9. Extra

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I woke up feeling extra tired. I don't even know if I fell asleep. All I can think of is the uncertainties of everything. I looked at my phone and it's only 3 in the morning.

I saw two messages that left unopened. Perhaps, I am feeling weak to even take a look last night. One message from Jimin and one from Hoseok whom  I both messaged last night.

I decided to open the one from Hoseok. I asked him if he can recommend a part-time job. Though I'm not sure if he can recommend one as soon as possible, the message just wipes out the tiredness of my body.

Hey Jin! Sorry for replying late. I talked to Mrs. Lee and she agreed to give you a part-time job. If you like to deliver newspapers every morning, from 5 to 7 in the morning, I will give you the address. You will earn 10 dollars an hour. I know it's little but it's okay as an extra.

I can't help not to smile. I sit down immediately and write down the address. I can't let this one pass. This is better than having none at all.

I decided to wake up and prepare early than usual. I cooked Jungkook's meal, packed them and then I showered. I am hyped up. The heaven is still siding on me.

I poke Jungkook's side to tell him that I will leave. Jungkook tossed and turned before sitting down and grasping the reality. When his senses finally woke up, he looked at me.

"Why? It's still early." He said lazily.

"I have a part-time job so I will leave now," I said happily.

He frowned, I already expected that. "What job is that? Is it worth it?"

I nod with a big smile. I needed to do that so he won't worry. "Newspaper delivery."

He frowned even more. "You don't need to do that. Where is that? I will do it."

I pushed him back to bed. "Can you calm down? I know what I'm doing. You rest. All you need to do is to study hard for me and let hyung do the rest, okay?"

I grabbed my backpack and put a cap over my head. I looked back at Jungkook who is sitting down on the bed, his eyes on me. I know he's worried. He is always worried about me.


"You don't have a bike?" Mrs. Lee looks surprised and I am worried about what will happen. Hoseok did not tell me that a bike is required.

"I... Actually, I have one but it was damaged when I got hit by a car." I'm starting to lose hope. I really thought everything is already okay.

Mrs. Lee smiled at me. "It's okay. It's not a requirement but you need to walk. It can be tiring."

"I'm okay with walking." I may sound desperate but I really need this or else, our landlady will kick us out from our apartment. "I also deliver food by walking."

"That's great to hear." Mrs. Lee gave me the list of the houses where I will be delivering the papers. I know the place well so I am confident that I can finish everything in two hours even just by walking. "Don't worry, you don't need to collect money from any of them. The route is just short and you can finish everything in two hours."

I collect the papers and I'm good to go. I've been seeing delivery boys delivering the newspaper every morning so I already have an idea. Besides, I've been into different jobs that are more difficult than this one.

I even told Jungkook that I have no plans to get married. I told him my hands are rough and ugly that no guy will like to hold my hand.

Speaking of my hands, I put on some band-aid on my scratches. The thought of removing the stains from Mr. Kim's shirt still annoys me but I can't do anything about it. He stole my dollars and I got painful scratches on my knuckles and hands. I hope he was able to sleep well after what he did to me. I really do hope his conscience will eat him.

As I start distributing the papers, the sky is still dark but I can already see some hint of light. For sure, the sun is about to rise any minute now. It's fun to walk this cold early morning.

As I place a paper on one of the houses, someone opened the door from the next house. He's already wearing office clothes complete with necktie. He looked at me as if he's trying to recognize me. Actually, he looks utterly familiar.

"I know you." He said, his eyes narrowed.

I cannot speak as I'm also trying to recognize him.

"Oh! You're the guy I hit last week. Oh my, I'm really sorry about what happened. I'm still thinking about it." He keeps on bowing at me. Even before, he was very apologetic. I know he didn't mean to hurt me or damage my bike.

"Don't worry about it, it's okay," I answered.

I noticed that he's looking at the newspapers in my hand. I'm wishing he won't ask about the bike. But I know that's the next thing he's going to ask. "You're delivering newspapers?"

I nod, expecting for the next question.

"Where's your bike? Is the money my boss gave you isn't enough? Did you call his secretary? You should. My boss has a very good heart. I'm sure he will add more."

I wave my hand in opposition. "No, sir. The money is actually enough but..." I am embarrassed to say what happened. His face is curious. I don't want him to think that I'm stupid. I took a deep breath before finally saying what had happened. "I lost it."

"You lost it?!" His reaction made me more embarrassed.

"Actually, someone took it from me."

"You were robbed?"

I shook my head. "No, sir. It's a bit complicated." I looked at my watch and I can't believe I spent nearly five minutes talking to this guy. "Mister, I have some more newspaper to deliver. I really have to go."

I ran to get away with the man. I don't want to answer any more questions. Besides, I need to finish the delivery before 7 in the morning so I can get my full compensation.


The whole morning went by so fast. I felt tired when I arrived at Jimin's restaurant. It's good to know that he's not yet here because I haven't prepared the letter yet. Though I already have the menu, I'm not in the mood to write a letter for Mr. Kim. After what happened, who will have the mood and the strength to write a letter for that selfish man?

I locked myself in the washroom and think of the next letter to write. Mr. Kim is handsome, but no matter how handsome your face is, it won't matter when you have a terrible personality.

I wish he also thinks that I needed the money before getting it from me. I already removed the stain from his Gushit shirt. I am hoping that he will return it to me. But nothing. Rich people are still hungry for money even if they are sleeping on a bed full of it.

"Jin?" A knock on the door disturbed my thoughts. Hoseok. I opened the door and let him in. "The cafe is about to open in ten minutes. What are you doing?"

"I forgot to compose a short letter for Mr. Kim."

Hoseok clicked his tongue. If there's someone who hated this idea, it's him. "He should be the one thinking about it not you. It is supposed to be a love letter. Who is in love? Him, right? Why can't he think of sweet words to say to his self-centered crush? This is so childish!"

"Just stop okay?"

"Okay, fine! He's giving you additional income but you're looking more and more pathetic. You see! He even stole your cash and let you wash his clothes. Is that part of your extra work? Not worth it!" Hoseok said in a loud whisper that I need shhhh him.

"Hi? What's wrong?" Jimin appeared. We didn't notice him arrived. Hoseok and I looked at each other.

"Nothing. I just asked Hoseok to help me tie my apron. Yeah." I grinned at Jimin and Jimin seemed to accept my reason.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Mr. Park, FYI, your crush asked Jin to wash his shirt."

Jimin and my eyes went wide after Hoseok said that and left us inside the washroom.

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