Chapter 63

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Katsumi was pulled into a hug by Bakugo after what she had said.

The actions surprised her, knowing he was more of a private person with his affection. But at the moment he didn't seem to care.

"I'm glad," he murmurs. "Because even though I will, I don't want to have to do that again."

Katsumi breathes out through her nose, relaxing into his arms, her head resting on his chest. She almost forgot how comforting those around her truly were, how much they loved her, and how much she loved them.

She wanted this. This part of life, forever. Even though realistically, she knows now more than ever these good moments aren't constant, and there are bad moments and bad times in life, but continuing to live to experience all the good...

It was worth it.

"Looks like Bakugo here is getting a little too comfortable out here."

Both of them jump at the mocking voice, turning to see Kaminari and Kirishima with grins on their faces. Bakugo immediately turns to them, his face scrunched with false anger.


Katsumi smiles as she watches Bakugo yell at Kaminari for what he said, the feeling of warmth spreading through her body.

"Come on, you two," Kirishima interrupted the two blondes. "We're all wanting to open up presents. Me and Kaminari are gonna pass them out."

He turns to Katsumi and motions towards the couch. "Go sit down. We'll get them all sorted."

She nods, and her and Bakugo head towards the couch. The two find a spot to sit by each other, and Katsumi looks around at her classmates. Everyone is laughing, talking with each other. Some were still eating and others were passing out drinks.

Katsumi didn't know if it was the atmosphere created by the Christmas decorations or the genuine warmth of the people around her, but she found herself tearing up out of joy. 

"Oi, what's wrong?" Bakugo's concerned voice makes her turn her head, seeing his worried face staring. "Why are you about to cry?"

Katsumi opens her mouth to answer and finds that she can't say anything just yet. Instead, she lets out a breath, closing her mouth before looking him in the eye, a sincere smile coming to her lips. 

Bakugo understood the nonverbal cue, his body relaxing as he figured out she wasn't sad. Bakugo puts his arm around Katsumi's shoulders, bringing her in close to his side. Katsumi's eyes widen at the - again - outward expression of affection, but she doesn't complain. It was nice to be close to him.

"Enjoy it," Bakugo whispers. "Soak it all in, Katsumi."

Even though her eyes were watery, Katsumi nods her head, quickly wiping her eyes so she could watch everything in front of her.

As Kirishima and Kaminari, who were soon joined by Iida and Sato to help pass out presents, Katsumi finds herself with a quiet smile on her lips, her head resting against Bakugo. She pulls her legs up underneath her to better snuggle up against him, her bright eyes taking in every single part of her surroundings as the magical day continued to unfold.

She heard Bakugo let out an amused huff. "Sure are getting comfortable there, Runt."

Katsumi glanced up to make sure she hadn't overstepped, but when she saw the coy smile on his face, she relaxed, continuing her absorption of what she knew would be one of her most memorable days.

She got a present handed to her and she couldn't help but smile wider. It was exciting and humbling to receive an unknown gift from a friend.

Katsumi watched as more presents got passed out, everyone being patient and excitedly talking with each other as they waited for the moment they could all open their gifts.

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