Chapter 1

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"So from now on, you'll be attending U.A. as a student in class 1-A," Aizawa-sensei rubs the back of his neck as he looks at Miyamoto Katsumi. "Luckily your scores were high enough you didn't have to take an actual exam, plus the recommendations from me and Principal Nezu didn't hurt either, I guess."

The silvery-blue haired girl gave Aizawa a soft look. She knew the written test was more of a formality than anything because of her situation. Still, she was beyond grateful for what they had done for her.

"Thank you, sensei. I-I promise I will work hard."

Aizawa studies her face before letting out a sigh. "You know you are going to have to find a way to use your quirk comfortably right? That's why Principal Nezu agreed to put you in 1-A, so I could look out for you. I know how you feel about your quirk too. It's not going to be easy."

He didn't want to lie to her. Aizawa wished he could guarantee a smooth, stress-free environment for her to learn and be comfortable at a slow pace. But he couldn't. He knew more than anyone how much work was required to be in the hero course.

But he also knew her quirk, if she could conquer her fear and hatred of it, would be an amazing quirk that would make her a wonderful and diverse hero.

Miyamoto uneasily nods her head at Aizawa.

Her silent acknowledgement was all he needed to see.

"Okay, good. You have your schedule already, and we will worry about the hero costume and things like that later. I think that's all. Do you have any questions for me?"

Miyamoto nervously fiddles her fingers together. "Um, you have any job recommendations for me? And, umm...maybe some cheap places to live around here?"

Aizawa blinks at her a couple of times before sighing. "I thought Principal Nezu had already told you."

Miyamoto looks at him with an eyebrow raised.

"We had already discussed your living arrangements for when you got here. I know you've been in a hospital for the past three months, but we didn't think it was safe to leave you out of our sight. And we sure as hell weren't going to send you to an orphanage," Aizawa gives her a soft smile. "There's a room here you can stay in. It's an open one right next to mine. You'll have your own space and some privacy, but I'll be there if you need anything. So you don't have to worry about room or board. It's all taken care of."

Miyamoto's eyes begin to water and she immediately bows her head to Aizawa, squeezing her eyes shut. "Th-Thank you so much. Please, if there's anything I can do to repay you for your kindness, please let me repay you!"

Aizawa gently puts a hand on her head, patting her softly. "The only repayment I request is for you to become the best hero you can possibly be."

Miyamoto's shoulders begin to shake as she cries, sniffling as she nods her head to her sensei.

"I promise I will!"


U.A. was huge. Much bigger than Miyamoto Katsumi originally anticipated. As she walked through the halls, she could already feel the anxiety building up through her stomach, twisting her insides into knots, gradually moving up into her esophagus where the feeling of nausea would eventually take over.

That's why she couldn't be more relieved to step inside class 1-A and see Aizawa-sensei at the podium, inside his yellow sleeping bag. He lazily looked over to meet her gaze before a quick nod of his head motioned for her to come over to him.

Miyamoto quickly glanced at the classroom, which already had a lot of students talking and messing around. She averted her eyes back to Aizawa as she walked up beside him.

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