3. First Letter

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"I want to add some mushy stuff but maybe let's do it tomorrow? Since it's your first, let's be simple so he won't get scared?" I suggested, showing the letter I wrote for his crush

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"I want to add some mushy stuff but maybe let's do it tomorrow? Since it's your first, let's be simple so he won't get scared?" I suggested, showing the letter I wrote for his crush.

"Isn't it too simple?" Jimin looks unimpressed.

"Well, at least it's straightforward. Let's insert some sweet words tomorrow. The food I prepared is enough to make him swoon."

I put the paper inside a small envelope and stick it on the cover of the food container. I prepared fish tacos with mango salsa like what Jimin wanted. Then, I placed it inside a cute paper bag.

Jimin handed me a paper where Taehyung's address is written and I'm off to go. "Are you sure I won't get arrested? I mean, how did you know all of these?"

"Jinnie, I told you a college friend told me. Namjoon is my close friend who is a close friend of Taehyung's secretary. So don't worry, I don't think he will question you. Just pretend you're a delivery boy."

"That's what love can do eh? Knowing all his details and stuff." I chuckled. Jimin is something else.

Jimin just giggled. "You can go home after delivering that. But please, kindly ensure that he will get it. Will that be okay?"

"No problem." I smiled before grabbing the bag. Since I cannot use my bike, I need to take a bus to reach the place.

Mr. Kim Taehyung's house is located in one of the richest neighborhoods in Seoul. Looking at the address, it seems like it is a single house and not an apartment building.

Having a single house in Seoul is a big deal. Considering that there are only a few available lands, a single house is very expensive.

I reached the neighborhood and my eyes roamed around. The houses are huge and the lawns have stunning landscapes. I can walk here all day just to admire them. I wonder when I can live in this kind of place.

The place where I and Jungkook currently lives is cramped. Even the building where our apartment is located looks condemned. How many jobs do I need to have to be able to purchase this kind of house?

I looked at the address on the paper again and walked a little bit more. I finally arrived at the house with a tall and wide gate. There is a narrow canopy on the left side and a security doorbell with a camera and speaker.

The sky is already dark and Taehyung is probably on his way home. It looks like it's going to rain anytime as well. I glance at my clock and it is half past six in the evening. I ring the doorbell and I waited in front of the camera.

"What can I do for you?" A voice of a male came out from the speaker.

I smiled at the camera. "Hello good evening!" I showed him the paper bag. "Delivery for Mr. Kim Taehyung."

"Is he expecting it?"

I shake my head. "I will just leave this, sir."

"Oh, okay! Wait, I'm coming." I waited outside and after a few minutes, a skinny tall guy opened the gate.

"Mr. Kim is not yet here. Is it okay if I will be the one to receive it?"

I nod. "Yes, it's okay. My boss expected it to be delivered tonight. Can you please ensure that Mr. Kim will receive this?"

He smiled at me while I handed him the bag. "Of course. I'll make sure that he will see this."

"Thank you so much." I bowed and just in time, a familiar black car stopped in front of the gate, honking several times.

"My boss is here. I have to go. Thank you." The male locked the gate and I went down the stairs to look at the car. It looks familiar. Like the one that broke my bike. But well, how many rich people owned that kind of car, right?

I keep on glancing until the car is already inside the gate. The spaces between the dowels are too narrow to see Kim Taehyung which Jimin keeps on talking about. I'm curious about what he looks like. He must be really handsome because Jimin is head over heels for him.


"Who's that?" I asked, talking about the guy my housekeeper was talking with.

"A delivery guy Mr. Kim." Sam showed to me a paper bag. "He said his boss wanted to give this to you."

Sam placed the bag on the kitchen counter while I loosen my necktie. "Did you get the name?"

"I'm about to but your car already arrived."

I sit down on a stool around the kitchen island while Sam prepared dinner for me. "What did you cook for dinner?"

"Herbed vegetables and baked lemon chicken."

I pulled out the bag and noticed an envelope. I pulled it out and opened the letter.


I've been admiring you from afar for years. Please don't think I'm a creep. I'm just too shy to give this personally.

I hope you will like the food.
I cooked it for you.


Food? I get the container from the bag and opened it. It's fish tacos with mango salsa. The plating already looks appetizing. I take a bite and it does taste delicious. The taste did plating justice.

I look at the letter again and it comes from a certain Chim. I wonder who is Chim. But whoever he is, he is a great cook.

"Do you still want me to serve the food or I will pack it for your lunch tomorrow?" Sam asked. Maybe he noticed that I am enjoying the tacos.

"Yes, please." I flipped the letter, looking for a number. "This is delicious. I just wonder who is Chim but the letter said he already knows me for years."

I gave Sam tacos so he can have a taste. He sits down on a stool beside me. Sam has been my parent's housekeeper for years. Mom sent him to my home when I returned from the States.

"It does taste good. He must be a great cook. I mean, for him to cook for you, he must be really confident about the way he cooks." By the looks of it, Sam is enjoying the food like me.

I continue eating the food while I open my Social Media account, looking for a friend or follower with Chim as a name. But there's none. The sender still baffles me. I wonder why I even eat it not thinking it has poison. But it's really delicious and I cannot complain.

"Taehyung, it's not that I am meddling with your personal life, if the sender knows you for years, he must be your classmate in college or maybe one of your exes?"

"I don't think that's one of my exes. But anyway, he cooks really well." I wiped my mouth with a tissue. "I would love it if he will send me free food every day. As long as it's always delicious."


Happy Heart's Day everyone!
1129PM PHT

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