Chapter 37

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Katsumi opened her eyes slowly. Her head was pounding and she felt like she couldn't move her head at all.

She blinked a couple of times to focus on where she was. Unfortunately, the room was painfully familiar: she was in the infirmary. Katsumi never thought she would end up so acquainted with this particular room.

Katsumi turned her head slowly, seeing Aizawa standing near the door with his arms crossed. He was talking with Bakugo, who had a bandage wrapped around his head.

She furrowed her eyebrows down, confused as to why he got hurt. It only took her a moment before the previous events flooded her mind and her eyes got wide.

Katsumi shot up in bed, instantly regretting the decision as she let out a groan, holding her head with her hands. She could feel a bandage around her head as well. That's right; Bakugo had headbutted her to snap Katsumi out of her father's quirk.


When she looked back up with a wince, both Aizawa and Bakugo were by her bedside. A frown came to her face as she looked down at her hands, which were now folded in her lap.

"I'm so-"

"I swear if you apologize I'm headbutting you again."

Katsumi looked at Bakugo with wide eyes. He was being completely serious. Aizawa crossed his arms with a sigh.

"I won't let him do that again, but I do agree. You're not at fault in this at all."

Katsumi opened her mouth to disagree, but by the looks on both of their faces, she thought better of it. This was an argument she knew she wouldn't win. And she had too big of a headache to try to prove her point.

"Are you hurt?" Katsumi's question was directed to Bakugo. He shook his head.

"No, I'm wearing this for fun," he drawled. At the sad frown that appeared on Katsumi's face, he let out a huff. "I'm fine! Seriously, it's nothing."

"Recovery Girl healed majority of his injury. The bandage is precautionary just until it completely heals. Same goes for you." Aizawa informed. Katsumi nodded to him, thinking for a few moments before she let out a sigh.

"You don't have a headache, do you?"

Bakugo moved his head to say 'no'. Katsumi gave them a strangled smile. "I figured as much...this pain is the recoil from his quirk after all. Strange, I thought I would've forgotten what it felt like."

Her comment left silence in the room. She stared down at her hands, her mind muddled over what had happened. It would be a lie if she said she wasn't terrified, but there was another emotion that was starting to bubble up inside her body. An emotion she still wasn't used to experiencing.

Bakugo frowned, looking from her to Aizawa. He wasn't sure if he should be the first one to speak about what happened. Aizawa gave Bakugo a small nod before he stepped up and placed a hand on Katsumi's head.

"It's going to be okay," he assured. "Those two are long gone by now. They won't try an attempt like that again. It was a risky chance they could only take once. And they failed. They won't try it again."

"But they won't stop," Katsumi murmured. "Not until they get what they want."

"We aren't going to let them have you," Bakugo huffed. "No matter what."

Katsumi clutched the bedsheets and clenched her jaw. She recognized this feeling. She'd only had it a few times in her life, but when it came to her parents and the situation from her past, this is the first time she had ever felt this way towards what they do.

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