5. Broken Promise

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Riding a bus to work feels like a chore for me. I hate rushing to the bus stop and waiting. But now that my bike is not usable anymore, I don't have a choice but to ride public transportation. Something that I have for my expenses.

"Good morning!" I greeted Jimin who is looking glum on the table with a notebook and pen. I put down the menu I prepared for the week. "This is the food that I am going to cook for him for this week."

His face brightens as if he just learned that he won the lottery. He read it carefully and smiled at me with his eyes smiling as well. "They sound yummy. Oh my gosh, Jinnie, how I wish I can cook just like you. Maybe I won't chicken out like this."

"Why don't you take up culinary? There are training centers that offer crash courses." I suggested while he handed back the menu to me.

"We have a subject in college but cooking is not really for me. You know, business management is my specialty and my dad did not want any of my plans." Jimin puts his cheeks on his hands and stares at me. "Anyway, my Jinnie is here to help me out. Right?"

I nod in agreement. I know from the start that there is a story behind all these. Jimin will pretend that he's the one cooking for Taehyung and the one writing the notes. And I know where I stand. I'm the one who will do that for him to get Taehyung's attention and interest. I know everything isn't right but seeing Jimin happy makes me happy.

"Jinnie, I have something to tell you." Jimin's face is back to being gloomy and it worries me. He is always smiling and happy. Seeing him all sad means there is a big problem. He taps the chair beside him and I sit there.

"I know I promised you that I will buy you a bike but something happened." I knew it, I cannot get the bike today. "The stove broke last night and I already ask for a replacement. You know the cafe cannot function with only one stove. Jin, I'm sorry. But I pro--"

I hold his hand to stop him. "Jimin, you don't need to be sorry. It's not your obligation to buy me a new one. Besides, he gave me three hundred dollars to have it repaired. It's enough for me to buy a new one. So it's fine."

"But you said you will use the money for the rent and to buy Jungkook a new book?" Jimin's eyes are sad and worried. I am sad and worried too but what can I do?

"Look Jimin, honestly, I don't need a bike. I can always take public transportation to get to work and other places. So you don't need to worry. This job is enough to help me. Don't stress yourself too much okay?" I tried to hold his gaze to stop him from worrying too much. It's kind of embarrassing that he needed to worry about my problems.

The stove arrived at noontime. The chef and his cooks are very busy in the kitchen working double time. I am busy serving the guests as well and this regular customer keeps on glancing at me and flashing his gummy smile.

"I'm a regular here and I already noticed you from the first time I ate here. The foods are awesome. What can you recommend for my boss?" He inquired while browsing the menu.

"We have a lot of specialties on each viand, beef, pork, seafood or vegetables. Which one is your boss's favorite?" I asked the man who stops from browsing and his eyes fixed on me.

"He loves meat." He answered, handing me the menu.

"I suggest you try giving your boss Beef Short Ribs with Mango BBq sauce. It's boneless and our chef uses Hanwoo beef. It has herbed vegetables on the side. It's really good." I smiled showing him the picture of the dish from the menu book.

"That sounds and looks good. Can I please have that for takeout?"

I write down his order on the slip before facing him again. "Aren't you going to eat here, sir?"

"Of course, I will." He said as he dictates to me his order.

"Right away sir. 15 to 20 minutes of serving time. If you need anything, just call me, my name is Jin, and I will be your server. Thank you." I smiled before turning my back away from the guy.

The whole time that he was there, he keeps on giving me glances. Based on the way he looks and talks, I am sure he is interested in me. Or I'm just assuming?

I am inside the kitchen when a co-server called me. Telling me that someone is looking for me and I'm not wrong, it was him.

"Hey, thank you for being an efficient server." He smiled at me giving me a tip that I gladly took. It's part of our job and I won't be a hypocrite, I badly need extra cash. With the problems where I am currently in the right now, I need this more than ever.

"You are most welcome sir and thank you for this. Please come back to our restaurant soon." I said professionally.

"I'm Min Yoongi by the way." He flashed his gummy smile once more. Min Yoongi, I heard that name before. I just can't remember where or when.

"Nice to have you in our restaurant, Mr. Min." I bowed at him.

"I'll have to go and see you soon." He smiled again before making his way out.

Jimin just arrived from a catering deal with a client. I waited until he is calm before showing him the letter that I prepared for Taehyung.

"This is so sweet. I'm pretty sure he will blush once he read this." Jimin clings to my arm. Something he often does. He looks at the dark weather outside. "I think it will rain later. I'm worried about you."

"It's only rain, Jimin. It's okay. I can always bring an umbrella. Don't worry, I'll make sure Taehyung will receive his food and the letter in good condition." I tried to make him feel better. He's been stressed lately and the only thing that I can do is to make him feel that he doesn't need to worry that much.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Jinnie. And I'm sorry again about the bike. Once I got the money I spent on the stove, I will buy you a new bike."

It's adorable to look at him as he speaks with a pout. "You don't have to. I need to go now to the kitchen. I will prepare the food I'm going to deliver today."

Jimin nods. I know that's exactly what he wanted me to do.

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