Chapter 16

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The rest of the day had passed, and as the last bell rang, Miyamoto packed up her things, preparing to head back up to her room. She carefully placed her bag over her shoulders before she stood, walking out of the classroom.

To her surprise, Bakugo was standing out there with his hands in his pockets, waiting for her. He jerked his head towards the direction everyone else was walking.

"Come on," he said. "My mom invited you to dinner."

Miyamoto's face scrunched in surprise, following Bakugo through the hallways. "But...I didn't tell Aizawa."

"I already asked," Bakugo muttered. "He said you could use a good interaction like that as long as you're back before its too dark."

"Oh," Miyamoto thought of her guardian fondly. "I'll make sure to thank her."

"She hasn't shut up about you since last time." Bakugo seemed increasingly irritated at that and Miyamoto raised an eyebrow at him.

"Huh? Why?"

Bakugo's eyes cut to her, his anger beginning to bubble. "Because she's making such a big deal about us being friends! She can't imagine that we could be such good friends."

Miyamoto frowned. "Is it because of me?"

"No!" Bakugo scoffed. "It's because of me."

"But you're really nice," Miyamoto defended. "Surely your mom knows that best!"

"Most people don't think I'm nice. And I'm not."

Miyamoto huffed at him. "Don't talk like that!"

Her direct response made him turn to her, about to fire off a sarcastic response when he saw the angry expression on Miyamoto's face.

"You're not a bad person!" Miyamoto affirmed. "You're one of the kindest people I've ever known. You listen to me, understand how others are feeling - even if you don't let on that you do - and you always push people to do better. Anyone who knows you well enough should be able to see that!"

Miyamoto let out another huff, her bottom lip pouting as she looked forward. It was quite the cute expression; one Bakugo had never seen Miyamoto sport before. 

He turned his face from her with a laugh, using his hand to cover his mouth. "I don't think it's anything you should get upset over."

"You get upset when I talk negatively about myself," Miyamoto called him out. "It's the same thing. I care about you."

As the two left U.A.'s premises, Bakugo visibly relaxed and let out a chuckle. "I suppose you're right. My bad."

Miyamoto looked pleased at his response, looking back up at him. Bakugo grinned at her and put a hand on her head, ruffling her hair.

"Don't get so happy, Runt."


Miyamoto kept walking, but she was thinking about his words intensely. Bakugo watched as Miyamoto's lips curved down in thought.

"You don't know if you've ever been happy, do you?"

She flinched a little at the brutally honest question, but she nodded her head to him. "I haven't really thought about it. I mean, I was thankful to be saved, just felt like fear and uncertainty ever since."

"Ever laugh before?" Bakugo didn't know if he wanted to hear the answer, even though he was 90% sure he already knew what it was.

Miyamoto shook her head. "I've heard others laugh. But I haven't felt the need to before, I guess."

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