6. Unfortunate

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I don't know why I feel bad right now that Jimin cannot give me a bike. I know it's not his responsibility to provide me with one, but all my plans of budgeting the three hundred dollars I received from the man who hit my bike have all been canceled.

I texted Jungkook about the change of plans, and I instructed him to look for a bike for me. He said it would cost around a hundred. Though it's okay, I decided just to take public transport for a while to make use of the money to pay my bills. Jungkook needs books and some things for school. He is already graduating, and I cannot gamble anymore.

I put the three hundred dollars back in my pocket. I head to the kitchen and start packing Mr. Kim Taehyung's dinner for tonight.

Jimin went inside the kitchen, wrapping his arms around me. "Jinnie, I'm really sorry about all the burdens. I felt so guilty about what happened."

I shake my head and give him a reassuring smile. "Jimin, even without a bike, I can still come to work because there is public transport. But a kitchen without a stove is not a kitchen, especially if your business is food service. The stove is more important than my bike. Okay? So stop overthinking, go outside, and relax."

"You're so precious, Jinnie." He said before my co-waiter knocked on the door and called him.

"VIP, Mr. Park," Hoseok said, and Jimin headed out of the kitchen for the VIP.

Hoseok slipped in and nudged me with his shoulder. "Are you okay? I noticed your mind is somewhere."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just the same problems at home." I put the food carefully in a pretty container.

"I don't like that whole play." Hoseok's brow raised, his lips pursed as he looked at me. He is speaking in a whisper. "You're having difficulty thinking about the menu and the letters. He's doing nothing. No effort, no time; it seems like you're the one admiring Mr. Kim and not him. It's all your time and effort.

In the end, Mr. Kim falls in love because he thinks Mr. Park can cook well, and he feels it's Mr. Park writing sweet letters for him, but the truth is it's all because of you. Don't you think Mr. Kim will fall in love with the wrong idea?"

I tilt my head in thought. Somehow, Hoseok is right. It's like giving Mr. Kim the wrong person to admire back. "Well, if that's the case, it's not my problem anymore. If that time comes, I don't want to meddle with his issues."

I went out with the paper bag of food in my hand. I don't want to think about what Hoseok said. I don't want that to add to my problem when it should be Jimin's.

"Jin, please add this cake to that. This is delicious." Jimin placed another container inside the paper bag. "Also, here's the umbrella, and here's your T-Card for your transportation. I think it's going to rain anytime. Just please take care."

"Thank you." I removed my apron, and I'm off to go.

The sky is gloomy today. The clouds are dark and low. Maybe it's going to rain within an hour. I need to be quick. I don't want the rain to ruin the food in my hand. Fortunately, there is a bus waiting at the bus stop.

I sometimes wonder what it feels like to fall in love. I wonder if I will do this too. I know how much Jimin likes Taehyung. He always mentions him to me almost every day. Now that the love of his life is back here in Korea, there is a different spark in Jimin's eyes. I know how long he waited for this moment to come. Perhaps, it really feels good to fall in love.

The rain started to fall when I unloaded from the bus. The walk from the bus stop to Taehyung's village is a bit far. When the sun is up, I am very much entertained by the beautiful houses and gardens around the area. Now that it's about to rain and it's really windy, I have no time to enjoy the view.

I opened the umbrella and started to walk. Positioning the umbrella in front of me as the wind is really strong. I hope the wind will not turn my umbrella inside out, or I'm dead.

I can already see the house from afar when the wind blows and sweep my poor umbrella. All I can do is run fast so the food won't get wet.

I run towards the canopy of Kim Taehyung's house. My hair is dripping wet, and my clothes cling to my body. The paper bag is already torn, and the envelope is a bit damp. I'm worried now about the inkblot ruining the letter.

I press the doorbell, and the voice that comes out differs from yesterday. The voice today is a bit deep and very manly.

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Good afternoon. Delivery for Mr. Kim Taehyung." My voice breaks in between. The wind blowing makes me shiver.

"Are you the same guy who delivered the food yesterday?"

"Yes, sir."

The door suddenly swings open. My eyes widen in surprise. It's automatic! "Woah! Rich people." I murmured.

I pushed the door open and walked into the covered area. Wrapping the containers in my arms. I wonder why they let me in.

The big wooden door with intricate carvings swung open, and a tall guy went out. He was wearing a top with a tiger design and sweatpants. His hair is jet-black and curly. His face was blank, eyes staring cold, and his lips tensed. He's standing in a broad stance, and he looks very intimidating. But one thing I noticed, he is very handsome.

"Good afternoon, sir." I bowed, my wet hair sticking on my forehead and covering my eyes. I can feel the numbness at the tip of my nose and ears.

He doesn't move. He looks at me from head to foot. He turns away from me, and all I can hear is his husky voice. "Get in."

Bewildered, I followed him. Removing my wet shoes and socks and leaving them by the front door. I stand on the doormat as my clothes are dripping wet.

"I think I already told you to get in." His brows are already knitted, and he doesn't look amused.

"I know, sir, but my clothes are wet, sir. It will --"

"Sam will take care of that." He walks towards where I am standing. I can already smell his soft perfume. H"Is that for me?"

I nod. I give the envelope with the letter, then carefully give the food containers as it's a bit slippery because of the water droplets. I gave the main meal first and, lastly, the cake in a transparent container that, unfortunately, slipped from my hand and went straight to his shirt.

The chocolate cake splattered on his chest stained his white shirt, and fell slowly to the floor. And to my terror, I looked back at his shirt, which spells scarier... GUCCI.

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