finally, he went in. "I saw you crossing the street."

He smiled shyly. "I'm about to deliver the food to you but since you're already here, here's your food. You can drop me to the next bus stop."

"Why are you always in a rush whenever I'm inviting you? Are you uncomfortable with me? Am I being arrogant or rude to you?"

He waves his hands to disagree. One more thing I noticed when he's being shy, his neck and ears are getting red. "No Mr. Kim. You're actually nice. I'm sorry if I made it look like that."

"Can you join me for dinner?"

He looked at his hands. I can feel how much he wanted to say no. I don't know why he's avoiding me. Or am I being sensitive? Is it because I don't have a lot of friends that I don't know how to be friendly?

"Honestly, I'm not allowed to go inside your home." He said shyly. "I was scolded the last time because I stained your shirt. So I was forbidden to enter your home."

"You will not get scolded if you will not tell them that I let you in. If you want, let's just eat somewhere? Do you have any restaurant suggestions?" I looked at him and his face seemed bewildered. I am pretty sure he's shy to refuse.

"Uhhh... M-maybe next time, Mr. Kim?" He said while laughing nervously.

I forced a smile and nodded. "You know, sometimes I wonder why people don't like me. To tell you the truth, I don't have many friends. Even when I'm still abroad, I don't have a lot. I'm not sure if I look intimidating or maybe because I'm not really sociable. What do you think about me?"

Jin bites his lips and about to say something when I cut him off.

"Wait! You can answer my question over dinner."

His face frowns and he looks funny, I can't help to laugh. I guess I already won.



I guess TaeJin is happening?

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