Chapter 34

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When Katsumi woke up the next morning, she was alone. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and sat up, looking around her room. Bakugo was gone.

Not concerned with his disappearance because she assumed he woke up before her and left, Katsumi got dressed for the day and readied herself to go out.

When she left her room, she was surprised to see a lot of her classmates gathered near Bakugo and Deku, who

"No way, you two fought?" Mina asked. Katsumi's eyes widened. That's what happened?

She quickly made her way over to see them all teasing the two boys for being placed under house arrest. She saw Iida and Ochaco talking to Deku after the situation was explained, and she made her way over to Bakugo, who was quaking with irritation.

Something was different about him this morning. He seemed back to normal...but more mature, in a way. Like something big happened last night for him.

"You fought with Midoriya?" Katsumi asked and Bakugo cringed at the sound of her voice. He turned around to face her, his eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, so what? It's not a big deal."

Katsumi frowned. Upon seeing her expression, Bakugo lifted up his hands, less composed than he previously was.

"It was just a fight! I'm fine! I won anyways. Jeez, you look so worried for no reason. Cut it out, idiot!"

A soft smile came to Katsumi's face.

"I'm glad," she whispered, catching Bakugo off-guard. Her eyes shone as she looked at him. It may not be obvious to others, but to her it was. Something had changed. "Everything seems to be just fine now."

Bakugo frowned a little, realizing she wasn't necessarily talking about his fight with Midoriya. The two never really talked yesterday, and after his conversation with Midoriya last night, Bakugo was left with nothing but a lot of thoughts. It didn't escape Katsumi, apparently.

"It is," he confirmed. "By the way, congrats on getting your license. You worked hard on it."

Katsumi's eyes widened. "Oh, thank you!"

She gave Bakugo a small bow before standing straight again. "Thank you for everything. I would've never gotten so far without you. It's thanks to you I'm here."

An embarrassed scowl came to Bakugo's face and he huffed, grumbling under his breath as he turned away.

As he kept cleaning, Katsumi was about to excuse herself when she heard him mumble something to her.

"I'm keeping yet another secret now. One I can't tell anyone."

Surprise echoed on Katsumi's face when she realized he must be talking about Midoriya. Her eyes glanced briefly to the green-haired boy, who was finishing his conversation with Iida, before she looked back at Bakugo.

"I see..." She murmured. "I'm sorry I'm part of your burden."

"Dumbass," Bakugo grunted. "I never said you were a burden."

Katsumi cringed, but recovered as she played with her hands. "If he told you a secret like must mean he trusts you a lot and respects you just as much. That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Bakugo seemed to think about what she said and she saw him nod his head. "Yeah, I guess."

"You're such a strong and trustworthy person, Katsuki."

Bakugo turned around with a glare, his cheeks flushed. "What's with all the sudden praise, Runt? You still asleep?"

Katsumi shook her head with a smile. "No, but I did sleep really good."

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