13. Another

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Jin arrived in their apartment with a big smile on his face. So many things happened today. His morning was a big disappointment but it ended up well in the afternoon. So he's fine.

"Hey, Seokjin!" Their landlady's big voice boomed at the lobby of the building. His neighbors watched in amusement. They love watching their landlady ranting about unpaid rent and threatening her renters to kick them out.

Jin gets something from his pocket and gives it to the landlady whose eyes are widened in surprise. "You don't have to scream every time we cannot pay for the rent. I'm now paid. You can rest your vocal cords now." Jin smiled and climbed up the stairs.

His landlady did not speak a word. Even a thank you. She just ignored what Jin said and put the money inside her pocket. She fixed her hair rollers and went back into glaring at her renters who are giggling on what they just witnessed.

Jin smiled to himself. At last, he was able to say something to his landlady. He always receives a lot of rants and curses from her every end of the month and he just keeps on ignoring them. But it doesn't mean that he's not hurt, he is hurt but chooses not to stress himself so as not to make Jungkook worry.

"I'm home!" Jin greeted Jungkook who is currently doing his homework. He placed his shoes on the shoe rack before coming inside their tiny home. "How's school?"

Jungkook closed his notebook to stand up and greet his brother. He gave Jin a hug. "I'm good. School is good. How about you? How are you? You look tired."

Jin smiles and shakes his head. "I'm good and I'm not tired. Rent is already paid, by the way."

Jungkook looks surprised. Just last night, his brother was crying because he lost his money. But now, he was able to pay the rent. What's more intriguing, Jin looks happy. "Where did you get the money?"

Jin unfolds the mattress and places the food containers on top of it. He sits down and taps the space on his side. Jungkook sits down beside him, looking at the food Jin brought for dinner.

"The guy who stole my money returned it to me." Jin smiled as he gives Jungkook food.

"Returned it? You said it was stolen. How come he returned it?" Jungkook asked, puzzled.

Jin stuffs more food in Jungkook's mouth. "It's a long story but what's important is we will not move out today. The landlady shuts her mouth and I'm sure that she will now stop bothering you. And!!" Jin picks something from his pocket. He pulls Jungkook's hand, opens it and places some cash. "You can now buy your books."

Jungkook stares at the money in his hand. He then looks at his brother who is currently eating only the bread, never touching the meat dish.

"Hyung, where did you get the money?" Jungkook asked, worried. He doesn't want Jin to borrow cash from anyone just to send him to school and to buy what he needs. He always wanted to be a working student but Jin always gets angry whenever he mentions it. Jin said that he stopped studying so he could send Jungkook to school. What's the point of stopping if Jungkook will work too?

Jin, on the other hand, doesn't want Jungkook to know what happened earlier between him and Jimin. He doesn't want Jungkook to lose his trust at Jimin. He doesn't want him to know what's happening because Jungkook will surely get disheartened.

"I delivered food yesterday." Jin opened up.

"And since when did you become a delivery boy at that restaurant? I know you're delivering newspaper in the mornings, now even food?!"

"Kookie, listen to hyung first, okay?" Jin calms his younger brother before continuing. "I delivered a cake for a VIP client. It accidentally slipped from my hand and unfortunately, stained the Gucci shirt of that VIP client. I offered my money to compensate and surprisingly, he took it. Maybe because he's pissed. Today, I delivered food again to the same recipient and he returned the money. That's what happened."

Jungkook stared at his brother, trying to find out if Jin is lying or not. Jin, on the other hand, did not go into details so as not to make Jungkook worry or mad. He knows Jungkook will flip once he learned that Taehyung asked him to wash his shirt. And more, once Jungkook learned that Jimin scolded him because of that.

"What about your shoes? Did you left some for yourself so you can buy one?" Jungkook asked. His voice is low and ashamed.

"Stop worrying about me, okay? Eat your food, finish your homework so you can sleep early." Jin stands up, grabbing his towel. "Finish everything. I will take a shower."

The bathroom is one of Jin's favorite places. In here, he can open the shower and the noise will drown away his cries. Sometimes, it's hard for him to hide his pains. He always thinks that life has always been unfair. He's working his ass off but he's getting nothing in return.

His only reward is seeing Jungkook happy. He doesn't even know if Jungkook is really happy. Maybe he's also masking his pain like what he's doing. But nevertheless, what's important for him is Jungkook is going to college. He doesn't want his younger brother to experience too many hardships.

Before going to sleep, he always stares at how peaceful looking Jungkook is while sleeping. That's the time he can smile thinking that no matter how hard life is, he knows that he's doing the right thing. Jungkook is going to school, he's eating three times a day, he has a pair of good shoes and a good bag on his back and he's sleeping with a full stomach. For Jin, that's his biggest accomplishment. And he can go to sleep knowing that his brother is okay.


Jin grabbed his phone and turned the alarm off. He needed to wake up early to deliver the newspaper. When he opened his eyes, he saw Jungkook smiling at him with a small cupcake on a plate and a lighted candle.

"Happy Birthday hyung!" Jungkook greeted Jin who is still sleepy. "Wish before you blow the candles."

Jin closes his eyes to wish before blowing the candles. "Thank you. I honestly forgot that it's my birthday today."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin. "Don't bother to bring home foods from Jimin's kitchen. I will cook something for tonight."

Jin took a bite from the cupcake and offered some for Jungkook. "Thank you for remembering. You made me really happy. I will come home early today."

Jin stands up to get ready for the day. Another day. Another tiring day. Another day that doesn't feel like his birthday. Or perhaps, his birthday isn't that important for him.

And of course, another day means another meal and another letter.

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