Chapter 58

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Katsumi felt her heart beating hard against her chest as she opened up her door, stepping to the side so she could let Bakugo in. Bakugo merely gave her a small nod before he walked inside, and Katsumi took in a deep breath, letting it out as she steadied herself for the apology she was about to make. 

Katsumi closed the door, her eyes glued on her hands that were on the doorknob. Everything from today had caught up to her; not only was she exhausted physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

But she couldn't stop. Not without apologizing to him first.

Katsumi turned around, and before Bakugo could say anything to her or stop her from doing so, Katsumi dropped to the ground, her crutch discarded on the ground as she awkwardly bowed with her head to the ground as she faced Bakugo.

"I'm sorry!"

Katsumi, even with her eyes closed, could feel the tears slipping down her face. Her body shook, and the position she was in hurt her leg, but she didn't care. 

"I'm sorry, Katsuki. I'm so sorry. I shut you out, I lied to you, and I...I said such awful things to you. I yelled and caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry that I can't see the future, and I'm sorry for being such an awful person lately! I called you a liar and assumed things about you - and everyone else - because of my own self-hatred. I'm so sorry!"

Katsumi took in a breath after her rushed apology, about to say more when her breath caught in her throat and she hiccupped, beginning to cry. Her shoulders were shaking as she thought of everything she had said to him. Everything she assumed and forced on him because of how she saw herself. All her yelling and hatred that had been targeted at him for no reason other than her loathing for herself had no where else to go.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Katsumi felt a hand on her shoulder. Her head came off the ground a little at the contact, and Bakugo took that chance to move his hand from her shoulder to her chin, gently making Katsumi look up at him.

"Raise your head, Katsumi."

Bakugo's voice was quite calm, despite the multiple emotions Katsumi was able to determine in his eyes. 

Katsumi said nothing as Bakugo helped her off the ground, being gentle as he guided Katsumi back to her feet. 

As she stood, Bakugo held both of her hands in his. With tears staining her face, Katsumi looked into Bakugo's eyes. He studied her face for a moment before a small smile came to his face.

He stepped forward, dropping her hands as he wrapped both of his arms around Katsumi, holding her as tight as he could. 

The fact that he hadn't said anything else, instead willingly hugged her and held her close, made Katsumi begin to cry harder. She put her arms around him, her hands fisting his shirt as she buried her head into his chest.

"I'm...I'm so sorry, Katsuki. For everything."

Bakugo let out a relieved sigh, relaxing as he held Katsumi. One hand went to the back of her head, pulling her in even closer as the smile on his face grew.

"Welcome back, Katsumi," he murmured. "I've missed you."

Midnight's conversation with Katsumi flashed through her mind and Katsumi squeezed her eyes shut.

"I'm home," she cried. "I'm back home."

"Yeah," Bakugo stroked Katsumi's hair in a reassuring manner. "You are."

He let Katsumi cry against him for a few more minutes, allowing her to calm herself back down before she pulled away to look at him in the face. Bakugo felt slightly worried with how swollen and red her eyes were; he could only imagine how much she had cried today. But beyond the tear-stained eyes, he could see the shimmer of the Katsumi he knew and loved.

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