38. Unforgettable

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It's been only hours and I already noticed a lot of things that make Jin beautiful. His handsome face is already a giveaway together with his clear glowing skin. But it's his personality that makes him stand out from the others. Perhaps, he's one of the closest to perfect people in this world.

"Did you find the street foods disgusting?" Jin asked as we exit Mrs. Lee's restaurant.

"Of course not." It's not a lie. I like the food and they were all delicious. "I love everything that you ordered. It's just that, it's my first time that's why I'm a little uncomfortable."

Jim giggled as if mocking me. "I thought you're going to throw up."

I can't help to laugh at what he's expecting to happen. "Honestly, it's not bad. Believe me, the foods were delicious especially the kimbap."

"Agreed. Next time, I will bring you to Gwanchu Market. We will eat intestines and innards there."

I stared at him in shock. Trying to see if he's kidding or not. "I think I cannot eat that."

"It's good with Soju! Believe me!" Jin tried to convince me but I refused. He cannot make me eat that. And he makes face.

Our walk is now silent. He pulled the scarf I gave him from his bag and offered it to me. "The night is getting cold. Wear this sir so you won't get sick."

I stared at the scarf and to his bubbly face. I get the scarf from his hand and put it around his neck. "I gave this to you for you to wear. I'm fine with the cold weather."

I wonder why even at night, his face is still dewy and glowing. The light coming from light posts highlighting his small oval face, his cute nose, his expressive eyes, and his, my favorite part of his face, his plump pink lips.

"Coffee?" I'm not sure if I am being too obvious but I literally don't want this night to end.

Jin thinks for a while and nods. "Let's get some coffee then I will bring you to my favorite place."

"And where is that?"

Jin just answered me with a smile.

"Do you go here often?" I asked as we sit down on a bench under a tree. The spot overlooks a garden and a man-made lake. It is beautiful.

"This is my happy place. When I'm sad, stressed, or happy, I always go here. It's beautiful, isn't it?" He's smiling as he stares at the beautiful scenery lighted by the antique lamp posts. "The lake is more beautiful at day time but it's more romantic when the lights are up at night. I like it here more than the malls. Well, I guess it's because I cannot but anything from there."

Jin giggled innocently. I noticed that he's wearing the shirt I gave him. The same exact shirt he wore two days ago.

"You're not wearing the shirts I gave you," I asked and he waved his hand to say no.

"I am reserving the others for Christmas then for New Year. I want to wear a new shirt for special occasions. You know, new year, new shirt."

I chuckled at his cuteness. "How old are you Jin?"

"I just turned 26 last December 4."

"We almost have the same age."

Jin nods. "Jimin was my high school classmate. We're friends during high school days but since I needed to stop school, we grew apart. I guess he met you during college days."

"Oh. I am actually ahead by a year. But yeah, we met during college days. So that's why you're calling him by his name. You and he are friends."

Jin gave me a small smile and a small nod. "We're not that close anymore. But I still consider him a friend. Please take care of him, will you?"

I don't know how to answer his question. I'm not even sure of what I really feel about Jimin. Jimin may be cute, he is also very sweet but there's something wrong in him.

"Are you going to spend Christmas abroad?" Jin interrupted my thoughts with another question. I can't remember if I answered his first question.

I bit on my lower lip and sigh. "I am used to spending Christmas alone. Sam will be with his family. I might order some food and do some movie marathon. How about you?"

Jin's face becomes sad. Well, the way his expression changed, I think he is sad. "I and Kookie usually spend it at home. Sometimes we go out to watch the fireworks. I will cook some food then we will share a bottle of soju. It's not a grandiose one but it's fun."

"You love cooking?"

Jin nodded frantically. "That's my favorite thing to do aside from writing. I used to be the editor of our school paper back in high school. I love doodling sweet nothings, writing short poems, things like that. It's just sad that I lost my red notebook. All my doodles are there.

Lately, I want to have my own restaurant like Jimin. You know a small one just like Mrs. Lee's. Mrs. Lee is not a chef but she can cook well so she transformed the ground floor of her home into a small eatery. Since I am not qualified to be an office employee, then I guess I can be successful with cooking. You know someday.

Jungkook told me that he will send me to school after he graduated. Then once I graduated, I will find office work, save some money, so I can own a small eatery. I guess it's not yet too late, right?"

I stared at him as he speaks. Even if what he just said made me feel worse, he's still happy. I have everything I need and want and yet I feel empty. Jin barely has anything and yet he can still smile like they are nothing to him. I admire how he sees the beauty of life. That he's still happy even though he's living a hard life. I wish I can do the same.

"Mr. Kim?"

Jin snapped his finger in front of my face. I think I stared at him longer than I should. "Are you okay, Mr. Kim?"

I smiled. I guess nobody can't help to smile if you're with him. His smile is contagious. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't believe how happy you are. I love how you can still smile despite what you're going through."

"Crying can do nothing as well. So it's better to just smile." He looked at me with concerned eyes. "I don't know what you're going through right now but it will be better soon."

I hold his hand. His eyes widened in surprise but he did not remove it from my hold. I tightened my hold and placed it between my hands as I stare at his surprise face.

"Can I see you again? Like this?" I asked while rubbing his hand with my fingers.

He nods. "Sure, Mr. Kim. I'll see you again."

"Taehyung. Call me Taehyung."

He hesitated at first. Even though he's talkative and he even teased me earlier, he's a bit shy to call me by my name. "I'll see you again, T-Taehyung."

Tonight is one of the most unforgettable moments of my life. And tonight, I realized that I want to get to know Jin more. The most precious and pure soul I've ever met.

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