46. Hope

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Jin stares at me for a while. As if trying to recognize me. His hair, his face is dripping wet, his whole body to be exact but I can tell that its tears streaming from his eyes. Perhaps, when he finally realized that it's me, Jin throws himself in my arms.

He wailed in my chest. His hands gripped tightly on my back. I wrapped him in my arms and I can feel how his body shakes in fear and cold.

"He touched me... He touched me..." He cried.

"Who? Who touched you? What happened?" I asked but instead of answering, he just cried.

I let him cry. I don't know what happened. Someone touched him and I don't exactly know what that means. What kind of touch was that? I'm not sure what to feel. If I understood it correctly, someone harassed him and just the thought made me angry.

Silence followed. Just frequent sniffing then coughing. His hand loosened on my back and I began to worry.

"Jin?" I called but he only moaned and then he coughed again. I cupped his face with my hands and he's freezing cold. His eyes hooded and his breathing pattern irregular. I removed my coat and wrapped it around his body before carrying him in my arms.

The rain is still heavy when I put him on the passenger seat. Jin is coughing and his eyes are closed. "Jin? I will drive you home. Can you tell me your address?"

Jin tried to open his eyes only to close them again. I held his hand and it's cold as ice. He needed heat or else, he will suffer hypothermia. I decided to just bring him to my house instead of finding out his address.

I put on my Bluetooth speaker, dialed Sam's number before driving to the rain. Jin's moan makes me worry. And I'm glad that Sam picked up my call.

"Sam, I'm sorry. I know you will leave tomorrow for a Christmas vacation. Please, last favor, can you prepare a warm bath and turn on the heater in my bedroom? Jin is with me and he's freezing cold. I think he's also sick. He's not responding to me. I will be there in ten minutes."

My heart raising as I drive home. I am worried and angry at the same time. I am worried because Jin is cold and I think he is sick. I am angry because I am desperate to know what happened to him and he was shaking in fear when I found him.

Sam is already in the driveway when we arrived. He brought a thick blanket and he immediately covered Jin with it as soon as I carried Jin out of the car.

"What happened?" Sam asked as we rushed upstairs towards my bedroom. "I already filled the tub with warm water."

I laid Jin down on my bed, contemplating what to do next. I looked at Sam and Sam sighed. He got what I'm trying to say. He slowly removed Jin's wet clothing and when it's time for him to remove Jin's underwear, I grabbed Sam's hand and shook my hear.

"Just put him in the tub with that. Or remove it once I'm out." I carried Jin again and quickly dipped him into the tub filled with warm water and a lavender bubble bath.

"I'll wash him. You can take a shower and change your clothes so you won't catch a cold. I will take care of him."

I looked Jin whose lips are turning bluish but his body calmed down a bit unlike before I dipped him in the water, his whole body is shivering.

I went out of the bathroom and tried to look for his mobile phone. I needed to contact Jungkook. I am sure that he's worried about his brother. I looked at the pocket of his pants. When I pulled out his phone, it's already wet and not working. The back pocket has his wallet. I opened it and it only has two one-dollar bills and a calling card.

The calling card has my blood boiling in an instant. I cursed in frustration as I remember Jin shaking in fear when I found him. Could it be? Did he try to work there? But this bar is known for its first-class prostitutes. Did this man lure him to work there?

I closed my eyes and I just realized that I crumpled the card in my hand. If this man and this club are the cause of Jin's panic, I will do my best to have it closed.


After taking a quick shower in the guest room, I called Yoongi and he promised to contact Jin's brother as I have no way to communicate with him. I don't want Jin to worry too that his brother is at home waiting for him.

Now, I'm waiting in my bedroom. It's been thirty minutes and Sam and Jin are still inside. And at last, after seemed like forever, Sam went out.

"He's awake," Sam whispered. "I will prepare soup so he can eat. He said he's hungry."

Jin walked out of the bathroom. He looked so weak. He is walking slowly with hooded eyes as if he's sleepy.

I hold his arm and it's so warm. I touched his neck. "You have a fever, Jin."

Jin sniffs and coughs. "I'm fine. I need to go home. Jungkook is waiting for me."

I fixed the hair that fell on his forehead. "Don't worry. Yoongi contacted him. You need to take a rest for now. My doctor will be here tomorrow to have you checked. Besides, it's still raining outside."

Jin's tired eyes stared at mines and tears slowly formed in it, worrying me. I pulled him closer, pushing the hair behind his ears. "What's painful? What are you feeling?"

He shook his head, tears finally streamed down his bare face. "T-thank you." His words are faint but sincere.

I look straight in his eyes and wipe his tears. His body tells me that he's still scared. His eyes have anxieties in them and my heart is breaking seeing a bubbly Jin now full of fear.

"I know you're scared right now but as long as you're here, I promise to protect you. Let's talk about it tomorrow or once you feel a lot better." I walk him to the bed and let him lay down. I put the blanket up to his chest for some warmth before sitting beside him. "All I want right now is for you to take a rest. Sam is cooking so you can eat. He said you're hungry."

Jin looked down, feeling shy. I hold his hand and place it between my hands. He did not hesitate. Probably, he's too weak to even refuse.

"I'm sorry for always bothering you. Jimin will surely get angry at you once he learned that I'm here. I'm sorry for bringing you problems." Jin said in between coughing.

It hurts to know that he still worries about me when I should be the one worrying about him. But what hurts the most is he's still concern about what Jimin would feel when all Jimin did to him was hurt him, physically and emotionally.

I bite my lower lip, trying to contemplate what I should say next. But I know that I should. Maybe this is the right moment. And I want him to somehow feel at ease and worry less.

"Jin, I already know the truth."

Jin's face turned to me. His eyes searching for a quick answer. I put my hand on his jaw, running my thumb on his warm cheek.

"I know that it's you. I know what Jimin made you do. Please don't worry about it. I don't want you to worry about anything or about anyone. You're so precious Jin. You only deserve happiness and that's what I want you to feel."

Jin's eyes are teary. He did not say anything though his lips are part. His lips. His lips have the butterflies in my tummy flaps their wings. I am nervous just by staring at him. He is so beautiful.

I leaned in while staring at his lips. I looked at his eyes and they are closed. Perhaps, we feel the same. Perhaps, this is the perfect moment.

I leaned in more, I've always wanted and dreamt of this moment when I can finally kiss him.

"Food is here!" Sam.

Jin and I pulled away from each other in surprise. Sam looked frozen staring at us.

Yes. I forgot. I left the bedroom door wide open.


Happy Festa Everyone!

Happy 7th Anniversary to my loves, BTS! 💜💜💜


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