29. Two Letters

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I crawled to my bed with a box in my hand. The box where I am keeping the letters I got from Chim. I guess I am really an old fashioned man. Nowadays, almost everything is being sent electronically. I still prefer the handwritten letters and I am keeping them in a box.

I first read the one that came from Chim.

The letter never failed to make me smile

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The letter never failed to make me smile. No matter how simple the words were, it always hit my heart differently.

After reading his letter, I send a text message to him.

Chim, I got your letter. Thank you for making me smile every day. See you tomorrow night. 7 pm. Seoul Grand Hotel. I'll be in the hotel restaurant. Can't wait!

I put my phone away and get the other envelope in my bed. The one that Jin gave to me. The moment that I saw the keychain, I can't help to laugh. It's a white keychain made of wood, it's in the shape of a shirt with a Gucci word painted in the middle and small happy face below it. It reminded me of how we met. It wasn't a nice first meeting but it was memorable.

 It wasn't a nice first meeting but it was memorable

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Mr. Kim,

I was walking on my way home last night when I saw that keychain. And I immediately thought of you. I hope it won't remind you of how ugly our first
meeting was, but the funny side of it. I hope when you look at it, you will immediately smile and think of the happy moments in your life.

Thank you so much for your kindness. For being so generous enough to give back the money to me, for the hand cream, and for the delicious dinners.
I may not see you again but I am thankful that I met you Mr. Kim. You're a very nice person and Mr. Chim is very lucky to have you.


I don't know why my heart keeps on thumping under my chest. The letter gave me a bittersweet feeling. And it's just now when I realized that while I am reading Chim's letters for me, it's Jin's voice that I can hear. Or maybe because I haven't heard of Chim's voice yet?

I hope when you look at it, you will immediately smile and think of the happy moments in your life.

The keychain may be simple, but it is meaningful. I remember the smile on Jin's face while looking at my clothes. The clothes weren't his but he was so happy just by looking at it. I realized that you can be happy even through the littlest of things around you.

I realized how lucky I am to be living an easy life. I can buy whatever I want. I realized how big my house is. But still, I felt incomplete. Now I wonder, what more is Jin and his brother?

His hands are rough and dry. Perhaps because of working so hard. The reason why I gave him a hand cream. A simple hand cream that made him happy. I have loads in my closet but still, it cannot make me happy.

He said my walk-in closet is bigger than their house but I saw the happiness in his face when he stepped inside the room. A room that wasn't even his. While here I am living comfortably in a home may be ten times larger than his rented apartment but still, I'm not happy.

It's not the material things that can make someone happy. I'm not yet sure what can make me but I am hoping that tomorrow, I will find out.



"I'm happy that this is your last day delivering for Mr. Kim. Honestly, it's not worth your time." Hoseok said as we eat street foods in the inner streets of Seoul.

"I am thankful too because Jimin will not stress me out but also I'm sad because my extra income will stop." The extra income that Jimin gave me is a big help. I saved them so I'll have an extra for our rent next month.

Hoseok looked down, he peeked at the big bag between my lower leg. "And what's that? Don't tell me you spent your extra income for a shopping run down clothes."

I laughed at his accusation I almost spit out the fish cake inside my mouth. "I will not spend my money on buying run-down clothes. This was given by Mr. Kim."

Hoseok's eyes are wide open. He quickly put the cup of fishcake on the table and pull the bag from between my legs. He looked like an inspector taking a closer look at the clothes.

"Oh my gosh Jin, these are expensive clothes. I think one of these costs around a hundred dollars."

I coughed and almost choked when I heard the price. I leaned down and looked at the shirts. "Really? But he already gave me an expensive scarf that looks like the scarf Jimin gave me."

Hoseok curiously looked at me. Sometimes, I cannot keep my mouth shut. "What scarf?"

"Just a scarf. Do you want to get a shirt?" I offered to Hoseok who looked unamused.

"First, don't offer me those shirts because you know that you only have five shirts. Second, don't change the topic and tell me what scarf was that?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow and waited for my answer but before I can speak, he puts a finger up near my mouth. "Don't you dare lie to me. I know when you're lying."

"You're right. It's fake." I made it short but straightforward. Besides, I know that's all Hoseok wanted to hear from me. And I did the same, putting my finger up to shut him. "Hush! Please stop ranting. It's fake, now you know, it's done. It's over. Stop. Okay?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes at me. "I want to break his neck for making you look stupid."

But even if Hoseok is annoyed, he still hugged me and patted my back.

"So tell me, did you give the keychain to Mr. Kim?" I know Hoseok still wanted to rant but he volunteered to change the topic.

I nod while stuffing a big bite of fish cake in my mouth.

"Did you give the letter?" He smiled naughtily at me.

"I did."

"Good." He puts his arm on my shoulder. "At least, he will now figure out that the one writing for Chim is you."

I looked at him puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

"Jin, your handwriting?"

I shake my head. "Of course I changed my handwriting. Why will I write using the same handwriting? I used my left hand. He will not figure it out."

I received a hard slap on my arm causing me to rub it. "You really don't have a plan to go against Mr. Park. I knew it."

"Hobi, I only write and cook. But the whole idea isn't mine. It's Jimin's. So I have no say about it."

Hoseok clicked his tongue. "It's his idea, okay. I get it. It's his stupid idea! But the recipes, the words, the efforts are all yours. What is plan if he cannot even execute it? Oh! Please stop contradicting me. You know that I'm right.

I know for sure, even if the handwriting were different, Mr. Kim will surely feel that those letters came from the same person. So let's go home now before I smack your head."



More patience dearest. The time will come. Like what I've said, the progress is intentionally slow. Patience. 💜💜💜

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