Chapter 41

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Sero and Kyoka stared at Katsumi with wide eyes. Her short, abbreviated story had their minds reeling. They felt terribly sorry for their friend and classmate.

Katsumi had only told them the basics; just as much as she told Mina. But even as shocked as they had been when she told them, the two couldn't help but be impressed by her quirk. 

Despite all the thoughts, feelings, and questions running through their minds, they couldn't seem to say anything to her. 

Until Kyoka slapped her hands against her face, catching the attention of everyone sitting on the couches. She stood up, shaking her head as she walked over to Katsumi. Kyoka leaned over and wrapped her arms around Katsumi, still unsure of what to say, but compelled to say something.

"I'm sorry. I don't understand everything, but from now on, we'll be right by your side. You don't have to hide your battles from us anymore. Not us, at least."

Katsumi felt a tug at her heart because of Kyoka's words, and wrapped her arms back around the talented female. Sero was quick to come over as well, ignoring an uncomfortable grunt he received from Bakugo at the lack of space for all of them. He hugged his friend, a smile finally coming to his face.

"Well, that makes a whole lot of things make sense. I can actually understand you now, Miyamoto. But no matter what your quirk is or who's after you, you're still you. And you're my friend - all of us - our friend. That's all that matters."

"Thank you, both of you," Katsumi smiled. "It does make me happy to know I have so many wonderful friends who would stay by my side."

"Good, we're all buddy-buddy now," Bakugo groaned. "Now GET OFF, Tape Face."

Sero had practically been sitting on top of Bakugo, and was promptly thrown to the ground. Kyoka laughed at the dark haired boy, who whined as he rubbed the back of his head. She was the next one to get off, teasing Bakugo about others being too close to Katsumi.

Bakugo's response, of course, was a threat that seemed to mean nothing to Kyoka, who walked back over to where she was previously sitting with a smirk on her lips.

Before Bakugo could continue his verbal assault, Kaminari came back to the couches, happily carrying a whole cake in his hands.

"I snagged it from Sato!"

Katsumi couldn't help the smile on her face as Kaminari set the cake down on the table in front of her. It looked so good. Kaminari gave Katsumi a thumbs up, winking at her.

"Told you I'd get you some cake."

Katsumi clapped her hands together, her eyes shining. "Thank you!"

Everyone stared at Katsumi for a moment, seeming to relish in her happiness. Mina smiled and looked to Kaminari.

"Well what are you waiting for?! Let's eat some cake!"

From there, the cake was cut into sliced into eight pieces and handed out. Everyone was enjoying the cake, and more conversations, a lot lighter than the one they had previously had, started flowing through their group.

The one slice of cake left sat forgotten for the time being as the group joked around and gobbled up their cakes. Bakugo kept glancing over at Katsumi, fighting the smile that wanted to come to his face. 

The smile hadn't left her face.

Katsumi was so genuinely happy to be around friends who accepted her, wanted to be there to fight for her and protect her, and above all, who didn't treat her different because of who she was. It was more than she would have ever hoped for when she first walked into U.A.

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