Chapter 9

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"No," Miyamoto quivered. "Please, please stop."

A tall man with an incision knife stepped up to her; his face was expressionless, except for the cold, hellish smile on his face. 

"Just sit back, pet," he snarled. "We're getting close to seeing some results."

Miyamoto let out a scream as she struggled against the bonds that trapped her to the chair. The scientist paid her pleas no mind, gripped her arm tight, his quirk rendering her silent before he placed the knife against her forearm.

Tears. Blood. Begging for relief. 

And then nothing.

Miyamoto woke up in a cold sweat, her eyes wide and her breathing labored. Her eyes darted back and forth before she spotted a tray of food on her bedside table. With a frown, she sat up, looking around the room to try to remember where she was. 

There was a brief moment of panic as she saw what resembled some sort of hospital room, her mind flashing back to the nightmare she had just had, but that fear was quelled the moment she laid eyes on Recovery Girl. A sweet smile was rested on the old woman's face.

"I'd really like to not see you in here as much, Miyamoto. Especially since you're not physically injured."

Miyamoto looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry."

"Eat up," Recovery Girl ordered. "Once you eat, you can leave. You slept for four hours, so you should be fine. But make sure you actually go to sleep tonight. And this counts as your lunch, by the way. You have to eat dinner too."

"Y-yes ma'am," Miyamoto resigned and picked up the tray. A thought crossed her mind and her eyes got wide. "W-who brought me here?"

Recovery Girl gave her a look. "Bakugo did. And Aizawa was here with him. Classes should be over soon, and I've asked that they wait so you can face them properly. They'll be in your class when you're ready."

Miyamoto nodded her head and silently ate her food. The first time this had happened at U.A. was two days after she was released from the hospital. She was panicking about starting classes, and ended up not eating or sleeping for two days straight, and her fear ended up backfiring on her and making her pass out. 

It happened more often in the hospital. Because she was scared and didn't know anyone, Miyamoto would panic nearly every time someone walked into the room. She didn't accept food from the nurses and she wouldn't sleep, terrified one of the scientists would come in and take her back. 

Aizawa had been the first one to coax her into eating food, and All Might comforted her enough to help her feel safe enough to sleep for the first time. Once they earned her trust, she would accept food they brought in and sleep more soundly if one of them was close by. 

It got better over time, but years of self-abuse with the ones who tortured her wasn't going to disappear so soon. For Miyamoto, the times she passed out from lack of sleep/eating was joy for her back then; it meant she couldn't hear or feel the pain they put her through. 

Miyamoto had to remind herself that her circumstances were different now. She had to take care of herself; no one was going to hurt her. It was a really big change of mindset that she was still trying to get used to. 

The attack on USJ was a sharp relapse. It turned her mindset around faster than she thought. It was really lucky Bakugo was with her when she fainted; otherwise she could've hit her head or just laid in a hallway for who knew how long.

She finished her food and thanked Recovery Girl for her help. Miyamoto figured she had done some sort of healing on her body to help her recover some of her rest. 

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