Chapter 36

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The next day, Katsumi felt much calmer and more focused in classes. The previous night, after retiring to her room, she was able to concentrate on what Bakugo was talking about and try to apply it to the thoughts that ran through her mind.

After a study session and a good night's rest, Katsumi felt rather normal.

Which is why she gave Bakugo a huge smile when he walked into the classroom. She was grateful for his assistance in the matter, though it still felt a little awkward to thank him for it. The more she thought on Mina's words, the more she realized conversations like that stopped coming as natural to her. She felt more awkward, a little more shy, and self-conscious about what Bakugo was thinking.

But even still, she was so glad they were able to talk, despite all their awkwardness at times.

Bakugo seemed to be excited to get back to class, even though his way of showing excitement was through him yelling and by odd gestures to his fellow classmates who welcomes him back. It was nice to see him acting normally.

The day went by smoothly, and as Aizawa encouraged everyone to look into work studies, Katsumi felt at a loss. She didn't really have a true internship, just spent time training with the teachers. She was never recommended or asked for because of her performance at the Sports Festival, or rather lack there of. 

But as she was leaving the classroom, Aizawa called her back. 

"You seem good today," Aizawa noted. He eyed her a little suspiciously, but continued on when she gave him a smile. "I wanted to talk to you about work studies."

Katsumi perked up. "Oh, okay."

"Realistically, you don't have a lot of options because of everything that's happened," Aizawa bluntly put reality on her. Katsumi slumped down, figuring as much. "But there are a couple of possibilities."

She looked up at Aizawa with wide eyes. "Really?"

He nodded. "But that mainly depends on you, Katsumi. There's a major question you'll need to answer before you can consider moving forward."

Katsumi furrowed her eyebrows down, but remained quiet so he could ask her.

"What type of hero do you want to be?"

Katsumi felt like a brick wall just appeared in front of her and blocked her path. 


"What kind of hero do you want to be, Katsumi? The type of hero you strive to be will majorly effect the work studies you should be looking for."

Katsumi was stumped. She thought it was enough to be a good hero and strive to be one. But there was more. A type of self-awareness and proclamation she hadn't thought about making.

"What type of hero I want to be..." she murmured. "I want to help others."

"So does every hero." Aizawa pointed out, but his voice wasn't harsh. He knew Katsumi had indeed been progressing and striving for being a good hero, but he wanted her to find her own identity and purpose as a hero. Her own individual goal for who she wanted to become.

"Can I think about it tonight?" Katsumi asked. Aizawa nodded.

"I'll need an answer soon so we can start looking. I'll help you as much as I can."

Katsumi smiled. "Thank you, Dad. I really...really can't explain how much I appreciate you."

Aizawa gave her a small smile and patted her head, motioning for her to go. Katsumi bid him a quick farewell before she left, walking towards the dorm with her eyebrows creased.

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