1. Hustle

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5:00 A.M.

The sound of my mobile phone alarm clock is like music to my ears. It's like part of my everyday routine and I think I cannot live without it.

Our tiny home is my solace. Living in the city is not fun, but somehow, this is the first step in achieving our dreams.

I folded my comforter and placed it neatly under my pillow. I often sleep on the sofa while my younger brother sleeps on the bed. Since our apartment is just a tiny one, everything is cramped.

I started to cook our breakfast and lunch. I usually pack our meals for the day to save money. Our dinner usually comes for free from the restobar where I am currently working.

"Kookie." I pinched my younger brother's nipple to wake him up. Throwing a shirt on his face as he sleeps without a shirt on. "Wakey wakey! Breakfast is ready."

Jungkook tossed and turned. He even whined for a while. Well, that's how he is. He hates the morning.

After breakfast, I gave Jungkook his plastic containers of food and money just in case he needs to buy something. "You have banana milk inside the fridge just in case you want some."

"Hyung, don't work too much. I'll be home by 7. See you." Jungkook kissed me on my cheek before making his way out.

Now it's time for me to do some grocery shopping for our food for the next two days. My work will start at 11 am so I have to do everything quickly. After groceries, I will place everything inside the fridge or our cupboard and I'll take my bath to get ready for work.

That's how my day usually goes. I feel as if 24 hours is not enough to finish everything. Every day is a hustle. But I'm not complaining. Living life in the city is an accomplishment for me. More so, I can send my younger brother to school. I feel so independent and brave. Even though I wasn't able to finish school, at least I have work and I am helping my brother to reach his dreams.

I hurried to put my lunch boxes in my bag, check if my cafe uniform is inside, and a bottle of water in the side pocket. Once sure that everything is okay, I will go down to our rented room and pull my bicycle.

Riding my bike is my means of transportation going to work and back home. I guess this is one of my most treasured possession and I cannot afford to lose it. It does help me budget my money more because I can save on transportation.

I am happily pedaling my bike when I felt a bump on the back wheel. I don't have time to scream as I am already flying on-air and then rolling on the grassy sidewalk.

I moaned as I tried to stand up, holding on to my hips and arms. Trying to feel if I break a bone or any blood on any parts of my body.

"Are you okay?" The car, I assumed, that bumped into my bike, stopped on the sides. I can still see someone in the back seat. Though not clearly because the windows are tinted.

"I'm fine," I said while looking at the scratches on my arms. I can feel some twinge on my face.

"I'll bring you to the hospital." He said and I can tell that he is worried. "I'm sorry. I hate to tell you this but my boss is rushing to a meeting. That's why I did not notice you. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm fine," I said.

"Your bike is broken. I'm sorry. Wait I'll talk to my boss." I grabbed his arm before he can even talk.

"No, no need. I'm also late to my work."

"No, no, it's not okay. Wait here. This is quick." He rushed to the back seat window and knocked. His 'boss' lowered the window. I, on the other hand, picked up my bike and pulled it on the sides. The back wheel is damaged and I know that I needed a new one.

I felt devastated. This bike is very important to me. I don't know what to do now. I cannot have it repaired or buy a new one. It's definitely out of budget.

"Hi, here's $300 so you can have your bike repaired. Just in case it's not enough, here's the number of my boss's secretary. You can call him and he will assist you. I'm sorry but my boss is rushing." He keeps on bowing at me and I feel bad for him. Maybe his boss is ranting at him for being careless.

"It's okay. Just go now. I will call just in case." Although I'm a bit sad about what happened to my bike, I guess it will be sadder if this man will lose his job.

"Thank you, sir." He bowed again.

"Thank you too. Please regards to your boss."

The driver runs to the car and drives it quickly, leaving me with bruises, painful joints, and a broken bicycle.

I looked at the piece of paper he gave to me.


Assistant to the Chairman


"What did he say?" The driver's boss asked.

"He said thank you. I'm worried about him." The driver still looks anxious. He keeps on looking at the side mirror. He can't get over the sad face of the man he accidentally bumped into earlier.

"He looks okay. Don't mind it. Just drive and please, concentrate. I don't want another man flying across the road." His voice is very authoritative.

"Yes, Chairman. I'm sorry about it."

"Chairman Kim, here are the details of the meeting today." A male rushed as soon as he saw Chairman Kim enter the office.

"Thank you Yoongi." The Chairman gets the documents. Not taking a glance at his secretary. "Are the boards in the conference room?"

"Yes, Chairman Kim. Your father is inside your office." Yoongi looks apologetic because of his boss's reaction upon hearing about his father. "I'm sorry."

His boss clicked his tongue and looked unhappy. He quickly made his way inside his office and found his father sitting in front of his desk.

"Taehyung, you're almost late." His father said, legs crossed while reading a newspaper.

"Yeonjun figured in an accident. But it's okay now. We just need to attend to the man." Taehyung sits down on his chair and starts to browse through the papers.

"You should have ignored it. I'm sure he's one of those syndicates acting as if he was bumped by a car just so he can get money." His father said in a monotonous tone.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung changed the topic. He knew that his father doesn't have any emotions over those kinds of things.

"I heard you're having a meeting with the boards today." He finally closes the newspaper and tossed it to the chair across him.

"Dad, if you want me to discuss to them to give you another post in this company, I will not do that. Corruption has no place in this company and I will not allow you to do the same mistake again." Taehyung stands up, picking up the papers and his laptop.

"You're speaking to your father, Taehyung." His father called, watching his son heads towards the door.

"I know but we are talking about the company. And I am talking to you professionally. With all due respect, I have to go now. The board is waiting for me." And with that, Taehyung left his father.

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