30. Expectation

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Hoseok was right, the day went by with less stress. I did not cook for Mr. Kim today, no letter as well. I only work in the restaurant the whole day as a waiter. And that's my job in the first place.

"The shirt looks good on you." Hoseok winked at me as we prepare to go home. "I'm glad Jimin did not question you about it."

I giggled. "He won't. He's excited to meet Mr. Kim later."

Hoseok clicked his tongue while he shook his head. "It should have been you."

I furrowed my brows as I stared at him. I'm not sure why he said that and I don't exactly know the meaning behind it.

"Is it wrong to assume?" Hoseok's question baffled me. Hoseok is often smart and quick-witted. But questioning me about assuming is something I'm not used to. "I mean, Mr. Kim is very nice to you. Inviting you for dinner, giving you hand cream them expensive shirts. I think he likes you."

I barked a laugh. A laugh that's full of sarcasm. "Assuming is not healthy. Besides, it's all pity. Stop saying non-sense or Jimin might hear you."

Hoseok snorted while throwing his apron inside his locker. "Whatever he will experience tonight, he doesn't deserve any of it. I hope Mr. Kim will figure everything out soon or better, ask him to cook for him. I wonder what excuse he will say."

The thought actually bothers me. I know time will come that the truth will be out and it worries me on how it will unfold. I hope Jimin will not get hurt that much or perhaps, I wish Mr. Kim won't hurt Jimin. That would be the worst feeling in the world.

"Let's eat? I miss Mrs. Lee's bulgogi." That's our favorite food stall. Mrs. Lee the owner, transformed the ground floor of her two-story home into a small restaurant. Since the food is cheap but exceptionally delicious, at least to our palates, the place can be crowded especially during payday.

"I promise Jungkook that I will meet him today," Jungkook asked if we can eat some street food before going home and I agreed.

"Instead of going somewhere else, let's eat at Mrs. Lee's." Hoseok insisted and by the look on my face, I knew that he got it. "Okay fine. You're out of budget. I will pay half of the food. Gosh, Jin! I can't with you."

I smiled widely. "I told you that my budget is for street foods only. I'm not asking you to pay for my meal. And you know Jungkook's appetite."

"Fine, fine, fine! I will pay for Jungkook's meal. It's okay. I know your status, don't worry. Where are you going to meet Kookoo?" Hoseok asked. He put on his jacket as the weather is already cold.

I wrapped the scarf Mr. Kim gave me around my neck before putting on my jacket. "I'm still waiting for his message. He's doing a project with his classmate. I guess we will meet halfway."

Hoseok wears his bag and is ready to go. "Okay. I will go to the restaurant and will reserve seats. I'll see you there?"

I nod and smile. "Thank you. We will go there."

Hoseok gives me a sweet smile. "You deserve all the love in the world my Jinnie. See you later."



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The day has finally come and I'm excited but anxious at the same time. I did not get enough sleep last night. Aside from thinking about Jin's letter to me, I'm also thinking about my meeting with Chim.

Even it's only a week, expecting something for dinner is already part of my routine. But tonight is different and probably, the nights after these as well. I am quite sad as it's fun to anticipate something. Something really good. I have mixed emotions right now, I'm sad that I won't be receiving dinners and letters anymore and happy that I will finally meet the person cooking dinners and writing letters for me.

I am waiting for the hotel restaurant in Seoul Grand Hotel. I chose the seat near the glass wall. Seeing the cars and people passing by calm my tension. I am nervous I keep on rubbing my palms on my pants as it's starting to sweat.

I look at my watch and every second seems like forever. 7 o clock in minutes away and the butterflies in my stomach just keep on flapping. I know I should not, I am too old for these things but it's been a while since I've been this excited. Or on a date.

A familiar face appears outside. He's walking on the sidewalk. The glass wall is a bit foggy that I needed to pull out my eyeglass so I can see the person clearly. My heart just begins to beat painfully I'm getting nauseous. I look at the keychain I put on my car key and smile just comes out naturally from my face. My feelings did not fail me this time.

I told Yoongi that I have someone in my head. And that someone is already approaching. But the smile on my face fades as soon as a guy approached him. He smiles so fondly at the guy. They even laugh together. A guy with long wavy hair put his arm on Jin's shoulders. I thought--

"Taehyung?" My thoughts are disrupted by a sweet voice. I turned my face to the direction of the voice. I'm not surprised. It feels like he's the one I am expecting to appear.

"Jimin?" I know I sounded a bit off. But Jimin smiles even wider his eyes smile with him.

He reached out his hand. "Chim. But it's actually Jimin."

I stand up immediately when I realized I'm still sitting down. I look outside to check if Jin is still outside but he's not there anymore. I take Jimin's hand and smile at him.

"Hi! I'm sorry, I already have a hint that it's you." I honestly do not know what to say. It feels like all the questions and words I have inside my head just disappear in a flash.

"I know. It's a bit obvious, wasn't it?" Jimin looks shy. I admit that he's cute especially when he smiles.

I pull the chair across mine and have him sit there. I sit down across and call the waiter. "Your restaurant name gave me a hint. But it doesn't matter now. I'm glad to finally meet you."

Jimin smiles shyly. I notice how his eyes disappear every time he smiles. It's adorable. "I'm hesitant to do this, to be honest, but knowing you like my cooking gave me the reason to give this meet up a try."

"I love your cooking! Are you a chef? I mean, all the foods you gave me were impressive."

Jimin blushes by my compliment. It's not a lie. I love the food he cooked for me.

"I'm not a chef but I love to cook. Knowing you like them motivates me to cook more. Don't worry, I will still cook for you and have it delivered."


Jimin nods with his eyes wide open.

"I thought I'm going to miss your cooking."

He giggles and shakes his head. "As long as you want me to cook for you, I will."

"Am I too much? I'm sorry if I am demanding." I laugh nervously. "By the way, is Jin really working with you?"

The smile slowly fades away from his face. It seems like he doesn't like my question.

"How did you know his name?" He asks though he's smiling, I can feel that he's only forcing them. "I'm sorry for asking. But did he give you a headache? I'm sorry but he can be clumsy at times. I heard about what happened to your shirt and I would like to apologize for it."

I wave my hand to tell him it's okay. "That's nothing. I just want to commend his hard work. And he's good at keeping secrets. No matter how many times I ask him, he did not say anything."

He sighs while he holds his chest. "Oh! I'm glad that he's okay. Well, yes. He's a kitchen helper in my restaurant. He asked for the additional job so sometimes, he also delivers food. That guy is a workaholic."

I nod. I agree. Jin is a very hard working guy.

"Let's not talk about it. So tell me, what do you want me to cook for you tomorrow?"

We spent the night talking about food and our college days. Jimin is a bit talkative. I can feel that he's easy to get along with. Though he's not the one I am hoping to meet tonight, I am not disappointed at all. Jimin is a nice guy. And I guess we click.

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